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Waiting in the Wings

Parts that are in dark purple have pictures and are below the scene.
Wesley/Fred parts of scenes are italicized, and important specific lines or quotes that show the 'love' are
bolded as well.

Wesley is sitting in front of a book open to a woodcut of a demon.

Wes: "Honestly, have you ever seen anything lovelier? So - graceful, so full of life. And those eyes... make you feel like you’re the only man in the room."
 Wes: Honestly, have you ever seen anything lovelier? So - graceful, so full of life. And those eyes... make you feel like you’re the only man in the room.

Cordy: "Plus, six breasts. Any man is gonna love that."

Wes: "Fred doesn't have six breasts! - Right?"

Cordy, writing on a notepad: "Sorialus the Ravager. (Looks down at the book) And, yeah, she's the one from my vision."

Wes: "Coming to destroy the humans that killed her mate."

Cordy: "But not for another month or so. I'll file her under 'pending.' - You're gonna ask her out?"

Wes: "The Ravager?"

Cordy: "Fred."

Wes: "Oh. - Yes - but, you know - timing. I'll make my move when I feel the iron is hot."

Cordy: "Well, get it done, Johnny Reb. So I can hear about something else, and you can do something else besides feeling your hot iron."

Wes: "Am I very boring on the subject?"

Cordy smiles: "You know, there was a time when you thought I was the loveliest thing in the world."

Wes: "Well, I... You're an extraordinary woman. (Cordy raises an eyebrow) I..."

Cordy: "At ease, soldier. Just like to hear it every now and then. I was the ditziest bitch in Sunnydale, could have had any man I wanted. Now I'm all superhero-y and the best action I can get is an invisible ghost who's good with the Loohfah."

Turns from filing away her notes to look at Wes. Wes looks at her for half a moment then looks back down at his book.

Wes: "I'm sorry. I missed that last part."

Cordy smiling: "You *are* a gentleman."

Angel: "This is one of the premier companies in the world. And they're going Giselle! It's their signature piece."

Gunn: "This is all like some horrible dream."

Wes: "I think I've heard of them. Very ahead of their time."

Angel: "Oh, yeah. Yeah. I saw their production of Giselle in eighteen-ninety. I cried like a baby. And I was evil!"

Fred: "I-I think it sounds exciting!"

Wes: "Yes."
 Wes: Yes.

Fred: "Can I ask you something?"

Cordy, looking at another dress: "I think you guys are perfect for each other. (Turns to smile at Fred) I have magic powers, remember?"

Fred: "It -it's not like we've said anything or... but he's so sweet... and commanding, and I feel so comfortable around him...(Looks down) I mean, I don't even know if he feels..."

Cordy: "He feels."

Fred, looking up: "Feelings?"

Cordy: "Oh, there is definite feelings. We find the right outfit for tonight, there may be actual feeling."

Fred: "And then we have to find a dress for you. Something that will make Angel crazy."

Cordy: "Fred, sweetie. Angel *is* crazy."


Fred: "Tonight feels... I don't know - kind of magical. Is that stupid?"

Wes comes up and drapes Fred's stole over her shoulders.
 Wes comes up and drapes Fred's stole over her shoulders.

Wes: "Not at all. (Notices Gunn) Finally came out of hiding."

Gunn motions towards Fred: "And look at my reward."

Wes: "Yes. Isn't she a vision."
 Wes: "Yes. Isn't she a vision."  Wes: "Yes. Isn't she a vision."

Gunn: "A lot of that going around."

Cordy is walking down the steps on Angel's arm.

Cordy: "Thank you, but no thank you. There will be no visions tonight."


In the row in front of them Wes glances at Fred, while Gunn is leaning forward, intent on the stage, a smile on his face.
 In the row in front of them Wes glances at Fred

Gunn: "I say it once, and gloat all you want: these guys are tight, and I am trippin' out."

Wes: "They certainly live up to their reputation. Has the choreography changed much since..."

Angel: "No. Nothing's changed."

Wes: "Well, it's wonderful they're able to..."

Angel: "No. I mean, nothings changed. These are the same dancers I saw before."

Fred: "That's impossible. We're watching the exact same troupe you saw in nineteen-ninety?"

Gunn: "I think he said eighteen-ninety."

Fred: "Oh. Okay, that's much more impossible."

Fred raises her eyes to look at him: "The light is dimming?"

Gunn: "And all I ask (looks at her lips) is one (slowly leans forward) last..."

They kiss softly. The camera pulls back and we see Wesley standing a little way away watching them, his face reflected in a polished brass mirror. Wesley slowly turns and walks away.
The camera pulls back and we see Wesley standing a little way away watching them, his face reflected in a polished brass mirror.

We hear the sound of a sword tip dragging along the floor, see black clad legs shambling into view. Their owner drops to his knees and we see that it is Wesley. He bows his head, then turns it to look at the camera as and ominous music begins to play. The shot of Wes' face blends into a shot of Kurskov watching the prima ballerina dance on stage.
He bows his head, then turns it to look at the camera as and ominous music begins to play.

Cordy: "Well, it seems the prima ballerina had a lover back in the day. And there was this Count Kurskov, who owned the company, and I guess he had a thing for the girl and - they were mightily afraid of him."

Angel: "He had powers of some kind."

Wes: "He was a wizard."

They all turn to see Wes standing on the threshold of one of the corridors archways, sword carried loosely by his side.

Wes: "He was obsessed with the girl. - When he found her with the other man, he went insane with jealous rage - pulled her out of time (slowly walks towards them) out of any reality beyond *his* theater, his company. He swore she would dance for him forever."

Fred: "How did you..."

Wes: "I - ah, - I hit a hotspot, too."

Gunn: "And now we're stuck here?"

Wes: "Well, ah, this kind of temporal shift can't just exist. It has to be maintained. That requires power and concentration. If we can overload him somehow, we might be able to slip back to the real world."

Gunn: "The man with the plan!"

Angel: "Great. So, how do we overload him?"

Wes: "Well, I'd imagine *that* requires some energy."

The others turn to look at what Wes is indicating. One of the dead minions is slowly rising, begins to shake, then splits in two, one wearing a tragedy mask and sobbing, the other wearing a comedy mask and laughing. Angel grabs them both in a head lock under each arm and breaks both their necks. As soon as they hit the floor they start shivering and splitting each into a new pair of theater minions.

Fred: "The more we kill, the more he makes."

Cordy, pointing: "Look!"

For a moment the wall of the corridor wavers, revealing another reality behind it.

Wes: "And that is draining his energy. Angel, try and find a way to the stage. The count will be watching."

Angel starts to walks away, muttering under his breath: "I bet *he* has a box."

Wes puts a hand on Angel's arm as he walks past and Angel stops to look at him.

Wes: "Find his power center and destroy it. We'll try and loosen his hold."

Gunn: "By making more monsters? Man with the frightening plan!"

A minion comes up the corridor and Angel spin kicks it, breaking its neck before heading past it.

Cordy, pointing: "Back here. They can't surround us."

They all move into the corner Cordy indicated. Cordy picks up one of the minion's swords, handing its stiletto to Gunn as he and Fred walk past her. Wes puts a hand on Gunn's arm.

Wes: "You two - (Looks from Fred to Gunn, then back to Fred) - stay close together. I'll take point."
 Wes: "You two - (Looks from Fred to Gunn, then back to Fred) - stay close together. I'll take point."
Cordy, coming up beside him: "I hope you're in a killing mood."

Wes: "I should do alright."

Hyperion, night. In his office, Wes is working on the wound in Gunn's back.

Wes: "We'll have to clean the wound. Do you want something for the pain?"

Gunn, looking at Fred sitting across from him: "What pain?"

Fred smiles at Gunn, then Gunn leaves the office.
 Fred smiles at Gunn, then Gunn leaves the office.
 Fred smiles at Gunn, then Gunn leaves the office.

Fred: "Well, that's a surprise. I thought for sure she was meant to be with Angel. I guess you never can predict those things. (Turns to look at Wesley) You know?"

Wes, looking at her, after a beat: "No. I guess you never can."

Fred gives him a smile, then turns back to watching Groo and Cordy.

Here are some publicity pictures from this episode.

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