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Natasha Luepke - Blood Innocence


"That girl, she doesn't eat but a thing!"
"Indeed, shut up in her room with her books. She doesn't sleep."
"But what does it matter? It's for the kingdom!"
"But what kingdom has a queen what dresses in her mother's cast-offs?"
"She's frugal."
"'S not right."
"Shouldn't she be gettin' married soon?"
"Do any treaties need to be signed? Let her enjoy her freedom."
"Freedom! What about all those years she tramped about as a bard?"
"Watch your mouth!"
"Shh, shh, here comes Lady Niamh..."


"What about that boy the queen brought?"
"Starts with an 'f,' doesn't it?"
"Weren't ya' askin' about marriage earlier? Maybe..."
"Are you blind? Have you seen the way he follows Lady Niamh?"
"Does she know?"
"I don't think so."
"Oof, what is in this week's laundry?"
"Goodness, tell me about it. I've found a new way to get out grass stains, though."
"Oh, yeah?"
"See, the trick is..."

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