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Parts that are in dark purple have pictures and are below the scene.
Wesley/Fred parts of scenes are italicized, and important specific lines or quotes that show the 'love' are
bolded as well.

Cordy walks towards the stairs, one hand pressed against the small of her back.

Cordy: "Hey, Fred."

Fred: "Hey! - Kye-rumption."

Cordy walking up the stairs: "Well - back at you."

Angel: "What did you say?"

Fred: "Kye-rumption. It's the one nice word I remember from the Pylean hell dimension."

Angel: "What's it mean?"

Fred: "It's when two great heroes meet on the field of battle and recognize their mutual fate. It's also a kind of grog made out of the ox dung but that's archaic."

Angel: "Oh, ah, that's interesting."

Fred: "When I see you and Cordelia sparring Kye-rumption always comes to mind."

Angel after a beat: "Me and Cordelia."

Fred: "I know. She's such a hero, with the visions and the courage. It's only natural that you and she would be drawn to one another. - Oh! Plastic flowers! (Hurries over to one of the vases) My favorite! They never fade, you know."

Angel: "Oh, whoa, wait a minute. There's nothing going on between me and Cordelia."

Fred: "Nothing but Moira."

Angel: "Who's Moira?"

Fred: "Moira is the gut physical attraction between two larger than life souls."

Angel: "Ha. No, there is no attraction. Cordelia is a friend. Someone I work with. That's all."

Fred grinning: "See? You're being chivalrous. Because you 're a hero, just like her. You got Kye-rumption!"

Angel: "Stop using that word!"

Wes: "What's going on down here?"

Angel: "Nothing."

Wes: "I believe Fred's been through enough recently without people shouting at her."
Wes: "What is going on down here?"

Fred: "He didn't mean anything by it."

Wes just stands there, looking at the floor.

Angel: "Is there something you wanted?"

Wes: "Yes. (Looks at Fred) Gunn and I were hoping you could give us a hand with the Nyazian Prohecies. We need someone who can do the math."

Fred: "Sure!"

Fred starts up the stairs.


Gunn is throwing darts at a board in the office at the Hyperion. Wes is sitting at the desk, writing. Fred is sitting beside him, working on the laptop. Cordy is at her own desk.

Gunn: "So, how are you doing there, Fred?"

Fred: "Oh, it's a simple equation, really. The ancient Roman calendar has fourteen hundred and sixty-four days in a four-year cycle. The Etruscan, Sumerian, and Druidian each have their own cycles. You work forward from the presumed day of the prophecy under each calendar, factoring in our own three hundred and sixty-five day calendar and accounting for a three day discrepancy for every four years and..."
Fred: "Oh, it's a simple equation, really. The ancient Roman calendar has fourteen hundred and sixty-four days in a four-year cycle. The Etruscan, Sumerian, and Druidian each have their own cycles. You work forward from the presumed day of the prophecy under each calendar, factoring in our own three hundred and sixty-five day calendar and accounting for a three day discrepancy for every four years and..."

Angel walks into the lobby, he sees Cordy sitting at her desk and stops before anyone notices he's there.

Fred: "Oh. - That can't be right. - Unless the world ended last March."

Gunn: "So, are we talking Armageddon - or bad house number? (Sits down in the chair in front of Wes desk) Is it a bad event - or a bad guy?"

Wes: "It's not clear on that. It predicts the arrival or arising of the Tro-clan, the person or being that brings about the ruination of mankind."

Gunn: "So it's a two for one. Isn't that nice."

Wes: "And I'm not sure on the translation. Ruination may in fact mean purification."

Gunn: "Purification? So this Tro-clan is a good thing?"

Wes: "I doubt that. But it's purification in Aramaic, ruination in ancient Greek and in the lost Ga-shundi language it means both."

Cordy: "And you don't want to make the same mistake twice."

Cordy looks up from her desk at Wes, who looks down at his papers.

Wes: "No."

Fred: "What mistake?"

Wes: "There was another prophecy a while back. It seemed to be about Angel and contained the word 'Shanshu' which I thought meant to die and I - sort of told Angel..."

Cordy: "...that we was going to die."

Fred: "Oh, no."

Wes: "Then I found out it also meant to live. It meant to die and to live."

Fred: "So - which is it?"

Wes: "Both. In his case it meant that some day the vampire in him might die, but the human in him might live."

Angel is standing at a corner in the lobby, listening.

Fred: "That he would be like a normal man?"

Angel slowly lifts his head and looks at Cordy working at her desk.

Wes: "Yes."

Fred: "Wow. What would we do if that happened?"

Cordy: "I'd buy him some plaid shirts and take him to the beach. The boy needs some color."

Fred goes back to typing on the laptop.

Fred: "There. That came out better. - Oh. No it didn't. It's still very preliminary, but - if these calculations are correct, this bad thing should already be here. (Looks around) Well, I-I guess not right here, but - here in LA."

Wes checks on Fred's calculations

Angel walks into the reception area and sits down.

Fred: "Let me run these numbers again."


Cordy leads Darla over to the round settee, then looks back at the others.

Cordy: "Can we get her some water?"

Fred turns to go get it.

Angel: "Cordy that's *Darla.* Maybe you don't want to..."

Cordy: "Did you or did you not look me in the eye and say that you would *never* do a thing like this with her?"

Darla: "Oh, he lied? What a surprise."

Fred carrying a glass of water: "Hi. I'm Fred. Is water okay, or did you want some blood?"

Darla takes the water as Wes gently pulls Fred back away from Darla.
Fred carrying a glass of water: "Hi. I'm Fred. Is water okay, or did you want some blood?"

Angel: "This is impossible."

Darla: "Tell me about it - daddy!"

Cordy: "You slept with her?"

Angel: "Vampires can't have children. Wesley?"

Wes: "Ah, no, he's right. It's not possible."

Cordy: "That's not what I asked."

Darla: "You know we can't. I know we can't. But - we did."

Fred: "I wonder if this might not be that bad thing we were expecting."

Darla: "What did you do to me?"  (Fred looks at Wes)

(Fred looks at Wes)


Angel is arming himself from the weapons cabinet.

Wes: "I'm not speaking to you as the boss, because I know you wouldn't listen, but you shouldn't do this alone."
Wes: "I'm not speaking to you as the boss, because I know you wouldn't listen, but you shouldn't do this alone."

Angel: "I *have* to do this alone."

Wes: "Angel, a normal vampire is strong, and Darla wasn't normal before this. She took down the host, Gunn, and me without even breaking stride. She's stronger than all of us right now, including you, because of what's in her."

Angel: "I know. I put it there."

Angel turns away and hurries out.

Wes: "Why does he think he has to do everything alone?"

Fred: "I think he just can't bear to have us see him do it."

Wes: "Kill Darla? She did try to kill Cordy - and she's a vampire."

Fred: "Who is carrying his child. The one thing he can never have, even if he lives forever."


Cordy is pacing in Wes' office.

Cordy: "It was a dream, but - it was more like a vision."

Wes: "About what?"

Cordy: "About what's inside Darla. (Sits down) This Tro-clan thing - the prophecies say that it will be born - or it will arise?"

Wes: "It says both. The middle English eyrizan and the Gothic urreisan, both mean to appear, to spring up."

Fred: "Angel's not answering his phone. Should I leave a message on his voice mail?"

Cordy: "He doesn't know how to use his voice mail. Just try his pager."

Wes: "There is also a reference to the Tro-clan being boren, which is pretty plain middle English for being born, to bear."
Wes: "There is also a reference to the Tro-clan being boren, which is pretty plain middle English for being born, to bear."

We hear a pager go off. Gunn checks his belt, then gets up and walks over and pulls Angel's pager out of the pocket of the coat hanging in the corner of Wes' office.

Gunn: "Well, we found Angel's beeper."

Wes: "What is it, Cordy? What is the vision trying to tell you?"

Cordy: "I think they're trying to tell me *why* Darla is craving younger victims."

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