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Serious R&R In Florida

When Lucy and Carter got on the plane, they settled in relatively quickly to what seemed to most people, the most uncomfortable place on earth. But for the two doctors, it was a piece of heaven compared to what exam room beds were like. "Boy, they must really treat you bad where you come from" one woman said. She was pleasant yet, she said every last thing that popped into her head. "Why would you say that?" Lucy answered kindly.

"Well look at you, you two seem to be as comfortable as sleeping babies" she was right.

"Oh, well the hospital isn't very cozy" Lucy answered frankly getting annoyed of the woman's sudden need to ask questions.

"What are you doing in a hospital? You could be a showgirl or a model"

Lucy was flattered really but Carter could tell that she wasn't up to answering a whole lot of questions now. So he answered for her.

"We're doctors we spend most of our time there"

"Well good, now we know who to turn to if someone's dying"

Carter nodded.

"What part of medicine are you in?" she asked profusely.

"Um, Emergency"

"Oh the ER? I'm there sometimes, I do medicine stocking as volunteer work at Mercy"

"That's very nice of you" she smiled like he had given her the biggest compliment in the world. She really thought she was getting somewhere in the conversation. Carter wondered when this woman would stop standing in the aisle and sit down she was getting to be too much even for him, he was used to drunks asking the same questions over and over and over again and it couldn't strike one nerve in him. This woman however could twitch Carter's last nerve by asking questions that were totally different. That was usually the aim of questioning. To make them different to find something. He hated it. Lucy could tell. She had practiced something like this before. When she was in psych she learned a lot from her patients. They would fake illness or nausea or even....pregnancy. That would be easy. She let Carter in on it without the woman noticing they weren't listening to her little story. He had an idea on how to fake a pregnancy. He'd seen it before, some women just !

do it to get attention from doctors (Carter was flattered but he found it really distasteful) but he figured he could use it this time to get her away from them.

"Uh, Luce you ok?" he tightened his grip on her hands kind of a hint-hint type thing.

"Yea, just a little tired"

"You should try and sleep a little"

"Oh, is she ok?" The woman seemed concerned.

"Yea, I'm fine I'm just in my first trimester that's all I've been getting really tired lately"

"Oh well I know how you feel I delivered 3 myself. Anyhow you get your rest, it was nice talking with you Dr........." she waited for him to fill in the name.

"Carter" he wouldn't lie about that. He felt guilty enough pushing her away with a lie.

"Yes, well goodbye Dr. Carter and you too miss. Enjoy the flight."

Carter waved and nodded with a smile in return. Lucy waited 'till the woman was gone to drop the act. Thank god the woman sat in first class.

"I thought she'd never leave" Lucy let out a sigh

"I haven't heard someone talk that much since I was in med school" he added.

"Ha, you talk like that every day!"

"I do not" he looked shocked. He never assumed he talked like that.

"Yes you do, you always talk like that. Even whey I was your student you could never stop with the lectures"

"True, but I don't talk like that now not every day"

She gave him a look and he surrendered to that. Ok, maybe he did talk a little too much but not as much as she made it seem. He yawned. "You tired?"

"Huh?, oh no I'm fine"

"Carter we didn't sleep last night, I'm tired too"

"Ok, I'm a little tired but" he realized she was still calling him Carter "Lucy you can call me John its fine"

"Sorry old habit" Since she had gone out with Dave she felt like calling him Carter was a sure way to assure herself they were just friends. That hadn't gotten her anywhere. She remembered the reason she hadn't slept that night. Oh yea that's exactly what friends do before they go on vacation. They sleep with each other right? "Just get some sleep, we'll be there in a few hours"

"Ok, if you promise to sleep too" she made him promise and then she rested her head on his shoulder. He liked having her depend on him. It made him feel better knowing he was wanted. She fell asleep quickly. He would sleep later. His mind was too full of things to let him sleep. To work that off he did some charts until the food came around. At which point both doctors were starving. Lucy seemed much more awake after getting only 1 hours sleep. He managed to look awake without shutting his eyes. Lucy knew he hadn't slept. Why else would there be charts done? Oh well 'he's a grown man he can sleep when he wants to'. She wouldn't mother him. That would seem strange. sleeping with a woman who acted like his mom.........YUCK!.

When the plane landed, Lucy felt a little stiff. She hadn't slept in an hour or so but still she had been in one place for a long time. Carter on the other hand, felt flexible. His legs were like Jell-o. They supported each other and in time regained normal strength. Lucy's mom was to meet her that night so Lucy had plenty of time to check into her hotel. Her mother wanted her to stay with her but Lucy decided she wasn't going to impose and stay in that tiny apartment. She would have to sleep on the couch anyways.


"Passengers arriving off of flight 1845 should report to baggage claim number 4 for their luggage" the intercom announced as they walked off the platform and into the crowded space. The airport was busy with passengers coming off of flights mainly from the colder states. The two barely spoke. they were too tired. Carter had decided that he would stay by Lucy this vacation. She didn't mind. Thought they weren't staying in the same hotels they were no more than a two minute walk from each other. Carter wasn't staying at a hotel. He would stay at his friends house. His friend was to meet him at the airport. He didn't want to leave Lucy alone but she had somewhere to be so he felt a little better.

"Are you sure, because we can drop you off at your hotel if you want"

"No really John I'm fine, I have some people to meet so I'll see you later. Here," she pulled out a piece of paper. "This is the number of the hotel I'm at and you know my cell phone number." She had been addicted to that thing as her communication for a while. She managed to get a cheap program though that would let her communicate out of Chicago. It was national, anywhere in the US so she was happy with it.

"Ok, I'll see you later then bye" he kissed her and went to his friend.

"bye" she went off in the opposite direction to get her rental car

"Hey Johno! what's doing?" Carter heard a somewhat familiar voice behind him.

"Hey Tommy, what's goin' on?" he replied. The two men shook hands.

"Long time no see. How's the hospital thing working out?" Tommy had followed Carter's career as a doctor since day 1.

"Not too bad and you? How's the stock market?" Tommy was a gambler type of guy. He knew his limits but was into risks. He became a major investor in the business.

"Ok, but tell me who's the blond I saw you coming off with?"

"Oh, that's Lucy I told you about her"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa the Lucy I heard about broke up with you one month ago. That was not a breakup goodbye right there" Carter blushed slightly too slightly for Tommy to notice

"Yea, well we kind of hooked up again that's all"

"Really? why?"

"Yea, um, I got her the plane ticket here since I still liked her........." he told him the whole story........."So last night I kind of made a move and she went for it......ya know" Tommy was hooked on this story.

"Wow. nice one Johnny. she a doc too?"

"Yea, she was um, my med student"

"Aaaaahhh now I'm getting it she slept with her teacher for better grades, you got played"

"No, no, no nothing like that we waited 'till after she graduated that's all"

"Yea right" Carter wouldn't argue a lie. Exam 6 was not waiting.

"Come on lets go" Carter tried to change the subject. He was in aw when he saw his friends car. A limo no doubt for Tommy but there were a few cars when they got to the house. It was HUGE Carter's own family house didn't compare. 'Lucy would go nuts over this' he thought............hhhmm Lucy, what's she doing now?...........


"Hey honey!" Lucy's mom exclaimed as she opened the door to her townhouse.

"Hi mom" Lucy said enthusiastically but tired.

"How's work? How's your love life tell me everything!"

"You haven't changed at all mom" Lucy laughed as she walked into the house.

"Lucy, it's been 3 hours and you still change the subject when I bring up your love life, why? isn't Dave ok?"

"Mom it's not that its just that, well I'm not going out with Dave anymore"

"Why? I thought things were going so nicely between you two?"

"Not really, it was just I don't know Dave isn't used to a relationship or anything just a girl a week but not one night stands."

"Oh, well who's the new guy?"

"What do you mean?"

"Lucy I know there's someone else just tell me who it is"

"you want me to be totally honest?"

"Yes now just spit it out before I die of anticipation"

"ok......John Carter"


"I thought you'd be shocked"

"No, relieved, I knew it would come back together again for you two just not so late"


"Well I did so sue me I've got a good instinct on this love stuff"

"Yea well, I made a mistake so we got back together"


"Last night"

"really? tell me more" Lucy's mom often became like one of her girlfriends on this particular subject. She was interested in her daughters life. She was glad she was a doctor but she felt that she was wasting too much of her time working. Lucy often got proposals for dates from guys but she never really accepted. She was afraid 'it would interfere with my career' is what she would always say. She was 27 and she hadn't had a real date with anyone outside of the hospital or anyone for that matter in months. She had 'dated' Dave but they never went on dates. They only saw each other when they were home or in the hospital. That didn't count.



"That's disgusting tell my mom what happened when I slept with my former teacher?"

"Honey, I don't want to hear every little thing that happened in bed just how it came to that"

"I don't know one minute he was talking to me while I was packing and the next......" her voice stopped there her mom knew what she was talking about.

"Well who kissed who first?"

Lucy paused. she didn't answer.

"Lucy!" her mom knew who had done what first

"Well mom I told you it hurt when I broke up with him"

"So what does that have to do with it?"

"Well one of my friends said something that made me realize my mistake that's all"


"Pain is a warning that something's wrong"

"Oh from that madonna song"

"How does everybody know that but me"

"Everyone has a social life but you what's your point?" she was right.

"Well it doesn't matter, what are we doing tonight?"

"I don't know but I want to meet this 'Dr. Carter' when can I go to Chicago?"

"You don't have to he's here, we flew here together that's how I got my ticket he talked Dave into trading vacations with me"

"Well, call him up make plans for the three of us to get together some time tomorrow or something"

"Mom, he's here with a friend"

"I'm sure he'd love to see you bring his friend along"

"Fine I'll call him tonight"

"OK, what do you say we go to a movie?"

"Sure what's playing?"

"I heard Sweet November is supposed to be good"

"sounds good to me"

"Ok, lets go" the two women set off on their little field trip which Lucy knew would turn into a night of shopping later.


"So John why did you two hook up again?"

"Because I don't really know"

"Well HOW did you two hook up again?"

"I went to her apartment to talk to her and she made a move"


"She said something, that's all and one thing to another"

"What'd she say?"

"Pain is a warning that something's wrong"

"Oh that madonna song"


"Forget it" Tommy knew that John never listened to much but Jazz. He liked Jazz but Tommy also liked pop hip hop rap the whole genre list.

"Ok, so where is we're going?"

"Well I heard you hadn't had a girl in ages so I was going to hook you up with someone but I guess that's of the list" he elbowed his friend jokingly.

"Shut up, no really what're you doing?"

"I.........don't know actually what'd you feel like doing/"

"I don't know"

"Why don't we hook up with your girlfriend and do a double date or something?"

"Na, she's here with her mom"

"Oh come on she'd love to see you"

"Fine I'll call her tonight"

"Ok, in the mean time lets go to a bar or something and watch the football game"

"K, sounds good"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10:30 that night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lucy felt her phone vibrate while walking down the street with her mom.


"Hey Luce"

"Hi what's going on?"

"Oh nothing much, listen you wanna do something tomorrow if you r not too busy with your mom or anything?"

"Hold on one sec let me find out" she covered the speak area on her phone. "Hey mom John wants to do something with me tomorrow you have anything planned?"

"I was hoping you'd get something to do for tomorrow night, I have a night out with a friend downtown. go ahead tell him to pick you up at my place" Lucy uncovered the phone.

"Sure, why not?"

"Cool, um my friend Tommy wants to know if we want to double date with him?"

"That's great um, I'll give you my moms address, pick me up there?"

"Ok, what is it?"

Lucy gave him the address and the two agreed to meet at 7:45 tomorrow night.

"You'll really like him mom"

"I know I will" they went home and went to bed.

Then nest day Lucy and her mom spent a lot of time catching up with old friends of Lucy's family that had moved to Florida as well. As much as Lucy loved theses people, her jaw hurt from smiling. So did Barbra's.

"Wow, I haven't greeted so many people since my sister's wedding" she laughed.

"My cheeks are killing me" Lucy added. Both women groaned with aches and pains that Lucy could identify in a split second. She hated considering that. 'I'm on vacation, I'm not a doctor this week' she coached.

"Well you have a date to get ready for don't you?"

"Oh, shit I forgot! I don't have anything to wear"

"I know that's why I'm telling you to get ready 3 hours early. We're going shopping"

"Yes!" Lucy loved shopping it was a carefree thing. She got what she liked and put back what she didn't. She had brought enough money with her so why not enjoy it?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 hours and 45 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Mom I can't zip this up help!"

"I'm coming I'm coming!" Lucy's mom walked into her room. " I remember doing this for you a long time ago."

"Yea, I remember" she gathered her thoughts "Prom night, I was 20 minutes late because I couldn't get my zipper done" she laughed "Then you ran over and yelled 'oh put your hands down and let me do it!' that was my last night of fun before med school"

"Yea, its good you're getting out"

"Yea, thanks mom"

"Oh your welcome....." she paused the turned serious "now for the rules"

Lucy gave a look of 'here we go again' "Bring 'em on"

"1. No drinking and driving

2. have fun

3. Don't come home before tomorrow morning!" she joked.


"Really though have fun, you don't have to come home just enjoy yourself. You're a woman too not just a doctor"

"I know, I know." Just then the doorbell rang "Well you ready to meet him?"

"Yea, and don't worry I wont be mean"

```````````````at the door```````````````````

"Hey John" John Carter stepped inside, little did he know he was under investigation

"Hi Luce" he kissed her on the cheek. "You look amazing"

"Thank you. You look great yourself." Lucy remembered her mom "Um, John this is my mom Barbra"

"Hi ms. knight its nice to meet you"

"Hi John, the pleasure is all mine" she shook his hand. "Well you two have a date don't you? go on" Carter was relieved that Lucy's mom was different from most of his other girlfriends mothers. She didn't intterrigate him with questions. Lucy really did look amazing. Carter had told her to put on something nice. She looked perfect for the occasion. She wore a black dress that ran straight across her shoulders and in a tank top form. It came down to her knees. She hadn't dressed up like that in a long time.

Carter wore just a pair of nice pants and a nice shirt.

"So where exactly are we going?"

"You'll see" Tommy preferred that they take a nice car. He brought a small Merceides that he used for occasions like this. Tommy got out to meet Carter's friend.

"Hi Lucy I'm Tommy, its nice to finally meet you"

"Likewise" what did he mean by 'finally'?

When they got into the car, Lucy met Tommy's date again. Lucy had gone to school with this girl in high school in Chicago.

"So Lucy, how've you been what're you doing now?"

"I'm good, I'm a doctor in the ER"

"Wow, that's great, I wish I had the guts to do something like that, I stuck with office work, a lawyer actually"

"That is just like you Lizzie"

"So how do you two know each other again?" Tommy asked

"Lucy and I went to high school together."

"Oh, I see"

"So John what are you doing these days we didn't get much of a chance to talk"

"I'm a doctor in the ER as well"

"You two work together don't you?" Tommy added

"yea" Lucy replied.

"So I know some of the doctors down there was your teacher as tough as Benton was on John?" Tommy had visited Carter once down there.

"Um, Tommy I was her teacher" he laughed.

"Lucy, you hooked up with your teacher? I never pictured you breaking the rules" Lizzie joked.

"I know, we waited thought 'till after I graduated"

"Oh, that's good" Lizzie kept her eye on Carter. It made him a little uncomfortable.

They sat in silence for the rest of the ride.

"We're here" Tommy finally announced. Lucy thought it would take forever. Through the entire dinner Lizzie was either talking to Tommy or flirting with him or Carter. Carter only responded to that by flirting with Lucy. She was getting annoyed with Lizzie herself. Couldn't she keep tabs on her own date?

That was the kind of girl Lizzie was. She was tall brown haired and gorgeous so she tried to use her looks on men. She often tried to get men that were involved with other women. She didn't seem to mind when those women were her friends either.

"Lucy you want to come with me to the ladies room for a minute?" Lizzie asked at the end of the meal.

"Um, sure" the two women got up and went to the ladies room to talk.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Powder room~~~~~~~~~~

"Lucy I like him"

"Good I like John so?"

"No I mean I like John"

"Lizzie, you're here with Tommy"

"I know but, he's no fun."

"Well why'd you go with him then?"

"He showed me Johns picture and I liked it"

"Lizzie please don't do this I love this guy ok?"

"I'm sorry Lucy but I can't help it"

"Well just don't act on it"

"Why? you know me, I see it I want it I get it"

That was it Lucy was fed up with being nice about this. "Look Lizzie I've had enough of this, he really means something to me, I'm not giving him to you"

"Then I'll just have to take him. May the best woman win" She walked out. Lucy followed to show no tension between the two women.

"Everything alright?" Tommy asked when Lizzie came back with a stern look

"Yea fine"

Carter looked at Lucy she looked a little concerned.

"You ok Luce?"

"Oh yea I'm fine"

"So you girls ready to go?" Tommy asked

"Yea I'm ready" Lucy said

"Me too"

"Ok, we're all set lets go" Tommy said and they got up and went to the car. The next stop was a dance club. Tommy had heard of it from a friend at work so he decided to stop there. It was a nice place. They played a mix of music. Jazz, contemporary, slow pop and other slow music. That was much of what they played. The music started to speed up as the night flew by. Carter was a good dancer. He told Lucy his mom had made him take lessons. Lucy on the other hand was ok with dancing she knew steps but next to John looked really bad. He decided it would be fun to teach her. Lucy did have fun learning. She had enjoyed learning with him before but she had fun doing this. Lizzie decided to interrupt her fun.

"Tommy, I can't dance"

"Hey John mind if we switch I don't know anything about teaching dance"

"Uh," he looked at Lucy she decided he could handle himself with Lizzie "Sure"

As the girls made their way to switching partners Lizzie whispered, "nice move" and walked casually to John. Lucy and Tommy were good dancers together he didn't try and flirt with her. He just did a friendly whirl 'round the dance floor type thing. Lizzie had other plans.

"Like this?" she got closer to Carter and did the dance steps perfectly.

"Yea, that's it" he didn't like how close she was getting. He brushed it off though. Lucy's friend wouldn't do that to her, try and take her boyfriend, would she? Just then Lizzie tripped, purposely of course, to et his attention from Lucy.

"Whoa" she fell into him. He caught her. when he loosened his grip she didn't. A slower song came over the room.

"Um maybe we should trade back you seem to have gotten it" he decided to act on his impulses.

"Come on just one more dance wont hurt" she put on a face that made him feel guilty. She was a good actress.

"Fine" Throughout the whole 3 minutes whenever she got closer he backed off farther. Lucy noticed that. He really cared about her or he wouldn't have resisted Lizzie. Lizzie was an impatient person. When something didn't come quickly to her she made the bait more intense. She tried to do just that. When she tried to kiss him he moved away.

"I think I need to be with Lucy"

"She's fine with Tommy" she moved in again he backed away again.

"Lizzie I'm serious"

"Me too come on you like me"

"No, not that way"

"Well I could change your mind" He was getting nervous. He walked away over to Lucy.

"May I cut in?" he asked smiling. Tommy was his friend he'd understand. He wasn't trying to make a move on his friends date.

"Sure man, you're a good dancer Lucy" He gave her a friendly hug.

"You too Tommy" they had become friends over the dances. Tommy now went to find an upset Lizzie.

"I saw you and Lizzie" Lucy said finally

"Luce, I didn't do anything I-" she cut him off when she kissed him.

"I know. Why?" Lizzie had always managed to get guys from Lucy that would say they cared for her.

"Because, as quick as this is I love you Luce" she started to tear. He just looked at her hoping she was happy with what he had said. After a minute Lucy finally replied to him. "I love you too"

"Um do you want to go?"

"Yea, lets go" before they walked out she passed Lizzie and said to her "The best woman won" she walked off in John's arms. Lizzie was humiliated. Tommy knew what was going on so when they passed him he handed Carter the guest house key. "Have a good time man"

"Thanks. I'm so sorry about Lizzie"

"I'm fine you guys want me to drive you home?"

"If that's where you're going"

"Yea let her find her own ride home" he smiled and followed the happy couple.

~~~~~~~~~~Tommy's guest house~~~~~~~~

"So this is where you're spending your vacation?"

"Yea, it's ok" she gave him a look that said 'stop lying you're crazy about it' and she was right "Ok, so I love it" he laughed.

"I can't say that I blame you" she didn't care too much about the house though. It was who brought her there that she cared about. She walked over to him and he put his arms on her waist.

"I'm still puzzled how you managed to resist her" John knew who she was talking about

"First of all she looked nothing like you, second, she was like attacking me third, I love you"

"I love you" she said to him back. She kissed him. It turned into much more than a kiss. Lucy remembered the night before they had come here. She was so happy now. Relaxed, comfortable, happy.

The entire time He couldn't let her go. He was so happy he had told her those three words. He was happier than he had ever been. Even happier than the last time they had a relationship. She couldn't bare either to let go of him. She loved him. He loved her. That was all they needed. for nearly 2 hours they confessed their love for each other. Afterwards Lucy laid there looking at him. He had drifted off to sleep. Yet he still had a smile on his face. He was gorgeous when he slept. She kissed him lightly and fell asleep her head on his chest.

^^^^^the next morning^^^^^^^^

Carter was first to wake up. When he opened his eyes he felt a shooting pain in his arm. He looked over to examine it but he saw Lucy. Despite the fact that she was cutting off circulation to his arm, he smiled. She woke up. she sat up and kissed him.

"Good morning" she said.

"hey did I wake you?"

"No, I had to get up anyway"

"Why? We're on vacation Luce"

"I know, I just didn't call my mom to tell her I'd be late"

"You sound like a teenager" he laughed

"I do don't I? Anyway I'm going to call be right back" she got out of bed and went to the small living area. Carter wanted to hear but he didn't want to appear to evesdrop so he made the excuse to go to the kitchen and make some coffee.

"......Yea mom I'm fine...........Yea we did.........Yes mom I'm not stupid...............Sorry I didn't call...........I don't know maybe, mom we just started dating again, I don't know if I'm ya know in love with him...........maybe it could happen........I'll see you tomorrow then right?...........ok I love you too bye"

when she hung up the phone she hoped he didn't hear her. Inside though he could only think about that snetence. 'Is she in love with me? am I in love with her?' he hoped she wasn't because he didn't know if he was and he was pretty sure he wasn't.

"your mom ok with you being here?" he asked when he came into the living room with coffee.

"Yea, she just wanted to know I was ok" she couldn't help but think of her moms question 'honey, are you in love with him?' was all she could think. 'I'm not in love with him, I've only been dating him for 3 days how can I know?' He couldn't take it anymore, he wanted to know if he would be leading her on to believe he was in love with her.

"Lucy, um....I hate to admit it but I heard your conversation in the kitchen and..."


"I heard what you were saying and I just want to know how you feel about us"

"Carter, were you evesdroping on me?"

"No, I didn't pick up the phone I was just making coffee and I heard thats all"

"Oh, well I don't know how do you feel about it?"

"I like this but we need to take it slow right?"


"Ok, I just needed to know that" Lucy felt relieved he wasn't in love with her. She was certain she wasn't with him.

"So what are you doing today?"

"I don't know I figured I'd lay around the pool or something maybe go out just let Tommy morn over Lizzie for a while" he sipped his coffee. Damn, he'd forgotten to put in cream. He hated black coffee. Apparently Lucy knew that.

"John, don't you have c ream in the refrigerator or something?"

"Yea, I'll go get it" he smiled seeing as how she had to remind him how to drink his coffee. "So what are your plans for today Luce?"

"I don't know, my mom went in for some blood work so she'll be in the hospital over night, not exactly my favorite place at the moment, a hospital"

"I know exactly what you mean"

"but I figure she'd want me to visit her so I'm going to go there tonight but other wise I have no idea"

"So, stay here with me, it'll be fun just hangin' out"

"Yea ok"

"Fine but if you're gonna swim you might want to go get a swim suit"

"I have one at my moms house, I have to swim laps anyway"

"How do you do it in Chicago its freezing over there?"

"I know my apartment building has a pool I just do it at night and dry my hair"

"Oh. I probably would but I'm too lazy"

"So I thought" she laughed.

"hey, I'm not that lazy"

"Yes you are that would explain your poor, poor performance last night" she joked

"Poor? come on I get a little credit I was tired"

"Me too I fell asleep half way through it!"

"So what do I have to do to make sure you never speak one word about it to anyone?" he knew what she would imply he should do.

"Try, try, again" she smiled. He grabbed her hand and they made their way once again to the bedroom loosing most of their clothing on the way. It was then that they heard a knock on the door.

"John you there?"

Carter took a moment to regain his breath. "Yea be there in a minute" he rolled off of Lucy and put on some pants and a shirt.

"Hey Tommy whats up?"

"Um, listen I wanted to apologize for Lizzie last night um, geez I feel really stupid gettin' played like that"

"Look I'm sorry too but come on lets admit it the girl was a bitch huh?"

"Yea, so um how're things going on with Lucy?"

"pretty good, we talked a lot"

"Sure you did" Carter gave in. He couldn't lie to Tommy he knew too much about him. Carter wasn't always a talking kind of guy. More of an actions kind of guy....

"Well, I have to go to work actually so you guys can hang out here help yourselves to whatever I'll see ya later"

"K bye Tom" Carter shut the door and walked back to Lucy.

"What was that about?" she said as Carter collapsed next to her.

"Oh nothing Tommy wanted to apologize about Lizzie last night"


"So, when does our vacation end?"

"Uch, in 2 days."

"That's it?"

"Yea, I know it's too short but we have work. Besides we have 2 days after that off."

"Oh yea, so what're we gonna do then?"

"Mmmm I have a pretty good idea" she rolled back on top of him and gigled slightly.


The whole day she and Carter were together. They couldn't sepperate for 5 minutes let alone an entire day. All Lucy could think of though was what would happen between them. She was starting to think abut a life in the future with him. John wasn't thinking about that. He was just thinking about the present. He wouldn't give up those days with her for anything, but he didn't know where his heart would tell him to go next. should he stay with Lucy, or move on after he's gotten a little fling out of his mind. He wouldn't use Lucy like that but he wasn't sure about commiting. What can a guy do in a situation like this?..................

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