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The "BABY BLUE" Rat Bastard 2

C'mon, you know as well as I do that it never ends. ~ Tabz

"JRat Jr."

He has really well manicured hands for construction. "Oh no! I broke a nail!" ~ Tabz in this color

Michigan law: $7,500 fine and 15 years in prison for injuring/killing a construction worker. *looks at picture* DAMNIT. ~ Liv in this color

"There is soup in this thermous...NO SOUP FOR YOU!" ~ BexXx in this color

"She's WHO'S WOMAN?!?"

"What do you MEAN my album didn't break first week sales?"

"Who let these fans onstage? And why is this one in front of me wearing a dead peacock as a shirt?"

I have to break now to say that this is my new favorite Justin picture of all time. It's my aim icon. "Pimpin Timbalake" hehe.

No wonder why the spazzing woodchucks and other furry woodland creatures are in protest...

Justin just after he mugged Chewbacca...this of course was back in his "Ghetto" days...

Shake your groove thang. Single men actually turn me on. Go figure.

"Aiight, I wanna know who all didn't buy my album?"

"Okay, now raise your hand if you think I'M sexier than JC!"

Drugs. Not anti-drugs. Drugs.

No, not drugs...

He looks like he just farted...loudly...

"Purty In Pink"

Justin is still endorsing vanity. "Justin Timberlake is wearing the new all-day lip color by Estee Lauder in Starlit Pink."

No Liv, that's more of a "Moonlight Mauve"

I'm all like "WHOA" and he's all like "PSHH" Make sense? Well what do you expect from me by now?

I think he's mad at me for the lipstick crack...but can you blame me? LOOK at that pout!

I think I know now why his neck is so's from holding up that damned jTr necklace...that thing's GOTTA weigh 20 pounds or more!

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