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Samantha R. Cichella - A New Successor

Chapter 16: Reunited

Wolf woke up in a small clearing in the middle of a forest. He had no idea where he was or how he had gotten there. He sat up and tried to fight the headache coming on. He could tell by the sun that it was almost noon.

Then it all came back to him. Or, at least some of it. The last thing he remembered was escaping from his cell and loosing control to his wolf side in the Peeps bedroom.

Oh, NO! What if I killed them? Wolf moaned. He didn't want to kill anyone, not even the Peeps. But he could never control what his wolf side of him did during a full moon. As far as he knew, he hadn't ever killed anyone. He didn't want to start now.

That's when Wolf noticed the blood on his clothes. Panicking, Wolf tried to stand up. It took him a few tries but he eventually got up. He looked around. He was right by a small creek. He walked over to it and washed what blood he could off. He cleaned up a little and took a sip of the water upstream so he wouldn't get the blood.

When he was done, Wolf decided to try and head to Wendell's castle. He had no clue where he was though. After some wandering, he finally managed to find a road. He decided to follow it one way and hope that it would lead him to someplace he could get help. To be on the safe side, he stayed just off the road so no one could see him. If he'd really killed the Peeps, then people might be after him.

Wolf traveled for a few hours, walking in the shadows of the trees always within sight of the road. Sometime after noon, he came into a clearing. The grass was all trampled and there was two fire pits that had been recently made. Wolf was going to go around it in case they came back. Then he picked up a bunch of scents. One of them was unmistakably his Virginia's scent. Wolf almost howled with delight. His Virginia was here. So were Wendell and Tony. He'd recognize their scents anywhere. But that was when Wolf noticed the trolls' scent. Unfortunately, he recognized those too. It was the three trolls who had been chasing them through the Fourth Kingdom last time.

Wolf growled. He could tell by Virginia's scent that she was scared and worried. Wolf, not knowing why else there would be trolls with them, figured that the trolls had kidnapped Virginia, Tony, and Wendell. Wolf felt a boiling fury grow in him. He was not going to let anything happen to Virginia. The last time trolls had taken her, it had just been her. But now it was Tony and Wendell too. Wendell was his good friend, even if he didn't like Wolf all that much, and Tony was also his good friend and soon to be father in law. Virginia was his mate for life. If anything happened to her, his life wouldn't be worth living.

Wolf followed the scents back to the main road. They had gone in the direction that he had just came from. Finding more energy that he didn't know he had, he ran along the road following the scents, not caring if anyone saw him.

It was about evening time when Wolf made it to Little Lamb Village. He had been running all day and was about to drop from exhaustion. He stopped a little ways outside of the village to regain his breath.

Wolf was confused. Why would the trolls take them through the village? If they were kidnapping them, wouldn't they try to avoid people? Especially people who might recognize Wendell. Wolf would have to be careful. He didn't know what the trolls were up to, they may not be the smartest creatures but they were dangerous.

Wolf decided to wait until nightfall before going into the village. Then, maybe he could find Virginia and get her away from the trolls. Thinking about Virginia, Wolf lay down and drifted off into a light sleep.

Wolf woke back up a couple hours later. It was completely dark but Wolf could still see. He got up and walked toward the village. He really didn't like this place. It held to many bad memories. Huff Puff, if it hadn't been for Virginia, Tony, and Wendell, then he would have been burned here. Wolf shuddered and kept going. Best not to stay in this village longer than necessary.

Wolf entered the village and tried to act casual. He was glad to have the dark to cover him. He didn't want anybody to recognize him. He walked to the center of the village. He had no clue where Virginia could be. They might not even be here anymore. He was going to have to ask someone.

Wolf walked up to a lady who was closing her shop. Thankfully, she wasn't a shepherdess.

"Excuse me Miss, but do you by any chance happen to know if three trolls have passed through here lately?" Wolf looked at her hopefully.

"Why, yes. They passed came here just yesterday with His Royal Highness, King Wendell, along with Lord Anthony, and the Lady Virginia. They left this morning, but just got back not too long ago."

"Oh, that's great. Thank you. Do you know where I might be able to find them right now?"

"You might find them at the Baa Baa Bar. They were headed there earlier, although they could already be done. I know they were staying at the inn right by here."

"Thank you very much." Wolf hurried off to the bar, even more confused. He knew where they were now, but he didn't understand it. That lady had acted as if they were all just visiting, and nothing was wrong. But why would they have those three trolls with them? Maybe they're supposed to be acting like everything was normal. Huff Puff! I don't know. I just want Virginia back. Just as Wolf was nearing the Baa Baa Bar, he saw the trolls come out, followed by Wendell and Tony who both had an arm around Virginia. Wolf wanted to run right up to them right then but instead he quickly hid himself in the shadows between two houses. He watched as they walked right by them. Virginia looked really upset. He could tell that she had been crying a lot lately. She looked exhausted too.

Wolf waited until they were a good ways ahead of him, before following them. He stayed mostly in the shadows so no one would see him. He watched as they all entered a small little inn. He waited a few minutes before walking in there as well. His sharp mind had already come up with a plan. He took off his coat and walked up to the Innkeeper who sat behind a desk in the lobby.

"Excuse me sir, a lovely lady left her coat in the Baa Baa Bar and I was asked to return it to her. Do you happen to know which room she is in and I can go and drop this off with her." Wolf smiled, hoping the guy would believe his story.

"Well, I'm not allowed to give you her room number, but if you want, you can leave the coat here with me and I will give it to her in the morning."

"Oh, well, her wallet is in here and I'd rather not leave it with just anyone..." Wolf decided to use a bit of persuasion. His eyes flashed a golden yellow. The innkeeper looked a bit confused but suddenly shook out of it.

"Of course sir, I understand completely. What did you say her name was?" He brought out his record book from underneath his desk.

"Virginia, Virginia Lewis." Wolf smiled.

"Ah yes, room 19."

"Thank you very much." Wolf turned and bounded up the stairs. He found room 19 rather quickly. He listened for any sounds but it sounded as if she was already asleep. He tried the door but it was locked.

He knocked very lightly. He didn't hear any noises so he tried a bit louder.

"Who is it?" He heard footsteps coming to the door. Wolf smiled and stayed silent. The door opened and Virginia appeared, looking really tired.

"Virginia!" Wolf grabbed her in a huge bear hug. Virginia, who hadn't even had time to see who was at the door, was shocked. She pulled away and looked up into his face.

"Wolf?" She said softly. He could tell that she thought she was dreaming. He smiled and brushed a piece of hair out of her face.

"Yes my creamy darling?" Wolf pulled her into his embrace again and this time she hugged back.

"Oh Wolf! I was so scared. I didn't know what happened to you, and we couldn't find you anywhere." She started crying and he gently took her into the room and shut the door. He sat her on the bed and sat right next to her. She sobbed into his shoulder for a few minutes. Then she looked up and brought her hand to his face, where she gently stroked his cheeks. They kissed, neither one wanting it to end. It probably would have gone on longer had there not been a knock on the door.

"Virginia? Are you in there?" It was Wendell. Virginia got up and opened the door. "Are you okay? The innkeeper came to my door and said that he let a man come up here, who claimed to have your coat and wallet. I came over here and heard voices inside." Wendell looked inside and saw Wolf sitting on the bed grinning.

"Wendell!" Wolf got up and came over to him and grabbed him in a hug.

"Wolf? How did... Where were..." Wendell stuttered. He was too surprised for words.

"What's the matter Wendy?" Wolf patted him on the back and grinned. "Cat got your tongue?"

Wendell laughed. "It's good to have you back Wolf."

"It's good to be back." Wolf went over and put his arm around Virginia. She smiled and leaned into Wolf. It felt really good to be back in his arms. She always felt safe whenever he was with her.

"Well, I'm going to go get Antony up. He'll be glad to know you're safe Wolf. We've all been worried sick about you." Wendell left the room and headed for Tony's door. Wolf and Virginia went back over to the bed and sat down again. Virginia sat down on Wolf's lap and just sat there not wanting to let him out of her sight. They sat in silence, each cherishing the other being there.

Not even five minutes later, Tony came running in with Wendell behind him. Tony stopped and looked at Wolf as if believing for the first time what Wendell said was true. He looked over at Wendell who was smiling and back at Wolf. Wolf gently moved Virginia off and onto the bed before standing up and making his way over to Tony.

"Wolf?! Where did you come from?"

"Nice to see you to Tone." Wolf smiled and hugged him. Tony, who was still surprised, hugged back.

"Might I suggest we go down to the lobby and have some tea? That way, Wolf, you can tell us what happened."

"That's a great idea Wendell." Virginia went up and took Wolf's hand. Wendell and Tony led the way down the stairs with Wolf and Virginia following them. They entered the lobby and Wendell told the innkeeper to make them a pot of tea. The innkeeper scurried away to the kitchen while they all took a seat. Tony and Wendell each sat in a chair across from the couch where Virginia and Wolf sat. Virginia had her head against Wolf's shoulder and had his hand in hers.

"So, Wolf, what happened? We went to the Peep's cottage this morning and you weren't there. We couldn't ask the Peeps because they were unconscious." Wendell leaned forward. Wolf was confused however.

"How did you know where I was?"

"The trolls told us they had seen you in the back of a cart just outside of this village. So we came here and asked that if anyone had seen three men come through here with a cart. We were told that the only travelers were Wilfred Peep, and his two sons, Fairfax and Filbert."

Wolf became even more confused. "All right, maybe you should just start at the beginning because I am very confused. Troll? You weren't kidnapped at all?"

Wolf noticed the perplexed looks on everyone's faces and realized he must have come to the wrong conclusion.

"Kidnapped? Us? You were the one who was kidnapped!" Tony looked at him like he was crazy.

"Okay, how about you guys tell me what happened with you and then I can tell you my story." Everyone nodded and Virginia sat up ready to tell him everything that had happened.

"Well, when I came home that day and you weren't there, I found the door wide open and a note on the table telling me I was next." Virginia started. Wolf suddenly remembered the conversation he had overheard the night before in the cottage. He was about to say something but decided against it. It could wait until Virginia was done. Virginia noticed the look on his face but continued. It took her a half an hour but she finally concluded with, "We got back here late this afternoon and handed the Peeps over to the jail. They'll wait there until Wendell's guards get here to take them to Snow White Memorial Prison. After they were safely in jail, we just kind of roamed around not really knowing what to do. The Peeps had woken up but they didn't know where you were. All they said was you were in the cell last night and they didn't even have time to look this morning." Wolf hugged Virginia. Her story explained a lot of things. Everyone looked at him expectantly, waiting for his story.

"Well, when Virginia left that day, I went to sleep on the couch and woke up when I heard the door. I had gone over to open it and was knocked out. The next time I woke up I was chained up in a small little cell." Wolf then began to tell his story. It wasn't quite as long as the other, seeing as though he was locked up for a few days. "When I woke up this morning, I found blood on my clothes and all over me. I was afraid that I had attacked the Peeps. I've never killed anyone during a full moon, but I was still scared. I'm glad to hear that they were fine though. As much as I hate them, I don't want to kill them." Wolf shuddered. He took a deep breath and continued with his story. Finally, he ended with, "Then I saw you all leave the Baa Baa Bar and I followed you here."

"How did you know what room I was in?" Virginia asked. Wolf looked a bit nervous but answered.

"I told the innkeeper that you had forgotten your coat at the bar. At first he wasn't going to let me go up there but I told him your wallet was in it and I didn't want to leave it with just anybody."

"And he believed that?" Virginia was a little uncomfortable. What if it hadn't been Wolf? It could have been some other psycho out to get her. Wolf noticed that and quickly said, "Oh, no, he wasn't going to let me so I used a little persuasion." Virginia looked confused. Apparently he had never explained to her his talent.

"Persuasion? What do you mean?"

Wolf looked deep into her eyes and allowed his eyes to flash the golden yellow. Virginia's eyes became glazed as she looked into his eyes. Wendell and Tony watched with fascination. Wendell had heard that wolves held such talents but he had never seen one use it before.

"Virginia." Wolf's voice was soothing and comforting, and Virginia found that she couldn't help but do whatever that voice wanted her to. "I want you to go to sleep. You're very tired." Virginia nodded and her eyelids began to close. Suddenly she snapped out of it. She sat up and pushed Wolf away. Wolf started. No one had ever been able to resist his persuasion before. He felt pride swelling within him. His Virginia had a very strong will. He smiled and put his arm around her.

"Virginia, do you realize that you're the first person to ever resist my persuasion? I haven't seen anyone with that strong of a will before." Virginia blushed.

"Part of me was telling the other part to snap out of it. It was hard because your voice was so soothing and hypnotic." Virginia suddenly remembered something. "Wait, the other day at Grandmother's house. I saw your eyes turn that color when you looked at her and she suddenly just changed her mind. Was that your persuasion?"

"Yes. I figured that the only way we would ever get her to accept me was by using it. She really is quite stubborn."

Tony snorted and started laughing. "You're telling me?" Wendell looked lost. The only time he had ever met Tony's mother in law was when he was a dog, and he hadn't really been paying much attention to her at the time because her stupid little dog had not stopped barking at him.

Virginia turned to Wolf. "You really thought we had been kidnapped?"

Wolf grinned sheepishly. "Well Huff Puff! I didn't know why else you would be traveling with trolls. Plus, when I smelt your scent, it had worry and fear in it."

"I was worried and scared stiff about you. I didn't know if anything had happened to you and if you were all right or not." Wolf hugged her close. He brushed the hair from her face and stared into her deep blue eyes.

"Don't worry. I'm never letting you out of my sight again. When I was in the cell, I was scared because I didn't know if they had gotten you too. I wasn't sure if you were hurt or if you had gotten away. I don't know what I would do without you. You are my mate for life." Virginia smiled and leaned into kiss him when Tony coughed. Blushing, Virginia turned back to Wendell and Tony. She had forgotten they were there.

"Yes, well, anyway. I didn't bother waking the trolls because I figured we could use some time to ourselves." Wendell said, trying to get back on topic.

Wolf remembered what he had been going to say when Virginia had been telling him their story. He then told it to Virginia, Tony, and Wendell, telling them everything he remembered about what he had overheard from the Peeps. When he finished he turned back to Virginia.

"I had been confused when they said that they left a note. But when you told me what happened it made some sense. I had known they were talking about you and I got even more confused when they said that She wanted you to get Wendell's help. It doesn't make any sense. The Peeps never mentioned a name, they just said She. Plus, why would She want you to get help from Wendell?"

"Yes, it does seem very strange. Well, there isn't really anything we could do about it tonight. I suggest that everyone go back up and get some sleep. Tomorrow we can head back to my castle. We'll wait here long enough for my guards to arrive. I want to make sure that they are taken to prison. I don't want them escaping again." Wendell stood up. Everyone else followed.

Tony said goodnight and went into his room. Wendell turned to Wolf right before going into his own room.

"I'm glad you're back Wolf. You had us all scared there for awhile."

"Thank you Wendell. I'm glad to hear that you care about me. I know we weren't exactly the best of friends on our little adventure earlier." Wendell smiled and disappeared into his room, leaving Wolf and Virginia in the hall. The smiled at each other and went into Virginia's room.

They got into bed and Virginia fell asleep first. She had her head on Wolf's chest and his arms were wrapped around her. Wolf watched her for the longest time. He was so glad to have her back in his arms. He was whole again.


Jessica sat in her mother's old ruined castle. The very same one that the Evil Queen had been in three months ago, plotting her revenge on the House of White.

Jessica was no more than 16 years old with brownish-red hair. She had deep blue eyes that held a cold hatred in them.

She stood in the abandoned throne room in front of the spying mirror she had been given. Her cold blue eyes grew even colder as she watched her plan already beginning to crumble.

"Idiots!" She yelled. A servant came running in asking if she needed anything. Jessica ignored him and continued to talk to herself. The servant hurried off. "Those blasted Peeps have failed to kill that wolf. Now Wendell and that girl suspect something. I was hoping that they would have killed the wolf before Wendell had arrived there. The girl would have been weakened without her mate." Jessica thought for a moment. Then she smiled. "No matter. I will find some other way of getting rid of him. That clumsy idiot Tony as well. Together those four are very strong, but separated they will fall easily. My mother was foolish to underestimate them. I will not make the same mistake. Soon, the Fourth Kingdom will be mine. The whole of the Nine Kingdoms will follow." Jessica laughed.

The trolls were an unexpected twist, but she didn't worry too much about them. They would probably be back on their way to their own pitiful kingdom now anyway. Although, she had to admit, she hadn't thought that they would ever help Wendell. It might be a problem later on if King Burly decided to ally himself with the Fourth Kingdom. She quickly discarded the idea however. They were trolls; they wouldn't care if anything happened to the other kingdoms.

Just because she was young, didn't mean that her mind wasn't sharp. She was wiser than her mother had been. She knew of her relation to that girl Virginia, but that didn't change anything. It only made it all the more interesting.

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