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Cry Me a River

A sensitive, sad man is a terrible thing to live with. ~ Tabz
What is Justin sad about?

Someone stole his dance moves. I have a theory going as to why Michael Jackson can longer sing or dance anymore. JT STOLE IT. So the singing/dancing must go hand in hand. Therefore, if someone stole it from him, he'd just be a defunct, ghetto-talking, pants-droppin, nostril-flarin, wanna-be gangsta from south Memphis BOY-EEEEEE. Peace out n shit. ~ Mel

I bet if I kicked him really hard in say.. the head, he'd be pretty sad. Or angry. Maybe I'll resort to just the shin so when he tried to run after me he'd be limping and I could get a headstart *shrug* I carry around an ax, so bitches better not mess with me. ~ Julie

His electric head-shaver broke down. ~ BexXx

Not sleeping with me. ~ *Lucky

That I'm a Chasez girl. (Diggin' the sweater, though.) ~ Olivia

JC actually hooking up with his video slut. Well, I don't know. Justin hasn't been linked to any of the girls in his videos and JC was linked to Tara. Another reason he's sad: Even though Britney cheated on him with Wade, I'm still a Wade girl. ~ Alli

This month's Rolling Stone Editors Favorite Letter (and I quote) "Dear Justin. This thing with your mom? It can only end badly." (end quote) ROFLMAO. -OR- Someone finally told him that the tiki type black necklace was really symbolic of the feminine menstrual gods. PS: I love this pic..maybe it's the whole hand to crotch thing. ~ Tabz

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