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Joselle - The Great Grey Wolf and Little Ruby Riding Hood

Chapter Four

Silas slowly opened his eyes only to see two pairs of silver eyes staring down at him. “Get away!!! ALEX, MIKE!!!!!!” The two quickly ran off, wagging their black tails behind them. Little brothers, who needs um! Silas thought to himself. He walked past two small girls as he went to go tell Papa about the invitation. “Hi Cara, Sora.” Silas kept walking...

Finally he reached where his Mama and Papa had slept that night.

“Papa...” Cassin came out of the brush. “I h-have an invitation to the castle for Princess Ruby’s birthday...”

“Well when is it?” asked Cassin.

“I-it’s in five days...” replied Silas.

Cassin seemed to look very happy. “Then we must get you new clothes and a gift for the girl. Go get Rose and go into town with her and buy some.” Cassin turned back around and walked back into the brush.


Silas and Rose walked down the street passing some livestock.

“So, Silas, what are you going to do?” asked Rose.

Silas shook his head and replied... “I don’t know Rose, I don’t know...”

Silas and Ruby walked into the tailor shop. They looked around for an hour or two till they found a pair of dark green knickers with silver trim and a long black tail coat also with silver trim. “Silas this’ll be perfect for the banquet...” said Rose in awe.

“Really? You think so, you don’t think they’ll be able to see - you know,” Silas asked, eyeing where his tail was hidden under his long jacket.

Getting the idea, Rose quickly replied, “Oh NO!!! Nothing,” as she quickly walked up to the cashier and laid the clothes down on the counter. “Excuse me I would like to buy these clothes...”

The cashier came over, clearly happy to make a sale, and checked the clothes. “Miss, that will be about one thousand Golden Hoods.”

Rose looked through her handbag and handed him the exact amount. “Here you are,” she said as a smile spread across her face. Rose grabbed Silas’s hand, walked out of the shop and headed straight home. As they reached the clearing, Rose said, “Silas I will pray for you at the banquet. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you...”

“It’s all right. I’ll think of something.”

Tonight is the night, Ruby thought to herself as she turned to the mirror. She was wearing a light blue gown that widened as it went back, with a big puffy bow at the end. Ruby scooted up the lace sleeves as she put on her gloves and went downstairs.


Silas was finally in his outfit for tonight. Rose was standing right in front of him. “H-how do I look?” Silas asked nervously.

Rose quickly looked him over with a big smile on her face. “You look wonderful Silas. All you need now is to tuck your silly tail in.” Silas grabbed his tail but it was a tighter fit than normal. Knowing something was wrong, Rose began to ask. But before she could say anything she saw her brother looking up at the moon. “Oh no! Silas, i-it’s full. You can’t go now!!!”

Silas turned back to her, yelling, “Who are you to tell me what I can, and can’t do!?! All you are is an ugly, selfish, little GIRL!!! You are so dumb and-” Silas was surprised to be interrupted by Rose.

“How dare you! How dare you talk to me in such a manner! And me your OLDER sister! I may be small but I know how to win a fight against you, you! And the only REASON why I said WHAT I said was because, you yourself cannot control your own TEMPER!!! Especially under PRESSURE. Now what would they think if they recognized you a WOLF!!! In the Riding Hood castle!!! They’d kill you on the SPOT!!! And what would Ruby think!!!” Silas remained silent. “Now Go tell Papa that you are not going!!!” Silas slowly began to walk toward the fire where his other four brothers and two little sisters were.

“Hello Tino, James, Cara, Sora, Alex, Mike. Where’s Papa?”

Sora replied, “He’s in the clearing Silas.”

Silas continued to the clearing where he saw his father. Slowly he walked up.



“T-tonight I was wondering if it was all right if I didn’t go...”

Cassin turned around, staring at Silas with a fire burning in his eyes. “I have been waiting all my life for this moment and you are not going to drop out on me now!!!”

“B-but father it’s a full moon.”

“You will go whether you like it or not. If the girl dies she dies. IS THAT CLEAR!!! YOU WILL GO TO THE BANQUET TONIGHT AND KILL THE GIRL, WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!!”

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