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The Great Grey Wolf and Little Ruby Riding Hood
by Joselle

You all know the story of Red Riding Hood. The woodsman kills the wolf and saves Red Riding Hood, blah blah blah. Anyway have you ever wondered what happened to Red Riding Hood afterwards??? Well here it is...

Chapter One

Red Riding Hood married the huntsman that saved her. Her family fought Great Grey's (The Big Bad Wolf) for years. Eventually Red gave birth to a beautiful girl, whom she named Ruby. Two years passed and Red had another daughter once again. Her name was Jasmine. Red taught her daughters to fear Great Grey, and any other wolf. Every day she would say to them, "There once was a little girl who loved the forest. One day she walked off the path. And there she met a Great Grey Wolf. The wolf befriended her. She left for her Nana's house but when she got there... There stood the Great Grey Wolf. He had gobbled up her Nana. And she was about to be his dessert. But she was saved by a young man. Whom she one day... married. Now, girls if that man hadn't come and saved the little girl just think what would have happened..."

The two quickly learned to fear wolves. Their mother later died giving birth to their brother Jacob. The years passed; now Ruby was now sweet sixteen. One hot summer day Ruby went outside to pick the wildflowers. When she looked up she saw a bear... a bear running towards her. She began to run, but having sharp piercing pains in her chest, she began to slow. Knowing that she couldn't outrun the bear, she began to pray.

When all of a sudden, a man jumped in front of her and began to fight the bear. Within minutes the man had pinned the bear down on the ground, when it took a swipe at him with its HUGE paw, hitting him. The man, who was now about to faint, took out a knife and killed the bear. The man fell to the ground, limp.

Ruby immediately yelled for help. Soon two soldiers came to her aid. "What is it Princess?" asked one of the soldiers.

"There - there was a bear about to attack me, and this man came and, he s-saved me.... I think he's injured. Help me get him up to the castle!!!" Ruby said with urgency in her voice.

The boy slowly began to open his eyes. Where - where am I??? he thought to himself. He sniffed the air, his blood suddenly running cold. "Oh my god nooooo..... this can't be happening! Cripes, cripes, cripes, cripes. Oh god I'm gonna die..."

He quickly turned his head and saw a girl - the most beautiful one he had ever seen. She had long, wavy golden hair with one red streak running through it. Her lean, limp body was asleep in a chair, so he breathed in her wonderful sweet scent.

The young girl began to stir and realized that he was awake. "Oh hello," the girl said. "I'm glad you're awake. I will tell father the heroic thing you did for me."

What was this girl talking about? All I remember is killing a huge bear... the boy thought to himself. "Who... Where?" the young man said quietly.

The girl smiled and replied, "You are in the castle of Queen Jewel Riding - Hood. And King Hunter Riding - Hood." Pausing for only a moment she continued, "And I am their daughter and soon to be queen of this land... Ruby Riding - Hood... May I ask your name sir?"

There was an awkward silence.

“My name... my name is S-silas..."

"Well Silas.... Fine name, Silas..... Well I suppose you do have a last name don't you?"

Silas thought to himself for a moment... I'll be killed for sure if I - tell her my last name... He decided to lie. "Silas, Silasss... Huntington...” He hoped she'd buy it.

"Well nice to meet you Mr. Huntington. We had our doctor check for injuries... You have a broken arm. If you've noticed, your arm is in a sling. Only a minor fracture, so you will be able to join us for dinner." Before Silas could object, Ruby walked towards the door. She turned around and said, "Father, Jasmine, and I will all be expecting you." With that she walked out the door.


Later that night Silas cleaned off the dirty brown pants he had been wearing and went downstairs. Everyone seemed to be dressed in their best; Silas felt slightly embarrassed. He looked down the table. Three people sat there. One girl had brilliant red hair and green eyes, while an older man with graying blond hair sat at the head of the table. He too had green eyes. By the way they smelled they were Ruby's sister and father. And there among them sat Ruby.

"Silas, sit down my boy!!!" boomed the king happily. "Ruby has told me your heroic rescue!!!"

"Well... I just..." Silas was a bit uncomfortable, but before he could say any more Ruby interrupted.

"Silas. Why did you save me?" asked Ruby.

"What kind of question is that?!?! He was doing his duty as a subject!" said the king, who seemed to have had a little too much to drink.

"Oh Father... No! I want to know his reason for saving me!" There was a quiet pause and Ruby continued, "Now go on, Silas, tell me why you saved my life."

"Well..." Silas was a bit scared. If he told the truth why HE had saved Ruby..."Are you sure you want to know???"

The king looked a bit upset about him not wanting to tell why he had saved his daughter. Not to take any chances, Silas continued, “Well I saw in a field... a gorgeous girl. Her blond locks of hair in the breeze. Her, her eyes so beautiful...” Silas was getting a bit caught up in what he was saying. “Her scent--” Oh no... He had given himself away. Silas luckily had a quick cover up, “Of rich perfumes. Yeah, perfumes.” The king looked at Silas with an odd expression. “Well, any ways I saw the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. When I saw the bear running after her I decided not to let this beautiful creature get hurt so I attacked the bear.”

There was an uneasy silence.

“Well It seems my daughter has captured your heart. I am sorry, though, she is already betrothed to marry Prince Piper.”

Ruby quickly stood up. “Father you can’t! You know I hate that - that - BOY !!! I will never -” But the king cut Ruby off before she could say any more.

“Now!!! Let us talk about this later, Ruby.” Ruby’s father seemed to be getting a bit uneasy. But he did continue, turning to Silas. “Now what would you like to eat my boy?” he asked.

Silas quickly perked up. “Oh, uh, I would love some ~pork~.” A man almost immediately gave him the pork. It seemed quite hard for Silas to eat it without inhaling.

Silas went to bed that night in the castle with the words replaying in his mind. ‘She is betrothed to marry the Prince Piper’ ~ ‘Father you can’t! You know I hate that - that - BOY !!! I will never -’ Silas thought to himself How could someone force their daughter to marry a person who is not their mate, their one true love for life? These words kept repeating themselves in Silas’s mind over and over again.

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