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In the Shadows
by Jazzy

Part One


Wolf walked drowsily into the small kitchen, smiling and following his nose. His creamy dreamy girl was busy cooking breakfast. He yawned and hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Good morning," she said as she stirred the eggs.

"Mmmm, good morning," he said sleepily with his eyes closed.

"Did I wake you?"

"No, the food did," he said as he hugged her even tighter. She couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, it'll be ready in a few minutes," she said as she turned and kissed him on the cheek.

Wolf smiled and yawned as he headed back to the bedroom of their small cottage, compliments of Wendell. He walked back over by the bed and over to his dresser. He pulled out some clothes and changed into some pants and a blue T-shirt.

As Wolf began to make the bed, he heard the front door crack open. He sniffed the air and something didn't smell right. It was familiar, but for some reason he couldn't recognize it. He cautiously made his way down the hallway and into the kitchen.

As he made his way in, he saw Virginia still making breakfast, humming quietly to herself. Noticing his presence, she turned and smiled at him. "Hey, do you want -- Wolf? What's wrong?" she asked, noticing his preoccupied expression.

Something was out of place. Something smelled odd, but he couldn't put his finger on it yet. He shook his head and shrugged, not wanting to worry her. As he made his way across the kitchen, he was suddenly struck from behind and fell to the floor as everything blacked out. The last he heard was Virginia screaming his name.

Wolf woke up in a daze. He couldn't remember what had happened. He noticed he had been asleep on the floor and for an instant thought he was still in prison. But slowly everything began to flood his memory. He looked around anxiously. Virginia was gone; no sign of her whatsoever. He smelled the air for her scent and followed it. It led outside through the door that was moving back and forth in the wind.

"Virginia!?" he called out. No answer. His attention was turned to something on the floor in the middle of the kitchen where he had been knocked out. Wolf bent down and picked up some of the pink powder. "Troll Dust," he said angrily. His eyes flashed yellow as he stood up and walked back over to the door.

His eyes searched the field in front of him. There was no sign of any life besides a few bugs flying around and a small rabbit hopping about. He took off into the grass, sniffing the air for any trace of her. It didn't take long to find her scent. He started to run, heading in the direction his nose led him.

Whoever had taken her was very fast. Before long, he reached the forest and began to lose her scent. "Oh Cripes!" he said as he sniffed the air vigorously, trying to hang onto the smell.

Then, as he walked on, he lost it. She seemed to have vanished into thin air, without a trace. Wolf whined; he was uncertain of what to do. His mind was clouded with thoughts, unable to sort them all out. He sat down on a nearby rock, thinking of what he could do.

"Oh Virginia, where did you go?" He let out another whine as he looked around hopelessly. "Stupid, stupid Wolf!" he said angrily as he hit himself in the head. "Not more than ten minutes ago, you had the dreamy creamy girl of your life in your arms, and what do you do? Lose her! Ohhh, where did you go!?" he said and his eyes flashed an intense yellow, his voice filled with rage, "and who took you!?"

Unable to find her scent again, he hurried off to the House of White. Wolf decided to go to Tony and Wendell; maybe they could help him find her. So far, searching for her by himself wasn't getting him anywhere. As he walked on, he would stop every so often, believing he saw her, or caught a whiff of her angelic scent, but to his dismay, it was only his imagination.

He got to King Wendell's castle as quickly as he could, for once not even noticing how terribly hungry he was. When he reached the palace, he headed straight for Tony's room. The guards posted around the castle eyed him oddly, but shrugged him off. It was late in the morning, but he figured Tony for the late sleeper.

Through the twists and turns of the castle, he found his way to Tony's chambers. Even from outside he could hear the faint sound of snoring. He sighed and pushed the door open. The snoring grew louder.

Wolf walked up to Tony's bedside and shook him gently. "Tony?" He asked quietly with a hint of a whine. No response. "Hey Tone?" he asked a little louder. Still no answer. "TONY!" He finally yelled, nearly shoving Anthony off the bed.

"Wha...what? I'm awake!" he shouted, sitting up. Once his eyes became focused, he looked questioningly at Wolf. "Wha -- Wolf? What's going on?" he asked angrily as he straightened himself out.

"Ohhhh. Huff puff, it's Virginia," he said, pacing around the room scratching his temple.

"Huh, now really? What did you two get in a fight about? I always thought she'd be the one to come to me, not you. I mean--"

"We didn't have a fight! She was kidnapped!" he whined as he stopped his pacing, waiting for Tony's reaction.

"What? Kidnapped? By who?"

"I don't know, well I do. I know it was Trolls, but I don't know which ones in general. I lost the scent. They were fast, but I followed it as far as I could, and then, poof! It was gone! Ohhh, what if I've lost her forever? What if--"

"Wait a minute!! You. Of all people, lost the scent? I thought you were a wolf!" he said as he got out of bed.

"I am! Well, half-wolf, not full, I thought we already had this discussion, Tony. Anyway, I followed her scent to the woods and then it vanished."

"What? People don't just vanish!" he said as he began to get dressed.

"Well, here they do...sometimes," Wolf said and let out a whine as he looked out the window. "We have to find her!"

"No really? Come on, lets go talk to Wendell, maybe he can help." Tony threw on a robe and headed down the hallway, Wolf anxiously following.

When they reached the dining room, they saw Wendell dressed in his finest and eating a huge spread for breakfast. It was then Wolf realized how hungry he was, but stopped himself from practically jumping on the table to grab some bacon.

"Good morning Tony, and ... Wolf? What brings you here?" Wendell said raising from his chair happily.

"Virginia was kidnapped this morning," he said hastily.

"What? How did -- by who!?"

"Trolls. Ugly, despicable, horrible, vile--"

"He gets the point, Wolf," Tony interrupted. "Listen, Wendell, Wolf said that she disappeared--"

"Vanished. Tone, disappear and vanish are two different things," Wolf corrected.

Tony sighed and continued. "Fine, she vanished and we were wondering if you knew of a way of how we might be able to find her."

"Well, you could use the spying mirror that the Evil Queen used. Perhaps it could tell you where you need to search for her, or even show her to you," Wendell offered.

"Great, more mirrors," Tony muttered.

"Where are they?" Wolf asked anxiously.

"They're still upstairs in her room. We haven't dared move them yet. There are a few guards up there, but they remain untouched. But, I'm not sure if it'll--"

"Thanks," Wolf interrupted and ran down the hall and up the stairs. Tony followed as quickly as he could, still lagging behind by some few yards.

"Wolf! Wait up!" Tony yelled from the bottom of the stairs, looking up as Wolf faded off down the hall at the top.

Wolf rushed to the old room, passing the guards without acknowledging them. He stopped running as he entered the room, and looked around. The last time he was in there was not more than two weeks ago, pledging to serve the Queen. He winced at the memory. It's very simple Virginia. I obey the Queen. He sighed, knowing he hadn't meant it, but the words had stung trying to tell her that. He never wanted to lie to her, but he had to for her own safety. Wolf shook it off and looked as Tony entered the room, chest heaving to catch his breath.

"Come on," Wolf said, waving him into the dark room behind the curtains. He heard Tony swallow hard as they looked at all the mirrors once again. He licked his lips and continued forward.

"There's so many. I never realized it before," Tony said as he gently touched the frame of one mirror.

"Yeah. We need to find the spying mirror. It's not a rectangle one like the traveling mirror, more round and has metal vines encircling it."

"How do you know all of this?" Tony asked as the walked around the room. Wolf didn't answer and shrugged off the question, running his hands over various mirrors.

"There it is!" Wolf pointed to the mirror in the back. It was perched on a column.

"Boy, it's ugly," Tony commented as they approached it.

"Tony, now's not the time for your petty observations. This is the spying mirror. It's what we need to find Virginia!"

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