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Parts that are in dark purple have pictures and are below the scene.
Wesley/Fred parts of scenes are italicized, and important specific lines or quotes that show the 'love' are
bolded as well.

Open on a shot of L.A., day. Pan across the skyline. Cut to exterior of the Hyperion. Cut to inside. Pan up to the second-level balcony. Shot down a hallway. At the other end, a head peeks around the corner.

Cut to closer shot of Fred looking nervously down the hall. Sound of a gate opening.
Cut to closer shot of Fred looking nervously down the hall.

CORDELIA: (O.S.) I understand people who drink too much...

Fred looks alarmed, pulls back the way she came.

Cut to downstairs, exterior courtyard. Cordy, Gunn, and Wesley enter from outside.

CORDELIA: I understand people who leave a little note on the parking meter that says it's broken when it's not. I don't understand people who worship demons.

GUNN: Yeah, especially a lur-ite demon. The stink on that thing. You a prince of the underworld, bro, take a jacuzzi once in a while.

Cordy laughs. They enter the lobby and we see they are dirty and rumpled from fighting.

WESLEY: It's sad. The only way some people can find a purpose in life is by become obsessed with demons.

Cordy sits on the sofa as Gunn opens the weapons cabinet and Wesley puts down a bag. Gunn gives Wesley a rag and they both begin cleaning their weapons.

WESLEY: By the way, Gunn, technically that wasn't a lur-ite, it was a mur-ite. A subspecies of the lur-ite. The male sports a small telltale fin just behind the third shoulder. (points to his shoulder)

GUNN: Sure glad to know we're not the sad people obsessed with demons.

Cordy takes out a small mirror and checks her hair.

WESLEY: Well, we have to be a little obsessed, we're detectives who specialize in these things.

CORDELIA: (still looking in mirror and playing with her hair) But ... we're not sad.

WESLEY: (putting away weapon in the cabinet) No, no, we're a happy and rambunctious lot if I ever saw one.

Gunn gives him a skeptical look.

WESLEY: Not going to humor me even a little, are you.


Cordy lies down on the sofa and stretches out.

WESLEY: I realize we sacrifice a great deal of our ... social lives, but we have to. Work demands it.

GUNN: True. I mean, who's got time for love when you're out there doin' it with the demons? (Wesley gives him a look) Didn't that come out sad and wrong.

CORDELIA: Yeah. (Wesley resumes cleaning weapons)

GUNN: I need to get out more. Speaking of, anybody talk to Fred lately? (both he and Wes look up at balcony )

CORDELIA: Not talk. Glimpsed. She pokes her head out of her room once in a while.

Gunn sits on the stairs, removes his jacket.

WESLEY: Nice girl.

CORDELIA: Nice, but not making the giant strides towards mental health. (sits up) She's been hibernating up there for three months now.

WESLEY: Ever since Angel went away. She's become quite attached to him.

GUNN: Angel groupie. I get that. He rescued her from Pylea.

CORDELIA: (sighs) I miss Pylea.

WESLEY: I would think you might. You were there a week, they made you queen. (Cordy smiles nostalgically) Fred was there five years, she was a slave, a runaway ... (leans against the counter) ...they nearly chopped her head off. (looks up at the balcony) All those years she spend hiding out alone in that cave.
(looks up at the balcony)

GUNN: She survived. Girl's strong.

CORDELIA: Girl's trading one cave for another. How strong is that?

That Vision-Thing

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