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That Vision-Thing

Parts that are in dark purple have pictures and are below the scene.
Wesley/Fred parts of scenes are italicized, and important specific lines or quotes that show the 'love' are
boldedas well .

Wes and Gunn are standing at the counter of the Hyperion, eating Chinese take-out right out of the boxes with chopsticks.

Wes: "No, Gunn, you misunderstand. - I mean - I'm not saying that we act differently. I just think we should be gentle in our inter... (sees Cordy coming in) Evening, Cordy."

Gunn waves at her with his chopsticks and gives her a big smile: "Hey, Cordelia."

Cordy looks at them as she walks by.

Gunn to Wes: "How was that?"

Wesley: "I felt quite genuine."

Fred: "B plus. C minus."

Gunn and Wes turn to look at Fred, who is sitting cross-legged under the folding table the gang put up for Angel as a desk last season with her own box of Chinese takeout.

Fred: "A girl can tell."

Wesley: "Fred - if you feel comfortable enough grading our sincerity (crouches down in front of the table) how about joining us for the rest of the meal? - Isn't that the point of coming downstairs?"
(crouches down in front of the table)

Fred swallows hard : "I guess that'd be okay."

Fred crawls out from under the table and Wes helps her up.   She joins them at the counter, picking at the food in her box with her fingers.
 Fred crawls out from under the table and Wes helps her up. Fred crawls out from under the table and joins them at the counter, picking at the food in her box with her fingers.

Gunn: "Ah, I-I don't mean to rush you back into the twenty first century, but how about using some chopsticks. Or a fork, may be.
(Picks up a fork and offers it to her) You remember forks, don't you?"

Fred takes it: "Sure. Who could forget? Fork, pitch fork, fork it over, fork in the road - one I'm not ready to take yet."

Cordy walks back through the lobby.

Wesley: "Hello again."

Gunn: "Nice day."

Cordy: "I know what you're doing."

Gunn: "You do?"

Fred: "Told you."

Cordy: "You're being all fake nice and super-sensitive like 'poor Cordelia, she's on edge, because she hasn't had a vision in while.' Well, I have information for you. I look forward to my next vision."
Wesley and Fred

Wesley: "You do?"

Cordy: "Well, why shouldn't I? I mean, the Powers That Be have seen fit to choose me - who am I to refuse?"

Fred: "Great. How about if you use that vision thing to find out where Angel's at right now."

Cordy: "Cause I don't care?"

Gunn: "Ah, what Cordelia means is that she doesn't choose to have a vision. The Powers send them to her when they got info to share."

Wesley: "Think of them as gifts."

Cordy: "Yes, having-my-head torn-open-and-hot-lava-poured-into-my-skull gifts."

Fred looks from Cordy to Wes and Gunn.

Park: "Excuse me."

They all turn as Gavin Park walks into the lobby carrying his briefcase.

Cordy: "Oh. Hi. I'm sorry I didn't hear you sneak up on us. (Looks down at his shoes) Must be those tastefully expensive Gucci Loafers. Totally our fault."

Wesley: "He's not a client. He's Gavin Park, attorney with Wolfram and Hart."

Park: "Pleased to meet you. (Sees Fred) New player?"

Wes walks over to stand in front of Gavin, blocking his view of Fred.
 Wes walks over to stand in front of Gavin, blocking his view of Fred.

Wesley: "Well, now that we've had this lovely reintroduction - I suggest you piss off."

Angel walking in: "Is there a problem?"

Wesley: "No, no problem. Mr. Park was just leaving."

Park: "No. Actually, I just arrived. (Pulls out some papers) This is a list of fifty-seven city code violations for your hotel, including earthquake proofing, asbestos and termites. (Tosses the papers on a chair) Be advised I filed a copy of this with the city planning office."

Angel: "Gee, fifty-seven - is that a lot?"

Park after a moment: "I'll be in touch."

Park walks up the stairs to leave.

Wes is standing in front of a table loaded down with books. Fred is pacing behind him reading a thick phone book.
Wes is standing in front of a table loaded down with books. Fred is pacing behind him reading a thick phone book. Wes is standing in front of a table loaded down with books. Fred is pacing behind him reading a thick phone book.

Wesley: "Anything of interest yet, Fred?"

Fred: "Oh, sure. Lots. 'H' is a fascinating letter. Helicopters, helium, helmets, hernias...'

Wesley: "Did you happen to notice 'herbs' in your wanderings?"

Fred with a big grin: "I did. (Wes just looks at her) Oh, right. There are, ah, lets see... five herbalist shops in Chinatown."

Angel comes walking in.

Angel: "We got a name or face for these things yet?"

Wesley: "Circling. I think we might be looking either at a Wan Shan Dhole or a Cantonese Fook-beast."

Wesley: "Why would the Powers choose to communicate with Cordy in this way?"
Wesley: "Why would the Powers choose to communicate with Cordy in this way?"

Fred: "Maybe we could ask them. (Everyone turns to look at her) Y-you used the word 'communicate' which got me thinking - everything's made of energy, right? Light waves, radio waves, x-rays, even brain waves are all electric energy. If Cordelia is receiving visions from the Powers That Be they're being communicated somehow. Maybe we could figure out the frequency and trace the calls."

Wesley: "Yes. Of course. Well done, Fred. - Gunn, I need you and Fred to go to the hotel and get me some books. I'll make a list. We need to research that Chinese coin. Angel, you find that demon and get the key."

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