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Disclosure: I do not own any of the ER characters.

Listening To the Heart

John and Lucy fell asleep in each other’s arms knowing they didn’t have to go into work for another two days.

The Next Morning,

Lucy awakes and finds herself still warped up in John’s arms. She knew they could get in really big trouble for what they have done, forming a relationship. But she really didn’t care any more a she was in the arms of the person she loved. She slowly moved john’s arms making sure she wouldn’t wake him. As she climbed out of the bed, she turned to look at him he looked so peaceful and happy.

Lucy grabbed her dressing gown and put it on and made her way to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast.

Lucy put the kettle on and went over to the fridge to see what she could cook them both. The fridge was pretty bare except for some sausages and a little milk. She took the contains of the fridge out, and realised there wasn’t much of each item. And she had the craving of a large breakfast as she was quite hungry and she was sure John would be, so she decided to get dress and down to the local shops.

She went back into the bedroom trying to get dress without making much noise, She stared at John the whole time she was getting dressed, and it looked like he wouldn’t wake up for sometime. But just in case he did wake up, she wrote him a note, saying she be back soon as she was getting some supplies for breakfast, she placed the note on the part of the bed she was laying on, so he would not miss it if he did wake up.

20 Minutes later,

As Lucy opened the door she looked round her apartment to see if John had woke up. But there was no sign of him in the living area, she placed the shopping bags on the side of the kitchen and walked towards her bedroom.

John was still asleep, but he had changed position lie he had woken up but went straight back to sleep. She removed the note she written earlier so he would know when he wakes up again she was back in the apartment again. She looked at John again and she did know before this morning he was good looking, but now he was the most hansom man she knew. She sat on the bed and leaned over to John and kissed him lightly on the lips, and he stirred a little, but he didn’t wake up. She knew she could have waked him up by kissing him, but she just couldn’t resist. She stood up and walked over to the kitchen.

She opened the bags and empty them of there contains, She placed the items she didn’t buy for breakfast in the appropriate places. She has brought some bacon, fresh tomatoes and mushrooms that she was going to lightly fry, to go with the sausages and eggs. She also got some fresh orange juice and bread for toast.

She went through her cupboards looking for the frying pan and olive oil. She lilts the gas hob and placed the frying pan on the ring with about 2 teaspoons of olive oil. She let the oil warm for a while before she placed the food in the pan.

John wakes up to find the bed empty next to him, he new when he first woke up she went to the shop a he reads the note she left. He didn’t know why he was expecting to see her there when see came back but he did. He realised the note was gone, which he knew meant she was back and preparing breakfast. He climbs out of bed and picks up his clothes and got dressed he wanted to go and hug Lucy. And he didn’t want to do that with nothing on when she was dressed. He looked round the room to see if he left anything and as he did he saw he reflection in the mirror. He had a red mark on the left hand corner of his forehead where he had hit his head on the floor. And he knew he was going to get a bruise.

John opened the door of the bedroom and saw Lucy was making breakfast in the kitchen. He slowly closed the door so she wouldn’t hear it close. He tipped toed over to where she was cooking; Lucy hadn’t notice John was coming towards her. When he was in arms length of Lucy he moved his arms round her waist and hugged her and said, “Good Morning gorgeous” and he kissed her on the side of the neck. Lucy smiled and said good morning back and she turned round from the cooker to face John. They kissed and embraced each other as Lucy pulled away to get back to the cooking she noticed the mark on his forehead. “God, John looks like you going to have one hell of a bruise, you want me to kiss it better?” He smiled cheekily to her, “That would be nice.” She put her hands on his shoulders and tipped toed so she could kiss his forehead just where the red mark was, he wrapped his arms round her waist as she was kissing his forehead, and he didn’t want to let go. “John, could you please let me finish breakfast?” John let her go and he walked over to the dinner table where he noticed plates and juice where waiting. He sat down and admired her from a distant. To him right now Lucy was beautiful, intelligent, strong women and who had made an attachment to him, which he thinks he is completely the opposite kind of person, to the women cooking breakfast for them both.

Lucy brought over the cooked food over on a plate and placed it in the middle of the table so they could chose what they wanted. “Lucy, it looks great! You didn’t say you were this good at cooking!” She smiled at him for his complement, but thought she was no good at cooking. “I’m better being a med student than I am at cooking, believe me I was as surprised as you when I saw how good it looked.” He didn’t say anything back as he knew she was probably right. As she was a lot better at medicine then he ever gave credit for. He wanted to tell her that but didn’t think it was the right time.

Later that day,

After breakfast they made their ways over to the couch to watch TV, they were still there until 3pm. By this time Lucy had made her way from sitting next to John, to being cradles in his arms lying across the couch. But they were both asleep rather then watching TV. They both suddenly awoke then they heard their pagers going off. Lucy quickly moved to the pagers that were in the kitchen. And John stays on the couch and waited for Lucy to tell him they were needed in the ER. As he knew that the only reason they would be paged, when they had days off was because they were short handed. “John guess what?” she said with a frown on her face, “we’ve needed at the hospital?” “Yeah” “Well then we better go, but we will take our time and walk there!” “Walk there! Its two miles! Why would you want to walk there we can just take your car?” John face changed from smiling happily to a serious look. She also gets serious and worried as well as she knew he wasn’t telling her everything. “John what is it?” “Well, what if I told you I kind of still have a headache!” Lucy starts to get more worried and also angry. “And I would tell you back, why didn’t you tell me!” “Lucy, I didn’t want to go down the hospital. I wanted to spend my time with you. Anyway it’s not as bad as yesterday. I said to myself if it got any worst, I’d tell you, and then go to the hospital. “John, Okay I can understand that, but you must know it must be quite a bad headache if you aren’t willing to drive!” “No, I can drive I just wanted to walk because we have a little more time together before walking through the doors of the ER. You do know we can’t show how we feel about each other at the hospital. Well not right now anyway! We would be in a lot of trouble and you could be kicked out of medical school and I could loss my job. And believe me I don’t want that for you or me!”

“Yes, I know that”, Lucy had said in the most disappointing voice, she did know what he said was true, but didn’t want to see the reality of their situation. John got off the couch and kiss Lucy on the lips and reassured her they wouldn’t need to sneak around that long, Well that’s what he hoped. They had decided they it was better for them to drive in case they were needed urgently.

They arrived at the hospital; John didn’t drive to the car park, but decided to park in the street just outside the entrance of the ER. Dr Greene, Dr Corday, and carol were waiting in the ambulance bay as they arrived. And Carol was the only one of he three who had noticed that John had drove pass the bay with Lucy in the passenger seat. She got very curious about that situation and remembers her suspensions from yesterday about them two liking each other. So she told herself to find out from them both after this trauma if they do like each other and how they came to be in the same car. She knew it could be possible that John saw Lucy walking in the hospital as he was driving and decided to give her a lift. But her imagination was starting to run away with itself.

John turned off the engine and opens his door and is about to step out when Lucy grabs his arm and says nervously. “John, Carol, Dr Greene and Corday, what if they saw as in the car together! If any of them asks, how are we going to explain ourselves?” John Closes his door and looks at Lucy assuredly, “Lucy, we just tell them the truth.” She looks at him with dreading eyes. “That I went to your house, I felt a little ill and my headache got worst and you told me I was in no shape to drive home. So you said to stay and I slept on your couch. Lucy don’t worry everything is going to be okay!” He leaned over and kisses her and she kissed him back. They both got out of the car and went towards the ambulance bay.

Carter and Lucy were walking close together; close enough for them sometimes for there hands to brush pass each other. Which was to become their sign of intimacy between them. But also not close enough to raise any suspension. Except of course Carol does think that they were walking a little bit too close. And she can’t wait until she tells someone that there was a possibility Carter and Lucy had finally got it together.

Dr Greene wasn’t that surprised to see John and Lucy together. As he told John he didn’t want Lucy to be on her own last night and if needed to stay close. Dr Corday was the first the greet them both, “So you two feeling okay today?” “Fine” Lucy answered straight away. “John what about you?” “Okay I suppose, still have a little headache but I did hit my head hard yesterday on the floor.” An ambulance was just pulling up so Lucy and John decided to get out of their way and go to put their things away!! Not many people saw them come in which Lucy was happy about for she was still anxious, and John couldn’t really blame her it was difficult keeping how they feel from each other. They knew they would have to keep their relationship away from the hospital, but they both didn’t realise how difficult it would be, not to be near each other in the respect of holding each other. They both knew it was going to be a long day.

After the trauma Carol went quickly over to Jerry to tell him what she saw yesterday and today and told him what her suspensions were. And of course Jerry totally believes Carols suspensions. And rumours about Carter and Lucy soon were all over the ER.

Dr Greene walks out of trauma one he wanted to talk to John and Lucy. He was getting a little worried about what John said earlier about still having a headache. Dr Greene called them in to work to take a few minor cases, why the other doctors were dealing with the multi traumas, which were coming in. If he knew john still had a headache he would of insisted to stay at home.

Dr Greene found John and Lucy in exam 3 working with a patient that had a deep cut on his arm; it was obvious he would need sutures. Dr Greene walked into the room, Lucy and John turned around the acknowledged he was there. John turned to Lucy, “ Why don’t you do the sutures and I be with Dr Greene if you need me!” She looked carefully up at John; it wasn’t like him to give up suturing someone to talk with another doctor, even Dr Greene. She was started to get worried and it showed, she knew she would have to reply soon, so she said the only thing that came to her mind. “Sure thing, Dr Carter.” John noticed the worried look on Lucy face and in her voice. So he gave her a re-insurance look at nothing was wrong. John walk towards Mark and they step out of the door.

“John, you okay? It’s not like you to give up sutures!” John knew if he lied to Mark that he would immediately know he was lying, he never knew how people know when he was lying it must be something in his expressions. So he decision then that he should be honest, “Well………I still have a little headache, and I knew you came to see me. As I told you I had a headache earlier.” “Yes, that is why I wanted to see you, John I know you probably don’t want to hear is, but I have to ask. Has the headache got worst or better since earlier?” John consider Mark question for a while as he wasn’t sure how to answer the question, as some times it seemed better and other times it seemed worst. “Dr Greene I honestly don’t know, sometimes it seems better and other times it doesn’t…you want to do enough CAT scan don’t you?” “Yes, I think it would be better just to double check everything is okay.” John nodded okay to Dr Greene, which made him little worried, as John wasn’t resisting him. Which told Dr Greene maybe John was worried about himself, and maybe his holding out on him that about how bad his headache really was. “I just finished up with is patient and I make my way up to the CAT scan.” Mark watches carefully over at John as he walks back into the exam room.

Lucy was just finishing off the sutures when John walked back into the exam room. She looked to who just walked in and noticed it was John and smiled at him, she picked up the chart signed the bottom and walked over to John, “Carter, I need you to sign woodhouse’s chart!” “Sure” He took the chart checked a few things and signed the bottom as instructed. Lucy smiled back at John and turned to Mr Woodhouse, “Well, Mr woodhouse you can go home now. If you get a headache or feel sick in any kind, please come back to the hospital.” “Thank you both” Lucy and John just smiled at Mr woodhouse and walked out the exam room.

Lucy signed; John could tell that she was tried “Luce maybe we could get off soon, you looked tried and I differently need some more sleep.” Lucy smiled and answered quietly “Now that would be nice!!” She wanted to hug him and put her head against his chest, she always safe and needed when he held her like that. They both starred a each other wanting the same thing, but they knew they can’t not here, and differently not now. He had to tell her about the tests he needed, his faced turned serious and Lucy knew he wasn’t telling her something. “What’s wrong, John?” John looks down at his hands; Lucy decides whom cares if someone from see someone, we can just denied it, plus he needs me can tell. Lucy places her hands in John’s in a comforting way he look up to her surprised she do anything that looks suspicious but he didn’t care right now he was scared and he had to tell her. In a gently soft voice he tells her “I’m scared” she knew just looking into his eyes that he was indeed scared but she wasn’t so sure what about. She looked around and saw that exam 6 was free, so she led him over to the room.

Lucy closed the door behind her and looked toward John waiting for him to speck. They just stayed there quiet for a few and she knew she would have to start the conversion. “John, you still have a headache don’t you?” He turned towards her she knew what was wrong, but I suppose anyone could work out he still had a headache, as he was giving up on a lot of procedures. “Yes, and that’s what’s worry me I have had concussions before…” “But” he looked to Lucy, how she know there was a but coming, he silently laughs at her. “You know me to well” “Cut to the chase John, I’m really worried about you, its not like you give up on procedures like you have been doing all day.” Lucy walked over to john who was sitting on the bed, “But I have never had a headache is bad with a concussion before. That’s what’s scaring me!” John puts his hands on Lucy waist and pulled her towards him, and hugged her. “I’m going to have another CAT scan to make sure there’s nothing wrong, also I would like you draw some blood and run a full blood work-up.” Lucy pulls away from John and looks at him to see if was being serious there was no reason he should need full blood work-up. “Lucy, please don’t look at me that way, I just what to be sure that nothing else this causing this headaches.” “You have an idea what’s wrong with you don’t you?” He didn’t look at Lucy and she knew than he did. “Please John tell me?” she said in a gently voice, he always told her what was on his mind, when she spoke to him in that voice. He replied so quietly she nearly didn’t hear him, “Leukaemia” “did I just hear you say Leukaemia? John one hit of your head on the floor and a continuous headache doesn’t mean you have Leukaemia” John didn’t say anything he just starred down at his hands. She suddenly knew he had other symptoms and it had been going on for a while. “How long have you thought you may have Leukaemia?” He looks up to Lucy, he had tears in his eyes, “For about a month!” after saying that he just broke down crying.

Lucy went back over to him and hugged him until the tears subsided, and making sure no one could see though the windows she gently kissed John on the kiss. John kissed her back but is time the kiss was more wanting and passionate and strong. Lucy’s lips pull away and she spoke, “We should probably put your mind at rest as soon as possible I get the blood kit.” John just smiles at Lucy and says, “Thanks, don’t think I could trust anyone, except you to do this for me!” She turned round did John think I was pitying him. “John I love you, I do anything for you, but I will never pity you! All I see when I look at you is love.” “Really?” “Yes”, and she walks over and kisses him again. She starts the prep the needle and draws some blood. John has left the room for the CAT scan and she starts to wonder whose name to put on the test tube. Lucy decides on Mr B. Carter after Johns late brother Bobbie, he probably kill me for putting his name on the tube but it was the first name that came in her head. After all John’s brother did die of Leukaemia, that the main reason John became a doctor. Something came to her if Bobbie survived she probably wouldn’t of known John. She made herself not think of that it wasn’t nice to speck about the dead that way.

A few Hours,

John had come back the CAT scan and it showed everything was normal, so Dr Greene said he was lucky and the headaches were probably just his mind telling him to take it easy. Dr Greene Told John to go home get some rest, but instead to stay and Dr Greene knew he couldn’t change John mind, Said “Well, okay but take it easy okay, Carter!” “Sure thing Dr Greene.” John did want to go home but he would be worrying about his blood results, and knew he couldn’t get asleep with that still to come.

The ER seemed to get extremely quite all the sudden, Carol and Jerry were once side of the reception desk and John and Lucy the over. Carol and Jerry could see John and Lucy were taking about something and they tried there hardest to over hear what they were saying. Just encase they said something about them to being together, but unfortunately they were caught by John and Lucy trying to over hear them, so John and Lucy decided they would retire into the Lounge. Carol and Jerry were watching there very move, “See there Jerry, they have kept doing that today?” Jerry couldn’t tell what Carol was on about, “Doing what? I am looking but I can’t really see anything suspicious.” “There hands brush pass each other for a instant which as everyone knows is a sign of intimacy for people in a secret relationship, and when people ask them about it, they will just say I didn’t know we were doing that. It happen accidentally, but if it happens more then twice it’s not accidental and I tell you I have seen them do that about 20 times today!!!!!” “Know you mention it there have been doing that a lot lately, just rises our case about them to being involved.”

Lucy was sitting down on the couch amused by watching John nervously walking round the lounge like a chicken. “John, why don’t you sit down for a while, walking around not going to make much difference about how long the test will take!” John stops dead in his tracks and looks at Lucy, “I suppose you are right.” He walks over to her sits down and takes her hand in his, she looks at him she wasn’t sure they should be holding hands just encase someone did walk in. But looking at his face she realised he needed to hold hands for comfort, and by her, he wanted the one he loved to comfort him. Suddenly the lounge door opened they both looked around it was Jerry, and he was them holding hands and they didn’t let go while standing there. Jerry didn’t speck for a while and John got impatient, “Jerry, was there something you wanted?” “Yeah sorry some results came back down from the labs for a Mr B. Carter” John looked at Lucy in a face saying why that name, all she could do was shrugged her shoulders. “Yes, and?” “Did you order them?” John stayed quiet for a while, pretending to think about the question Jerry asked, “Yeah I think I did!” John gets up and walks over to Jerry, and takes the results, “Thanks Jerry,” “No problem, relate of yours?” John signed deeply, “Yeah”. Jerry decided it was best to leave after all he had know more rumours to spread about John and Lucy.

John opened the results and just look at them, “John good news or bad news?”

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