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Death Before Life Has Begun

Tuesday rolled around the corner before Lucy knew it. She was waiting for the magic call. Boy she must've been a psychic because her phone suddenly rang. With the dye still in her hair she picked up the cell phone.


"Hanna Goldberg? This is Mercy ob"


"We'd like to confirm your operation tomorrow"

"Ok, what time should I be there?"

"Um, around 7:00 in the morning would work for us"

"Ok, fine any directions?" She knew what they were but better be safe than sorry right?

"Just don't eat past 11:00 tonight and take out any piercing and no jewelry or makeup and I'm assuming you picked up the shampoo?"

"Yes, nasty stuff"

"I don't blame you but you must use it. No body oils or lotions."

"Ok we'll see you then"

"Ok" Everything was going to plan. Lucy was pregnant one day and not the next. Now to get this hair dye cream out before it burned out al of her hair. Then she would use the sanitary shampoo she had 'borrowed' from County. John would be over so he could take her the next morning. When she stepped out of the shower she heard the doorbell. "It's open" she yelled.

"Hey Luce" came his familiar voice. She turned around in her towel.

"Hi" she said while trying to get her robe out of the closet.

"So you ready for tomorrow?"

"Yea I guess" she looked at the spot on her towel indicating where the baby would be.

"Is that a yes or a no?"

"A yes" she reassured herself and him.

"Ok, its not too late do you want something to eat before 11?"

"No I'm fine thanks though" she still didn't sound too ok.

"What's wrong?" he knew she wasn't telling him everything.

"How did I get myself into this? I mean we were always careful"

"Lucy you're a doctor you know it's not 100%"

"99.9 is enough for me"

"It wasn't though, was it?"

"I am so swearing off of sex until I get married!" she sounded serious.

"Hey what am I supposed to do?" he joked. Whatever she decided he'd respect. She looked at him smiling.

"Well, maybe for the next 2 days at the most" She laughed. She adjusted the robe straps and tied them.

"Ok, deal" he joked. Lucy yawned. "Tired?"

"A little" she admitted.

"Ready for bed?"

"Yea, promise to tuck me in?" She smiled. Even when she was nervous she had a sense of humor.

"Yea come on" he gave her a pair of warm pajamas and made up the bed. As she got into her bed and he pulled up the covers she whispered a thank you.

"Your welcome Luce" he kissed her on the forehead. She shut her eyes and instantly fell asleep. After he got changed into his own sleeping attire, he got into bed and set the alarm clock for 6:00 a.m. Tomorrow was a big day for her. He fell asleep quickly as well.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^7:00 a.m.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

"Come on Luce we'll be late"

"Ok I'm comin' I'm comin' hold on one sec" she answered. She came out of the bedroom with a pair of black comfortable pants and a slightly tight white shirt. Her now brown hair was up in a ponytail. "It's weird, for the first time in a long time I'm going to leave the house without one ounce of makeup on" she joked.

"You look great anyway" he didn't lie. "I kind of like this brown haired look you're not making me feel cheap"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Every girl I've slept with was a blond!" he said humorously. He wouldn't mention Lizzy the girl who managed to sleep her way through hospitals. She gave Carter his first STD scare. Jerry had posted it on the bulletin board for the entire staff to look at.

"Now I feel cheap thanks John" she slapped him on the chest.

"Ow!" he joked. "Come on lets go you're going to be late" he put his coat on then he helped her with her own.

"You hear that little person in there?" she looked down at her stomach. "I feel so stupid talking to my own body" she said. He didn't know what to say to that. "Come on John lets go get me fixed" she joked again and shut the door behind them............

All through the car ride, Lucy was silent. She didn't know what to say. She was too nervous about the surgery, and hungry, to say anything.

"Luce you ok?"

"What?" she returned to reality "Oh yea fine"

"Ok" he could tell she didn't want to be irritated now. He would drive her to mercy. Let her walk out, (He knew people at Mercy, so if they recognized him..) then pick her up during a break. She would be ok. It would be easy.

"It's just... Nah forget it"

"No come on Lucy tell me"

"I don't know, it's weird I'm a doctor, but I'm scared of going into surgery. It's stupid I know but I just can't help feeling it"

"I know what you mean"


"When I was younger, a medical student-"

"You're not ancient John" she laughed. He sounded like an old man talking like that.

"Right well, anyways, back in the olden days, I had to have an exploratory surgery on my back. I slipped and fell on ice and the swelling didn't go down after one month. Well on the day of the surgery, I um, well I kind of broke into this scared shock state or something and I passed out"

"You're kidding me?"

"No- but this stays between us if the staff found out I passed out from surgery preparations they'd never let me live it down!"

"Got it." she was relieved to know she wasn't acting stupid. "Thanks."

"Your welcome Luce. Now we're here, so go on in there and whatever you do, no matter how scared you get" he kept making it dramatic until- "Just know that I'll be right here at 2:30 to pick you up" he joked. She hit him in the arm.

"Uch, not nice! I'll see you then." She kissed him then hopped out of the car. 'Here goes nothing' she said to herself on the way into the hospital where she would end her baby's life before it had begun.........

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