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Parts that are in dark purple have pictures and are below the scene.
Wesley/Fred parts of scenes are italicized , and important specific lines or quotes that show the 'love' are
Sounds are now available for Provider, and are in light purple below.  Do not take the sounds.

Hyperion, day, Wes walks in, carrying a stack of flyers.

Wes: "That's the last of them. Six thousand new ones."

Wes stops to see what has Gunn's attention so riveted. Fred is out in the lobby cuddling Connor.
Wes stops to see what has Gunn's attention so riveted.

Wes: "Adorable."
Wes: "Adorable."

Gunn: "So sweet."

Wes: "I meant the baby."
Wes: "I meant the baby."

Gunn: "I meant the hot mama."

Gunn and Wes look at each other.



Fred has come up and looks at the Nahdrah's robes.

Fred: "Sure. These are puzzle people. Did you notice the designs on their tunics? (Traces the design) Geometric shapes. Each a prime number, if you count their edges, arranged in ascending order of exponential accumulation."

Wes, smiling at her: "Yes, I did - not - notice that at all."
Wes, smiling at her: "Yes, I did - not - notice that at all." Wes, smiling at her: "Yes, I did - not - notice that at all."

Fred grins back at him , while the Nahdrahs start clicking away at Lorne.
Fred grins back at him.

Lorne: "Ah, they wanna know why your girlfriend was pointing at them. I better tell them what she said before we have an international incident."

Wes: "Ah, she's not my..."

Lots of excited clicking going on by the Nahdrahs.

Wes: "Silly."

Wes: "Silly."  

The Nahrdahs leave in a hurry.

Fred: "Did I say something wrong?"

Lorne: "No. No, they liked *you.*"

Fred: "So much they ran away?"

Lorne: "They either have to consult with their prince or go eat a cheese monkey. Did-did I mention rusty with the lingo?"


Gunn and Wes are guarding the Blonde from earlier at her home.

Ally: "You know, I consider myself independent and it's hard for me to ask for help, but - it really feels good for you guys to be in the house. You know that woman you work with was right. You inspire confidence."

Wes: "Which woman?"

Ally: "Brunette, really cute, Texan maybe?"

Gunn and Wes smile: "Fred."
Gun and Wes smile: "Fred."

Turn to look at each other.

Gunn: "Said I inspire confidence."

Wes: "Actually, I-I believe the comment was directed at me."
Wes:  "Actually, I-I believe the comment was directed at me."

Gunn: "Really? 'cause I don't think so."

Ally holds out a photograph: "Here, this is Brian. Not exactly a rocket scientist, but, ah, he's so sweet. You ever meet somebody and you just know that you belong together? It just feels..."

Gunn and Wes: "Comfortable."
Gunn and Wes: "Comfortable."

They look at each other.

Wes: "You read all the same science journals.
Wes:  "You read all the same science journals."

Gunn: "You laugh at the same dumb jokes."

Ally: "And the sex. Oh, god, do I miss the sex."

Gunn to himself: "Tell me about it."

Wes: "Hmm."
Wes:  "Hmm."

Cordy: "Fred! Help her!"

Wes and Gunn pop up out of the fight: "Fred!"

Gunn grabs a metal rod, while Wes grabs the suitcase, and hurl them. The rod knocks the Nahdrah with the sword backwards, away from Fred. The suitcase decapitates the prince before bursting open against the wall. All the fighting and screaming stops as the Nahdrahs stare at their headless prince.

Gunn: "Well, I guess you cut off the snake's head..."

All the Nahdrahs start clicking and raise their weapons.

Wes: "You piss the other snakes off."

Wes and Gunn go down under the assault. The skylight burst and Angel drops in on them joining the fight.

Wes checks to make sure Fred is okay , and then helps Gunn who is working on freeing Fred. There are Nahdrah bodies littering the floor.

Angel to Cordy: "I should have listened to you."

Cordy: "Well, yeah."

Angel takes Connor from her: "I should never have left you and the baby alone like that."

Cordy: "Well - yeah."

Wes and Gunn help Fred up out of the chair.

Fred: "If you can keep your head when those about you are losing theirs guess you're pretty lucky. I could kiss you both."
"If you can keep your head when those about you are losing theirs guess you're pretty lucky. Fred: "I could kiss you both."

Wes and Gunn both move closer. Lorne clears his throat, and they all look down at him.

Lorne: "Uh, still tied up down here."

Fred: "Oh..."

The three of them proceed to untie Lorne.

Lorne: "Yeah, come on. My hands are turning pink."

Angel: "Guys, can I say something? (Angel looks at the spilled money) Money's important but it - it isn't everything. - I got - I got carried away. - I just (looks down at Connor) I never had a life that was totally dependent on me before. (Looks at the money again) But that's no excuse. (To Cordy) Where was I?"
Angel: "Money's important but it - it isn't everything."

Cordy: "Money's not the most important."

Angel: "No, it's not. What's - important is (looks from Connor to the other) family - and the mission."

Cordy after a beat: "They tried to cut Fred's head off. We earned every penny."

Angel: "Hold the baby."

Cordy takes Connor from Angel as everyone but her rushes over to the spilled money and starts to stuff it into their pockets.

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