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Parts that are in dark purple have pictures and are below the scene.
Wesley/Fred parts of scenes are italicized, and important specific lines or quotes that show the 'love' are
bolded as well.

Gunn walks in carrying a loaded crossbow, followed by Wes, Fred and Cordy.

Wes: "Sorry to intrude. We had a bit of a breakthrough with the Nyazian Scroll translation. I thought you should know."

Fred: "It turns out that some of the irregular verbs Wes was using (looks at Wes, then back at Angel) were problematic when converted to Ga-shundi (looks at Wes again, then back at Angel) because of the Nyazian trick of converting both nouns and verbs, which he discovered by... - Sorry. I'll shut up now so he can tell you what he figured out."   Goes to hide behind Wes.
(looks at Wes, then back at Angel)
 Goes to hide behind Wes.

Wes: "The Tro-clan isn't a person or persons. It's a confluence of events."

Cordy: "Which means it not only involves you, Darla and the child, but other horrible things we don't know about."

Angel: "That... That's good. Right? I mean, doesn't that mean that the kid isn't this evil, apocalyptic thing that we feared?"

Wes: "Not necessarily. There are a few Nyazian phrases related specifically to the thing being born that I haven't been able to complete."

Angel: "So it's important that you so."

Gunn: "Because we need to know what kind of bun is in the oven."

Darla: "I know one thing about it. Something's protecting it."

Fred: "How do you know that?"

Darla sits down: "Because I can't get rid of it."

Fred: "Sorry I asked."

Gunn raises the crossbow: "So you're saying, if I shot this into your stomach, it wouldn't do anything?"

Darla spreads her hands: "Fire away."

Angel steps between them: "No one is firing anything."

Wes: "Angel's right. Clearly something wants this thing to come to term. - We'll wait for it to be born then we'll chop its head off."

Fred: "Well, what if it doesn't have a head?"
Fred: "Well, what if it doesn't have a head?"

Cordy: "We're gonna need a really big mallet."

Gunn: "If it skitters, we should have a net or something. Maybe a flame thrower."

Angel: "Flame thrower? No, no. There'll be no throwing of flames. Nobody's gonna do anything until we know exactly what's going on. Now, if anybody has a problem with that they should leave - now."

Darla gets up, shrugs and walks towards the door. Angel pulls her back.

Angel: "Not you."

Angel sighs and takes a step closer to the others.

Angel: "Come on, guys. How about it?"

After a beat Gunn lowers his crossbow with a nod.

Angel: "Cordy?"

Cordy steps closer: "You want me to protect the vampire bitch who bit me *and* her evil love child?"

Cordy hauls back and clocks Darla full on the nose, sending her stumbling back against the chair.

Cordy smiles at Angel: "Okay, I'm in."

Darla leans on the chair and moans.

Cordy: "Oh, come on, tough girl. You're a vampire.. A punch in the nose shouldn't hurt that much."

Fred: "Not ow her nose. She's having contractions."

Wes is putting jelly on Darla's exposed belly, and turns on the ultrasound machine.

Wes: "Well, then. Let's take a look, shall we? (Looks at the monitor) Well, I haven't studied one of these for quite a while."

Angel: "Isn't that a head?"

Wes: "I think it is. Or is that the head?"

Fred: "Maybe you're both right. (Everyone turns to look at her) It's not like I'm suggesting it's an evil two-headed thing."

Wes moves the sensor around.

Cordy: "I see it."

Darla: "My little parasite."

Wes: "Oh, my..."

Angel: "What is it?"

Wes: "It's - it's human."

Gunn: "Human as is in humanoid? As in cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers?"

Wes: "No - human as in - a boy."

Angel: "Boy?"

Wes with a slight smile: "A boy. A boy. (To Darla) You're carrying a boy."

Darla: "Great."

Angel: "Gonna have a son. (A slight smile creeps across Angel's face) I'm gonna have a son."

Fred: "Guys. As fascinating as an ultra-sound image of an unborn child may appear..."

Angel: "Me. A father. To a son. You know what that means?"

Fred: "We're surrounded by vampires?"

Angel: "No, it's a human bo..."

Angel trails off as he looks away from the monitor for the first time and notices the vampires lining the teaching gallery above them and the back wall of the room.

Angel: "Oh. We *are* surrounded by vampires."

Cordy: "Ahem - so, who has a plan?"

Gunn: "Don't let 'em kill us sounds like a good first step."

Vampire: "The miracle child."

The other vampires echo him in a whisper.

Vampire: "For his time has come. (All the vamps bow down) Praise be. Praise be. Praise be."

We get a close up of Darla's belly then the camera pulls back to show all the vampires kneeling, while AI and Darla stand in the middle of the room watching.

Cordy: "Hey, I'm all for being idolized, but - what the hell is going on?"

Angel: "What do you want?"

Vampire: "To protect the miracle child."

Angel: "Protect? Ah, that's good. We're all here for the same thing."

The guy with the sword that Lilah called earlier suddenly jumps through one of the glass windows above, dressed like a ninja and holding the sword in front of him, screaming 'die!'

The miracle child worshipping vampires jump on him en masse, and he goes down with a strangled scream. We hear a crunch and someone gulping down liquid.

Vampire straightening from his meal: "As it has been prophesied - by our great potentate Ul-thar, we vow our lives to protect this - special child."

Angel aside to Darla: "You hear that? Our kid. Special."

Vampire: "Now let us kill the humans so we may use their blood to nourish the mother - and her miracle child."
Vampire: "Now let us kill the humans so we may use their blood to nourish the mother - and her miracle child."

Darla, smiling: "Guess I'm getting dinner after all."


Angel: "Darla, you might wanna join the fight."

Darla: "Sorry, darling. I'm gonna have to be Switzerland and sit this one out. (To vampires) Now, you did say you were just gonna kill the humans, right?"

Vampire: "Yes, just the humans. Then we will nourish you, slice you open, wear your entrails as a belt and consume your eyeballs before we worship the miracle child."
Vampire: "Now let us kill the humans so we may use their blood to nourish the mother - and her miracle child."

Darla jumps off the table and goes to stand beside Angel.

Darla: "Okay. I'm in."

Angel: "Gunn, you and I can hold them off for as long as we can. The rest of you, get Darla to the car."

Darla: "Oh, I'd rather stay and fight. Show these youngsters a thing or two about real carnage."

Angel: "That's thoughtful, but, you know, you should go."

Fred: "Charles, do you have an extra dagger I could borrow?"

Gunn pulls out a dagger and hands it to her.

Gunn: "This okay?"

Fred: "Perfect."

Angel: "No my count of three. One, two..."

Fred holds the dagger against Darla's belly.

Fred: "You freaks make one move and I'll slice the miracle kid into triplets."

Cordy: "It's always the quiet ones."

Vampire: "Wait!"

Fred quietly to Darla: "They don't know the knife can't hurt the baby."

Darla: "They do *now.* Vampires have great hearing."

The vampire leader smiles.

Darla: "Here we go."

The vampires attack and a big fight ensues.

Wes: "Everybody out!"

The gang back up towards the door, and begins to file out. Angel is the last to leave, staking one last vamp with a broomstick before following the others.

Angel turns the convertible into a dark alley and brings it to a stop.

Cordy: "Why're we stopping here?"

Angel: "It's only a couple of blocks from the hotel. I'll go the rest of the way on foot."

Cordy slides into the driver seat as Angel gets out and looks up at the surrounding buildings.

Gunn: "Hey, who said you get to be wheel man?"

Cordy: "Who said it had to be a man?"

Angel: "The scrolls?"

Wes: "In the cabinet back in the office."

Angel: "If I'm not back in five minutes, leave without me."

Cordy: "Leave to where?"

Angel: "Anywhere. Somewhere safe."

Darla: "Angel?"

Angel: "Yeah."

Darla after a beat: "Just get out of here."

Angel jumps onto the hood of the car and from there to the bottom rung of a fire-escape ladder and makes his way up the side of the building.

Angel runs along the corridor in the Hyperion, drops down into the lobby and looks around at the destruction of Doctor Fetvanovich's equipment and the bodies of the W&H team. He sees the doctor's body, and chicken feet sticking out of his pants.

Holtz: "Angelus."

Angel turns around and sees Holtz.

Holtz: "I've been looking for you."

Darla is still in the back of the car. Wes is sitting on the trunk facing Fred, standing behind the car. Gunn is sitting on the side of the passenger door.

Cordy starts the car.

Gunn: "He said five minutes!"

Cordy: "It's been six and a half."

Darla: "It's so typical of him."

Fred: "It probably wouldn't hurt to wait another minute, right? I mean, what's the worst thing that could happen in another minute?"

Darla lets out a blood-curdling scream.

Fred: "Ask a stupid question..."
Fred: "Ask a stupid question..."

Wes: "Her water's broken. This is for real. There should be a blanket in the trunk."
Wes: "Her water's broken. This is for real. There should be a blanket in the trunk."

Cordy: "What are we gonna do? Deliver the kid right here? Shouldn't we go somewhere?"

Fred: "What's keeping Angel?"

Gunn gets the blanket out of the trunk and he and Wes help a screaming Darla to lie down in the back seat while the camera pulls up to give us an overhead view of them.

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