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Jazzy - In the Shadows


Wolf smiled as he read the sign that whizzed by as he raced along through the forest. Only a few more miles until Kissingtown. The horses were starting to show signs of fatigue, but kept their strong pace. Wolf looked ahead and he could faintly make out the welcome sign of Kissingtown. His smile grew larger.

Wolf turned back his head slightly to see Tony, who was smiling himself. They entered town and placed the horses in the stable to let them rest. They were very happy to oblige. Hopefully though, they would be leaving soon.

"Okay, now what?" Tony asked as they walked the main street of Kissingtown. The sun was beginning to set and the air was becoming cooler. Happy couples passed them, kissing and hugging, whispering things into each other's ears. It made each of their hearts ache, but they didn't say a word, just exchanged knowing saddened glances.

"Well, we need to find the crystal," Wolf said, breaking the silence. "I guess we'll find each one in a different location. According to the mirror, that is," Wolf said, scratching his temple slightly.

"This town is huge, where are we supposed to find it?" Tony complained as he glanced around.

"I don't know, what if we asked the mirror?" Wolf suggested as he pointed to Tony's sack that was slung over his shoulder. Tony shook his head.

"No good, it said it'll only help us again once we need the next clue, remember?"

"Oh yeah, well, I guess we'll just have to split up and meet again later. It's the fastest way."

"Ok, then, check everywhere you know and let's meet back here, in ... let's say, two hours?" Wolf nodded and started off, heading north on the street. Tony headed the opposite way and walked into the auction hall; they always had so much junk, maybe something would stick out.

He entered the hall. People were buzzing about, getting ready for the next auction that was about to take place. Tony went up a small flight of stairs and sifted through a pile of dusty pieces. As he was ready to give up, an old man approached him.

"Could I be of some service, sir?" he asked, tapping Tony on the shoulder.

"Well, I'm looking for a crystal, possibly red."

"I don't believe we have anything like that. We mostly have items of silver and gold. Perhaps you can look in that room." He pointed to a rear room near the back of the hall. "It's where we keep newer arrivals. We haven't priced anything yet, but you're welcome to look."

"Uhhh, thanks." Tony flashed a smile and headed to the back room.

Wolf headed far down the street before he decided to go into the Lucky-In-Love casino. As he walked around the casino, his heart throbbed at the memories that Kissingtown held with he and Virginia within it. Their first sweet, beautiful, kiss ... and the agonizing memory of her heartbreaking rejection. Wolf pushed passed that and tried to focus on the matter at hand. That was before, this is now.

Wolf, concentrate, as soon as you find these crystals and get her back the sooner you can come back here with her. He smiled at the thought and wondered on through the casino. As he walked on through, something caught his eye on the floor. A gold Wendell! Well, it couldn't hurt just to make a small bet, could it? Wolf picked it up and looked for the nearest table.

"Wouldn't you know it?" he muttered to himself as he turned and looked up at the Jackrabbit Jackpot that was right in front of him. He placed it on the table. "Maybe I'll get lucky again," he shrugged. The wheel spun and missed the rabbit by a few pegs. "Figures, when I want to win, I don't."

He walked away and through the rest of the casino, with no luck. More and more people started to flood the casino, making it become hot and stuffy. Realizing this, Wolf decided to head out and get some fresh air. Too many people made him feel closed in and trapped. He needed to clear his head.

Tony was having no luck in the back room of the auction hall. The next piece up for bid was creating quiet a stir in the next room; people we going nuts over it. Tony though he had heard a lady call out 100,000 gold Wendells, but agreed that it was just his imagination. No one in their right mind would want to bid so much for a piece of junk.

Giving up, Tony decided to leave. There was nothing there remotely close to what they were looking for. He scoffed as he walked by a rack of mirrors. It seemed every time he ended up in Kissingtown, what he needed was never easy to get. An hour was almost already up, and the sun was well gone. He left the hall and headed back down the streets. The stars were out and he could hear the faint chirping of crickets. A few young lovers passed him as they held each other close, sneaking kisses and giggling as they made silly jokes.

For once, Tony was jealous of everything that everyone else had. What Virginia and Wolf had. What he didn't. The magic love town made people express their emotions more openly and discover how they felt. For Tony, it made him remember what he had lost, and what he was missing. He sighed and sat down on a bench against a wall to rest for a few minutes. He chuckled slightly to himself.

"Now's when I could really use Prince to talk to again." He knew that he wasn't a prince anymore, but he still liked calling him that. Whenever Tony heard or said the name, 'Prince', he was always just reminded of a young boy, heir to wealth and power. It made Tony feel superior, even if it wasn't the truth. But when he heard the name, 'King', all his self esteem went down and he felt low and common, even if it was to his friend Wendell. He sighed and looked down the street. "I know exactly what I need." Tony got up and walked to the local tavern.

He entered and remembered the last time he had been in there with Wendell. The bar was more crowded than he remembered it to be the last time, but he took short notice of it. He sat down at the bar and hailed the bartender over.

"Yes, sir?"

"Uhhh, let's see, I didn't try 'Cupid's First Blush' the last time, I'll have that. I need it." The bartender nodded and served one up. It didn't take him long to finish off the drink, but he knew he couldn't waste time by getting drunk now, no matter how much he wanted to.

He paid the bartender and left. He walked down the streets alone again, and found himself looking up at the stars. He tilted his head further back as far as he could. His gaze met with the moon, and his let out a shaky sigh.

"Great, just what I need," he said softly. The moon wasn't full quite yet, but it was awfully close. Perhaps only another night or two. Tony felt a chill run up his spine as he recalled the memories with Wolf the last time his cycle had come around. How was he supposed to handle him without Virginia? Virginia! He broke himself out of his trance, remembering why he was there, and continued walking on through the emptying streets.

Wolf exited the casino and found himself on the balcony he and Virginia had been on the last time they were there. He sighed as he thought of that, rested his arms on the railing and leaned on them. He looked out at the sky and let out a small whine.

"Oh, Virginia, where are you?" he whined. "I'll never stop looking for you. Never. I don't care how long it takes me, I will find you, even if it kills me." He lowered his head and shut his eyes tightly, thinking about her. After a few moments, he reopened them and stared back out into the sky. He let out another whine, as he gazed at the moon. He looked at it, unbelievingly. How could he have forgotten? It was close, too close. He had no time to prepare and they didn't have much to waste. His mate was counting on him, and the damn moon was going to cause him to be slowed down. Wolf howled painfully at the growing moon and left the balcony. Time to find Tony; maybe he'd had better luck.

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