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Joselle - The Great Grey Wolf and Little Ruby Riding Hood

Chapter Five

Ruby stood on the staircase looking out over the crowd of thousands. Actually only a few people were her true friends. She slowly walked down the gray marble stairs covered with a dark purple rug. She passed the naked emperor, turning her head the opposite direction. Ruby didn’t even know some of the people; more likely they were the rich buying their way in. She saw Queen Rapunzel and Queen Gretel, having what seemed to be quite an amusing conversation about the gnome rebellion in the Third Kingdom.

Ruby kept walking, hoping to see Silas, only stopping for a quick hello to Queen Snow White and Queen Cinderella. As she saw Snow White’s son and Cinderella’s daughter, they quickly ran off together. Scanning the crowed, Ruby looked around. Spotting her friends, she joined them.

“Hi Holly, Molly, Lavender.” The three girls curtsied. Holly and Molly were wearing identical pink dresses with white lace and big periwinkle bows, while Lavender was wearing a lavender colored dress with silver lining on the edges.

“Hi Ruby,” said Holly, tossing her brown hair back.

“Evening,” said Molly, also tossing her brown hair back. “Have you heard of the gnome crisis in the Third Kingdom???”

“Yes,” replied Lavender, “Hey have you heard of the guard crisis?” she asked as she brushed back one of her icy curls.

“What do you mean? Where is the crisis, Lavender?” asked Ruby.

“Why it is just over there.” Lavender pointed to the door were there seemed to be problem among the eight guards. Sensing that something was wrong, Ruby hurried over.

“What in all the Nine Kingdoms is going on!” yelled Ruby.

One of the guards in a blood red uniform turned to Ruby in reply. “This boy - he is trying to get in to see Your Majesty.”

“Does he have an invitation?” asked Ruby.

“Yes, Majesty, but he is a peasant and everyone knows peasants are not welcome...”

“Let me see him.”

“But ~”

“Let me see him,” repeated Ruby. The guard stood aside. There stood Silas, his dark brown hair slicked back, in a marvelous dark green outfit. “SILAS!!!” Ruby ran up and gave him a hug. “How are you? Come in, come in,” Ruby said happily as she dragged Silas over to her friends. “Silas this is Holly and Molly Peep.”

The two identical brunettes curtsied. “Charmed,” Holly and Molly said together.

“And this is Princess Lavender of the Eighth, I think ... Kingdom.” Silas bowed and kissed this princess’s ice cold hand.

“So SILAS...” said Molly with a smile, “How are you doing?” Molly asked as she checked Silas out from top to bottom, when Holly elbowed her.

“Hands off, he’s mine,” said Holly as her deep green eyes looked him over.

This time Lavender interrupted. “Oh you two stop it! My I’ve heard of the Peep girls being a bit loose, but this is too much.” Ruby managed to stifle a laugh as Molly and Holly glared at Lavender.

“Uh... Ruby can... I mean there-is something I need to tell you...” said Silas shakily.

But Ruby didn’t hear him because she was trying to break up the fight that started between Molly and Holly. After Ruby had gotten them separated she turned around to Silas. But before he could say anything the trumpets had sounded, and the king began to speak.

“Lords and Ladies, I am pleased to announce my daughter Ruby’s seventeenth birthday. First on the agenda we will give Ruby her gifts, then will be the grand banquet, and we'll be topping it off at midnight with the Cinderella Waltz. Now, Princess Ruby, please join us up here.”

Ruby turned back to Silas, only saying, “See you when this is done,” giving a weak smile, then heading off.

Ruby stood up there in front of the crowd receiving her gifts. The naked emperor gave her a “dress” that only the wise could see. Deciding to not wear it EVER Ruby just smiled and thanked him. Snow White gave her a fine brush with silver handle. Cinderella gave her a pair of lovely shoes. Molly and Holly Peep gave Rose a flock of their finest sheep. Lavender gave her an ice sculpture that would never melt of the five great women, the dwarf king had given her a mirror of spying, and other guests gave a whole lot of stuff I don’t care to write. Ruby stepped down as her father declared the feast begun and had servants take away the gifts and put them into a spare room.

Ruby walked over to where Silas was standing frozen. “Silas is there anything wrong?” asked Ruby.

“I didn’t get you anything...” replied Silas.

“Oh Silas is that what you’re worried about? You being here is the best gift of all. Come on let’s find you a seat.” Taking Silas’s hand Ruby set off to find a seat for Silas right next to her. “So Silas what would you like to have?” asked Ruby.

“MEAT! rrrrr,” Silas said. Ruby stifled a laugh but Silas noticed. “Hey what’s so funny? You think that me liking meat is something to laugh about? Huh? HUH?!?”

Ruby’s smile quickly vanished. “Well if you are going to be acting in such a manner you may leave,” Rose bitterly said.

“Wait I-I’m sorry, I just have been having a bit of a hard time at home...”

Ruby’s stern look became worried. “Silas is everything all right?” asked Ruby, her voice full of concern.

“Let’s talk about it later,” quietly said Silas. Turning to the waiter he gave him his order, while trying not to be so eager. It proved almost impossible. “S-so Ruby are you having a good time???”

Ruby turned her head sharply towards Silas “At first no... Most of the people here are just kings and queens, duchesses and dukes. Not my real friends except for Lavender... Molly and Holly,” Ruby replied sadly.

“Why don’t you have your friends here Ruby?” asked Silas in concern.

“Well I don’t have much at all,” Ruby sighed. “But you know after you live all your life like this you really can’t expect anything more... I mean would your parents let you socialize if there was a wolf at every corner, not being able to know who they are, all of them being the enemy?”

Silas, barely able to hide his anger, replied, “No, mine don‘t either. But it’s not wolves they're afraid of, it’s the ~” Silas got cut off as the waiter gave him his food. In between chewing and swallowing he continued, “Someone else.”



The king got up after the meal and announced the Cinderella Waltz to begin. Of course it was only proper for Ruby to dance with Prince Piper. But since he wasn’t there because of “OTHER” circumstances she got to pick the man that she would dance with to start the ball.

She took Silas’s hand the music started playing, and off they went. To the beat of 1-2-3, 1-2-3. “So, Ruby... what is Princess Lavender?” asked Silas to make conversation.

“Well Silas, Lavender is one of the ice people. Also, the reason why her family is so powerful there is because the royal family possess a gift that no one there has.”

“And what gift is that?” asked Silas.

“The gift to be able to survive outside of their kingdom,” Ruby said. Taking Silas’s hand she walked back into the crowd just as another song began. “Silas will you like to go outside?” asked Ruby.

“Yes, yes I would Ruby,” Silas said mechanically.

Stepping outside into the new summer air, the wind blowing in his face, Silas let out a sigh. He and Ruby walked along the grass fields outside the castle boundaries. Ruby finally stopped to sit on a large boulder. Silas doing the same, she began to talk, “You know Silas, all that isn't what it’s cracked up to be. I but learn to live with it in different ways...”

Silas let out a sigh. “Ruby, what is your favorite thing about the world around you?” he asked.

“Well you probably think it is silly but... I love the moon.” Ruby said that as she looked up at it. “At night I look up at it. And just stare at its beautiful silver light. And I escape from my palace life and stay there till someone calls me back. It’s just so ~” Ruby paused, looking at Silas, realizing he was breathing heavily with his head between his legs. “Silas are you all right???” Ruby asked very worriedly.

“I’m fine,” Silas growled back.

Becoming even more worried Ruby put her hand on his head, which he quickly pushed off. But with that one touch it seemed Silas’s whole face was on fire. “Silas! You're burning up! You’ve got to get to a doctor!”

“I said I was FINE!!!” Silas screamed, his eyes blazing.

“Silas what has happened to you?” cried Ruby.

“I-I’m so sorry Ruby. For not telling you...”

“Telling me ~~~ what?” Ruby asked shakily.

Silas took Ruby’s arms holding them firmly. “Ruby you promise you won’t run or scream?” Ruby nodded. “I~ am a wolf...” Ruby tried to jerk away the moment she heard that. But Silas grabbed tighter. “I’d never ever hurt you.”

“How do know you are telling the truth?”

“Because if I was lying I would have you ripped to shreds by now. Especially when it‘s a full moon...” replied Silas.

Ruby gasped. Breaking out of Silas’s hold, she began to run. But Silas was too quick for her. Quickly he shoved her down, pinning her to the ground. “What are you going to do to me?” Ruby asked shakily, knowing she didn’t want to know the answer.

“First...” Silas said, beginning to lick his lips...

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