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The Answer



Jerry handed them the papers of their blood work results what they each read on there would change their lives forever..........or would it?..........


Lucy had an expression on her face that Carter couldn't alone decide weather she was shocked or relieved. So he looked at his sheet. His T-cell count was higher. It wasn't totally normal but it wasn't HIV status. Nor was it Lukhemia or cancer. Maybe a different type of infection. His lytes were normal. That confirmed it. He had a viral infection. Most likely something that would clear up on its own. He rolled his eyes to glance up and silently thanked god. What a miracle. Just then he realized Lucy hadn't told him what was on hers. "Lucy?" she stood there looking at the paper. "Luce? anyone home?" he waved a hand in front of her face.

"Wha- oh sorry. Did you ask something?"

"Yea, how does everything look over there?"

"Um, I guess you can read it" He slipped the paper from her hand and glanced at it. He scanned through each line. Lytes, normal, T-cell count- WHOA! they were sky high. But if her lytes were normal then....It couldn't be. He looked up before reading on. He looked at her with his jaw open. Shock in his eyes. "read on" So he did. Lucy was pregnant. The thing was, he wasn't the father. Lucy was 2 months pregnant. Now she wasn't with him until the past week. She was with........


"Yup. Great isn't it?" she seemed to handle it well. It was pure panic and sarcasm.

"Um, aren't you a little too happy about this?" Dave? a father? it didn't fit. He was a good guy and all but he was definately not a father type.

"I don't know. How do I tell him?" She suddenly seemed to take a grip on reality again. She was scared.

"Tell who what?" Speaking of the devil. Dave strolled into the lounge and grabbed a soda out of the fridge.

"Dave do you mind if I talk to you for a sec?" Lucy tried to appear as casual as possible with news like hers.

"Yea sure. ok" he sat down on the couch opening his drink.

"Lucy I have a patient in exam 4 if you need me ok?" John made an excuse to leave. He knew it was her business to tell Dave what was going on. He did however have a patient in exam 4. It was just the right thing at the right time.

"Yea thanks Carter" She looked over at him and attempted a weak smile. He walked out and shut the door behind him quietly.

"So, Lucy what's up?" he was so nice. He didn't deserve such a bomb to be dropped on his life. It was half his fault too though.

"Um, I got back some blood work and well I'm just going to cut to the point here-"

"Is everything ok?" he looked concerned though Lucy figured he was concerned for the wrong reasons.

"Um it depends how you look at it" he had a puzzled expression now. "Ok, that's not the point but um Dave I'm well pregnant" Now he was shocked.

"Um, how long? I mean I might not be the-the you know?"

"Father?" she finished for him. He put his face in his hands and looked up at her with a new face. One of hope that he might not be responsible for the new life inside Lucy.

"Dave I'm 2 months along"

"Oh" that hope faded.

"I know this is the last thing we both need so I want to make sure its ok with you that I um get an abortion?"

"Lucy if you want to fine but its your decision not mine"

"Well if I did would you be a 'father' figure for the baby?"

"I couldn't you just said that yourself" He got up and started to pace.

"I know so I'll get an abortion. Lets just keep this a little private ok? the last thing we need is the nurses all saying 'Dave knocked up Lucy' right?"

"Yea I know" he walked out of the room but stopped in the doorway. "I'm sorry Lucy I didn't mean to do that you know?" He really did look sorry. Though he wasn't a committing man Lucy knew he wasn't a liar.

"I know. I still want to friends though ok?"

"Yea. I'd like that" he smiled "If you need me just ask ok?"

"Got it. Thanks Dave" she returned his smile and he left. She felt a sigh of relief that he took it so well. Now she had to think over what she had just said. 'I'm going to do what?!' she said she would abort but did she really want to? 'I have to I don't need a baby right now in fact it could ruin my career' she convinced herself. She decided to go through with it. However too many people knew her upstairs in ob. Someone, no matter how unintentionally, would slip the tidbit to the ER or it would make its way there. So she would go somewhere else. Somewhere no one knew her. Mercy. A good place. No one knew her there. But just to make sure no one would one day come into the ER, recognize her and blurt out, 'hey I remember you, you came in last month for an abortion' what would she do? 'I'll dye my hair' good idea. She called Mercy hospital from a pay phone.

"Mercy hospital how may I direct your call this is Nancy speaking"

"Hello? I'd like to schedule an abortion in ob"

"Hold on one moment miss"

"Ok" Lucy was nervous. Nervous something might go wrong during the operation. 'wait a minute! I'VE done and abortion before how can I be nervous? If I can do it without mistakes, a blind man can!' A few moments later a man picked up.


"Yea um I'd like to schedule an abortion"

"How far along are you miss?"

"2 months"

"Ok, we can get you in next week if you'd like?"

"Yea what time?"

"Um, around 7:30 in the morning of Wednesday ok for you?"

"Yea that's great"

"Um one last thing I need your name, number, and the reason for the abortion" Name? I thought these things could be anonymous! "Miss? are you there?"

"Um yea what was that again?"

"Your name number and the reason for the abortion" he said a little impatiently but still friendly.

"Hannah Goldberg and I can only give you my cell phone number my home will be fumigated then,

555-3458, and well, there's a large possibility of birth defects that I just can't afford to handle" she figured that was as good an excuse as any.

"ok Hanna looks like we'll be in contact with your probably Monday and or Tuesday"

"Thank you" she hung up. Now to get the day off............

~~~~~~~~~~~~1 hour later~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After convincing Kerry she needed Wednesday and Thursday off (to recover) for 'personal reasons' Lucy decided to talk to Carter. She was so nervous someone would figure her out and yet she hadn't told Carter she wouldn't be having the baby. She went to the admit desk. "Jerry where's Carter?"

"Uh, he should be either in the lounge or on the El his shift just ended" He said while shuffling some papers.

"Thanks" Lucy ran to catch him. No luck in the lounge. She ran outside only to see him walking down the alley to the El.


He looked back at the familiar voice he heard. He saw Lucy running towards him in her lab coat. In freezing Chicago it must've been important he figured.


"Um I need to talk"

"Ok does this have anything to do with" he waved his hand slightly showing 'baby' was the topic in question.

"Yea just come on Doc Magoo's ok?"

"Yea sure" he grabbed her hand and the two crossed the street to the tiny building.

===============Doc Magoo's==================

"So what's up?"

"I'm going to abort"

"abort what?"

"John you know what!" she exclaimed.


"Because I don't need a baby in my life right now. Neither does Dave"

"So why not just give it up for adoption like Deb"

"Because unlike Deb I don't want people to know I was pregnant before I was married! lets also not forget that I don't want to deal with morning sickness, ultrasounds, not being able to do my job, above all"

"Ok, ok, ok do what you want to do"

"Do I have your support?"

"No matter what you do I'll support you" he held her hands across the table.

"Thanks John" she smiled. Only that smile could make him think positive about something like this. "I have to get back to work now before Weaver knows I'm gone"

"When are you going?"

"Um, next Wednesday I actually got that and Thursday off without telling Kerry can you believe it?"


"Mercy no one knows me there. But as an extra I figured dying my hair wouldn't hurt"

"What?" He laughed a little bit.

"Yea besides I might like going brown headed who knows?"

"I'll see you later Luce" he laughed between words. He kissed her and left. Today wasn't going to bad for her. She had the support of both men involved in the pregnancy and she was doing what she wanted. No. What she needed. Now how to tell mom???

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