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Jazzy - In the Shadows


Tony approached the mirror and grabbed two vines that we sticking out as handholds and then cleared his throat. "What do I say to it?"

"Just ask it where Virginia is," Wolf said getting closer.

"Okay, okay." He paused and looked into the glass. "Mirror, show me Virginia."

As soon as the last word left his lips, the mirror began to crack from the sides inward, coming alive. Tony jumped back and yelped as his hands were burned by the metal vines.

They both gasped as the mirror took shape of a face. "I will only answer to the Queen," it replied in a raspy voice.

"Uhh, hate to tell you ... she's dead," Tony informed her.

The mirror was silent. Wolf thought a moment and then approached the mirror once again. "Is there anyway that you will help us?" he asked.

"No. I am bound to answer only to the Queen. The only way I will answer to anyone else is if you can find the three crystals of Amorex and place them in the three holds around me."

Wolf ran his gaze along the mirror and noticed the holes that were placed evenly around the mirror. "Where are they?" Wolf asked.

"They have been scattered around the Fourth Kingdom by the Queen. Only she knows where each of them lie."

"Why would Christine want to do that?" Tony asked aloud.

"Because then nobody could access her mirror and get her power," Wolf answered and turned back to the mirror. "How will we know where to find them?"

"You can use another mirror to help you on this quest, but I will not until you attach the crystals to me. On the table, there is a small mirror that will help you find them."

Wolf and Tony went back to the table centered in the middle of the room. There was a silver vase of white flowers and a small mirror next to it. It had a long handle and a circular mirror in the center surrounded by a gold frame. Wolf picked it up and looked it over curiously. Tony took it from his hands and did the same.

"A word of caution," the mirror spoke again, causing Tony and Wolf to turn back to it. "My power has been long accessed and without the Queen's power, mine is weakening. Within a week's time, I will forever close, never to be reopened again." And with that, the mirror faded and reflected Tony and Wolf staring at it unbelievingly.

"Oh Cripes! We don't have much time!"

"Well, come on. This thing's supposed to work. It'll help us. I hope." He paused and looked at his reflection in the mirror. "Mirror, tell us where we can find the three crystals of ... of..." He turned to Wolf, "What were they called?"

"Crystals of Amorex," Wolf answered knowingly.

"Right, okay mirror, where are the crystals of Amorex?"

It began to come to life as it cascaded its reflection like a river and answered, "The crystals three all in the Fourth Kingdom, which you shall find. The first crystal lies in a town where everyone is kind."

"Great, more rhyming crap. Listen, we don't have time to answer you damn riddles. Where are they!?" Tony shouted.

"Wait Tony, we can figure this out. Kind town." They both were quiet for a moment as they thought.

"Oh! Kissingtown! Right?" Tony asked the mirror.

The mirror began to talk once more, "You know now your first crystal clue, you need to find the red, green, and blue."

"Red, green and blue, are those the colors or something?" Tony asked as he grasped the mirror tighter, hoping to choke it until it gave away the answer.

It spoke once more. "I shall not speak, until you need the next clue, where you will far away, find the crystal two." The cascading motion stopped and froze up.

"Ok, Kissingtown, let's go!" Tony said as he held the mirror and left the room. Wolf gave one last glance at the spying mirror and followed Tony.

Tony and Wolf hurried down the stairs and into the Throne room. Wendell set down the set of papers he was reading and went to them.

"Good news?" Wendell asked.

"Well, kinda. We have to go to Kissingtown. Got a couple of horses or something we can borrow?" Tony asked.

"Of course, I'll have some men saddle some up, they should be ready in a few minutes."

"Great, I have to go get dressed anyway."

Tony went back up to his room to change while Wolf and Wendell helped prepare the horses. They were both working on placing the saddle on a brown horse when Wendell noticed how quiet and distracted Wolf was, so he decided to break the silence, figuring he knew what was wrong.

"Listen Wolf, you know, you can't blame yourself for what happened to her."

"Wanna bet?" he said as he kept busy with the knot he was tying.

"It wasn't your fault, there was nothing you could've done."

"I could've stopped them, I could've saved her. But I didn't. Now she's gone and it's all my fault. I've failed her."

"Wolf, you can't say that. You've got to stop bullying yourself and concentrate on getting her back, not on how you lost her. You've saved her many times before, and now, you'll do it again." Wendell smiled and patted Wolf on the back.

"Ok! Let's get going," Tony shouted as he grabbed his provisions, put the mirror in his sack, and got on the horse, with some help. Wolf followed and mounted the opposite horse.

"Which way, Wendell?" Tony asked.

"Head straight south. At about noon, you should reach a fork in the road. Go left and then follow the signs, they'll lead you there. You should be in Kissingtown by nightfall."

"Great, bye Wendell."

Tony and Wolf started off into the forest behind the castle, following the trail. It was a long while before either of them said anything. Wolf was still somewhat upset about what he thought was his fault that morning. Tony had figured on that and tried to lighten up the mood.

"You know, we really haven't talked much since you and Virginia got back from New York. That was, what a week and a half ago? I thought you two decided to stay there."

"No, Virginia and I both wanted to come back. I grew up here, know my way around pretty well, and Virginia wanted to return because you're here. Plus, I think she likes it better here anyway. But don't tell her I said that."

"Really, you could've fooled me. After all that with getting the mirror, and wanting desperately to go home, she decides not to stay after all."

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Well, I've been meaning to talk to you about something else too."

"What's that?"

"Virginia told me the news a few days ago. On how you really meant that whole, 'Grandpa' thing."

Wolf's eyes grew wide and he slowly turned his head toward Tony, expecting to be hit. "And?" he asked cautiously.

"And ... after it took me a couple of hours, I really thought about it, and I know you two really love each other," Tony said with a small grin. Wolf sighed in relief. Then Tony added as he pointed a finger at Wolf, "But, you two are getting married soon, I don't want you both waiting until after the baby comes."

Wolf nodded understandingly. Tony dropped his gaze and finger and looked ahead at the trail. "Do you think it'll have a tail?" Tony asked suddenly.

"Maybe, well, most likely."

"I bet that's another reason you both decided to come back, huh?"

"Yeah, New York's not really the place to raise a cub, but if we would've stayed there longer, she'd still be safe. This is all my fault." Wolf lowered his head as the horse trotted along the path.

"Wolf, this is not your fault, all right? Stop blaming yourself, it's getting us no where! Besides, we're going to get those crystals, find out where she is, and get her. We've been in worse situations."

"That was different back then."

"Back then? It was less than a month ago!"

"Well, it was different then. Everything was different"

"What was really that much a difference? She was kidnapped then too? At least this time, there isn't some deranged lunatic Huntsman that's following us."

"Yeah, but we also knew what forest she was in, who had taken her, and that was before she got pregnant."

"Yeah, I agree, but you need to lose this guilt. Virginia wouldn't have of it, you know that, don't you?"

"Yeah, I guess your right. You're going to be a good grandpa!" Wolf smiled. Tony couldn't help but sigh. "Look, there's the fork!" Wolf pointed and kicked his horse to go faster. Tony followed Wolf at a slower pace. By the time Tony caught up to Wolf, he was already starting to head left. He kicked the horse to go faster and finally was side by side to Wolf.

"How long until we reach Kissingtown?"

"Probably another three to four hours."

"That long?" Tony asked as he gazed down the road.

"You're right, it'll go much faster if we run it!" Wolf kicked the horse hard and with a neigh, it took off running down the path.

"Wolf!" Tony called back and let out a grunt as he kicked the horse he was riding as well. Within a few moments, he was side by side to Wolf again who was holding on to the mane of his horse, trying to make it go faster.

For what seemed hours, but was only minutes, they raced on through the forest. When a good fifteen minutes had passed, Tony decided to stop.

"Wolf!" He yelled over the wind slapping his face and the thud of the horse's hooves. "Stop!"

They both pulled back on the reins and stopped in the middle of the path.

"What is it Tony?" Wolf asked, irritated.

"Let's give the horses a break, huh? They can't run the whole way."

"Of course they can, they aren't normal horses like what you have in New York, these can run for some hours. See, they aren't even panting." Tony looked at his horse, and then Wolf's, realizing his words were true. "Now come on, the more time we waste, the less time we have to find those crystals!" He gave the horse a whap of the reins and it started to gallop again. Tony let out a sigh and did the same. Kissingtown and Virginia were coming closer every moment.

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