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That's Amore YET AGAIN!

I've taken the code off of this page so you can take these pics ~ Tabz, with Bex and Liv

Ahh, True Bliss

How hilarious was this? "Step off biiiiotch!" "Ladies, there's enough Justin fo' EVERYBODY!"

Yes I did say we had become Britney friendly, but if you think about it, we're Justin friendly too. That excuses me saying that it looks like a kid smeared his muddy fingers down her dress. We've said far meaner things about afropuff there.

Such a tender moment...Justin laughs at Britney as she's leaning in to try and make out with him. *le sigh* So romantic.

"I kissed a lot of frogs, and I think I finally found my true prince." ~ Britney Spears (When asked about husband, Kevin Federline) Heh...Britney called Justin a frog!

Justin: Hmmm...don't I know you from somewhere? Britney: DUH!!!

"Hold up! I can't take credit for this...Wade, why don't you come up?"

Screw this. One can only be so friendly before she gags her way into a coma.

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