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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the ER characters.

Night of My Life

Dr Greene and Weaver just stared at John hoping at what John had just said was wrong. John Just looked at Mark, who he could tell was shocked. John decided to tell them what arrangements have been made for his treatment. “Well, I’ll be admitted tomorrow morning and my treatment will start immediately.” Mark was still in a dazed state he just couldn’t believe it. “Well aren’t you going to say anything?” “Arh sorry John it’s quite a shock, you aren’t having much luck lately are you?” John just smiled and thought ‘well in my personal life I am.’ “Health wise no!” “So why you are you being admitted tomorrow, why not tonight I would of thought the doctors up on the oncology department would like to start treatment as soon as possible?” “Well they said if they did admit me tonight they still couldn’t start treatment until tomorrow. So they said to go home and spend my time with family and friends tonight!” Kerry still hadn’t said anything she was more shocked then Mark was, and she didn’t hear one word of the conversion, which just took place between John and Mark. “Dr Weaver you okay? You have gone white, maybe you should sit down!” “No, I’m okay.” The colour was finally coming back to her face. “John?” “Yes, Dr Weaver” “We will still pay you full pay.” “Thank you, that would be helpful.” Kerry looked into John’s eyes she could tell the full effect of this situation hadn’t hit him yet. “John I hope you know we will be there for you!” John looked round the ER and his glace fell upon Lucy, still staring at her at the reception desk he said, “I know!” Kerry and Mark exchanged glances and smiled, they both thought, ‘at least one good thing came out of this.’

Meanwhile at the reception desk.

“Lucy what you looking at?” Carol asked, “John his talking to Weaver and Greene right now.” Carol looked in the direction Lucy was looking in. What Lucy and Carol didn’t know was the entire staff round the desk had stopped working and was starring at Lucy. There were whispers between a few of the nurses. “Did Lucy just call Carter, John?” “Sounded like that!” “God now that’s proof their together.” Carol looked back at Lucy, “So how do you think it’s going?” “Well at first not that well, but that’s probably only because of the way he told them he can’t work anymore. But now they seem shocked, Weaver more so then Greene.” Everyone’s mouth’s dropped the minute Lucy said that, and Chuni shook her head and got the courage to talk. “Lucy, is Carter quitting?” Lucy looked in the direction of the nurses, which had gathered. “No his taking medical leave! I can’t say anymore then that!” Lucy looked back towards John and he was glancing around the place, and he eyes finally fixed on her. He said something to weaver and Greene and smiles formed on their faces. Lucy couldn’t take her eyes off of John’s eyes, she could drown in his eyes, she loved them they were his best feature. Lucy could see John was talking to weaver and Greene intensely, and the way they kept looking in her direction she could tell they were talking about her.

John finished talking to Weaver and Greene and walked over to the reception desk. Deb was the first to talk, “John what’s is about Medical Leave?” John quickly turned his head towards Lucy, and the look she gave him was ‘sorry I had to tell them something.’ He turned back round to the others and breathed in deeply, “I’m have Leukaemia, and treatment starts tomorrow!” Everyone went quiet not even a gasped of air could be heard. “Luce, Dr Green and Weaver need to talk to you, I’ll be in the lounge once they have finished talking to you. Why don’t you find me, okay!” Lucy smiled at John. “Sure!” Before leaving for the lounge John placed one of his hands on her face and started gently stoking under her chin, she smiled and he said, “I love you so much!” Everyone’s head now perked up and in the direction of John’s voice saying I love you to Lucy. “I love you too!” Lucy said forgetting everyone in the ER was watching; now the nurses and Dr Chen had their hands over their mouths, as they couldn’t believe what was happening. John leaned down to Lucy and kissed her lightly on the lips, and she kissed him back, but a little more passionately. And there were shocked little screams coming from the nurses. John broke from their embrace and whisper to Lucy. “See you in the lounge.” John turned and smiled cheekily to the nurses, and Lucy wore the biggest grin anyone had ever seen on her face. Everyone watched John walk into the lounge with a hop in his step, then all the faces turned to Lucy that’s when Lucy remember she just kissed John in front of everyone. “I…I...I have to talk to Dr Weaver and Greene.” Lucy quickly walked away, Chuni said out loud, “So I guess we be invited to the wedding!” they all started laughing and Lucy couldn’t help but overhear and smile.

Dr Weaver and Greene were waiting patiently for Lucy in the hall across from the reception desk, and they had just seen what happen and were very happy for them both. Lucy walked towards the two of them nervously she was scared of what they were going to say. “Arh, Lucy we need to talk about assigning you a new resident or would you rather have Dr Greene your choice?” said Weaver calmly to Lucy. Lucy was expecting a talk about residents and med students not allowed to be involved with each other, she was surprised that they had except John and hers relationship. “Well if I have I choice I chose Dr Greene!” Dr Greene stepped in to talk, “Well then, I suggest we start slowly you can have tomorrow off. As John has expressed his feelings that he wishes you to accompany him tomorrow. Its obvious that you two care deeply for each other, and well be there for each other no matter what! So we will cut your shifts down to only 6 hours per shift. And when needed you can leave then ever!” “Really!” Lucy said with tears in her eyes, she was happy they were willing her to be there for John when he would need the most. “Oh Lucy what’s wrong? Why don’t you sit down?” Said Weaver, Lucy sat down as suggested, “I’m sorry you just don’t know how much this means to me! I want to spend as much time with John, just in case.” Weaver handed Lucy some tissue, “Lucy don’t you even dare think that! His going to be okay his one of the nicest, kindest and strong in spirit person I know, and that’s why his going to be okay! Now dry your eyes and take John home!” “Actually I think it be the over way round he still has to tell is family!” Lucy smiles and walks to the lounge.

John was sitting on the couch waiting for Lucy to arrive, Lucy walked in and sat down on the couch next to John, and he slowly placed his arm round her shoulders. “So, what now?” Lucy asked, John signed heavily, “I don’t know, take one day at a time I suppose. Tell my family first! Will you come with me to tell my family and to the hospital tomorrow?” “Of course I will I do anything you want, you should know that?” He smiled at her. “I know, but I was taught to still ask and it’s a hard habit to break.” They laid back into each other’s arms, not wanting the moment to finish.

Carol walked into the lounge and saw Lucy and John on the couch, John was awake but Lucy was sound asleep in his arms. “Hi Carol,” “Hi” she said as she was pouring a cup of coffee. “I thought you left 30 minutes ago!” he smiled at Carol and then turned to look at Lucy. “I didn’t have the heart to wake her she looks so happy.” Carol looks down at Lucy, “Yes, she does look happy, but you do know her heart is crying in pain?” she said still looking at Lucy. “I know she is I wish I could take it away! After all I’m the reason she’s hurting.” “Don’t believe it’s your fault, she doesn’t. And she only feels the way she does because she loves you so much. She fears that she may loss you, the pain is more fear then remorse.” Carol walks out, and John decides to wake Lucy. “Luce, wake up!” “Go away! And let me sleep!” John laughs, “Luce, we have to be at my grandmothers in 20 minutes.” Lucy slowly opens her eyes and realised they were still in the lounge of the ER. “Oh god, I thought we were at my apartment!” John smiles, “That’s obvious, come on we have to go.” Lucy groans and gets up from the couch John also gets up and walks over to the coffee pot and pours Lucy a mug. “Drink this it help you feel better.” “Thanks!”

“So John what was it you needed to tell us?” Said his grandmother; John squeaks Lucy hand for strength he needed to tell his grandparents that he had Leukaemia. The same Leukaemia his brother died of when he was 9 years old. “Well grame I have just been diagnosed with Leukaemia.” His grandfather got up out of his chair and walks around the room in shock, his grandmother just stares at him taking in every word he had just said. “John, what kind?” she asked blankly, “AML Grame.” “Oh my god! The same as Bobby.” Lucy looks up at John and his grandmother, which he was trying to calm down. Lucy hadn’t realised John had the same Leukaemia which his older brother had died from and this scared her even more so then before. There was a good chance he would pull though this, but the resent information made the fear of the possibility of him not pulling though more a reality. Lucy didn’t realise that time had flew pass and once the real world came back to her senses, John was kneeing down in front of her and saying her name in a concerned tone. “Lucy…Lucy…you okay?” Lucy nodded to John, “Sorry, John I was just thinking.” “Well you scared me, I’ve been trying to get though to you for the last 5 minutes.” Lucy looked around the room and she noticed they were alone.” John, where’s everyone gone?” John smiled that her, “My grandmother became ill, and my grandfather took her to her room and he had a prior engagement tonight.” “So what are we going to do?” “Well that’s a surprise, but I will tell you to wear something nice like a evening cocktail dress!” Lucy Glanced at John she wanted to know what he had planned, “John, what you got up your sleeve?” John started smiling uncontrollably. “No you have to wait!” Lucy started to sulk, as she wasn’t getting her way, John laughed. “Come on Lucy, I’ll drive you home so you can get ready and I can go home and say come back for you in 45 minutes.” “An hour if you want me to look my best.” “Okay 1 hour so we better go, but I just say goodbye to my grandmother.” John kissed her on the lips and left to see his grandmother. Lucy finally had the chance to look round the room she was sitting in, she realised John’s family was rich, and so was her grandmother. But she realised from how the room was interior that his family’s wealth was greater than her grandmothers. Her grandmother would be smiling proudly at Lucy for forming an attachment to such a great family. She didn’t really like thinking like that, she and no interest in his family and how wealthy they were, but she knew her grandmother would. John was standing in the door way watching Lucy from a distance he admired everything about her, he couldn’t take his glance from her or announce he was watching her, he just wanted to stare and remember everything about Lucy, just in case something did happen to him. Lucy started to look round the room again and then at her watch wondering how long it took to say good night to your grandmother. Lucy cursed herself, ‘You shouldn’t think like that his just given his grandmother bad news.’ She suddenly had the feeling of being watched she quickly looked towards the door, hoping it was just her imagination. She gasped for some air and put her hand on her chest, when she realised John was standing here in the doorway. “God John don’t do that you scared me!” John smiled and walked over to Lucy and kissed her on the forehead, and with a little laughter he his voice he said, “Sorry I couldn’t help myself but admirer you from a distance.” She glanced up at him sincerely, “So tell me how long you were standing there?” He looked down that his watch and said, “Oh about 3 minutes!” “3Minutes why didn’t you tell me you were back there?” He took Lucy’s hands stepped back rising her arms in a way of admiration, “Like I said I couldn’t help but admirer you! So you ready to go.” “Yes” she said quickly and in some excitement. “I wish you would tell me where we are going? John shook his head, “Bo it’s a surprise.”

Lucy had showered and finished her make up in 20 minutes after John had dropped her off at her apartment. Now she had only 10 minutes until John came and picked her up to go out. And didn’t know what dress she was going to wear, she had a lot of dresses which would be appropriate for the evening. But she couldn’t decide on which one, she had narrowed it down to a choice of five dresses which she all loved and looked great on her. To make it easier to choose she put the dresses in different places within the room and stood in the centre of the room, she closed her eyes and started spinning around and pointed her arm out, and stopped suddenly. She opened her eyes to see what dress was the nearest she was pointing to. She went over to the dress, which was a strapless dress, and was dark navy that touched to the floor and the back of the dress trailed behind. She would haven’t to worry on what shoes she was going to wear, as you never saw them under the material of the dress. She could wear trainers and no one would ever know, but she decided on a pair of navy court shoes, comfortable and not to high to wear just in case he was going to take her dancing. She took the hanger on which the dress was on and was determined to change, when the doorbell rang. “God I knew he was going to be early.” She said under her breath. Lucy picked up her dressing gown, which was draped over the chair and placed it on. She walked out of her room towards the front door. She opened the door and John was smiling with 2 dozens roses in his hands. The minute he saw what she was wearing he started laughing, “Well if you want to go like that I wouldn’t mind but I’m sure where we are going would mind.” Lucy glared at John, “Ha, Ha very funny, I’ll be ready in a few minutes, are those for me? Or do you have someone else on the side?” This time John was one glaring, “Of course my dear for you! So are you going to invite me in?” “Oh sorry I forgot we were talking in the hallway.” Lucy stepped back into the apartment and started walking back to her room, and John closed the door. “John there’s a vase on top of the freezer could you put the flowers in it for me?” She yelled from her room, John walked into the kitchen and immediately saw the vase. He placed down the roses on the side and grabbed the vase and filled it with water. He carefully took the roses out of there wrapping and started to arrange the roses in the vase. Once he finished he picked up the vase and walked over to the dining table and placed the vase in the centre. John looked up towards Lucy bedroom wondering how much longer she was going to be, but he could stop wondering because Lucy was coming out of her room when he looked up. She looked more stunning then any one he had ever seen before in his life. His mouth just dropped and Lucy giggled at his reaction. “Good” she said “The exact reaction I was expecting.” John was still silent for a while before he spoke, “You…you…look stunning.” “Why thank you so do you!” Just realising what he was wearing, which was Armani dark blue suit. He walked over to her and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Thank you for saying as much, but I don’t think the people we be running into will be looking at me” Lucy brushed that the compliment he just gave her. “So are we going? Because I’m starting to feel hungry!” Stated Lucy, John smiled and held out his arm and Lucy graciously expected.

A waiter showed john and Lucy to their table and pulled out Lucy’s chair from under the table and helped her into her chair. Lucy could not stop smiling since they arrived at their destination he had taken her to the Crystal Ballrooms. Which was one of the most expensive restaurants in the city, which was situation right on the bay. She looked towards John who was just staring at her, “John I can’t believe it, I’m dining in the Crystal Ballrooms I’ve always wanted come there!” “I know you told me the after night.” “Of course I did.” The waiter came back to there table and said, “Sir, Madam would you like to looked at the wine list.” Lucy smiled ready to say yes when John answered. “No Thank you could you just get us some semi-deau Piper Champagne please!” The waiter nodded and said “Of course sir,” and went to get the bottle. “One thing why do they call it the Crystal Ballrooms when there isn’t a dance floor.” “Well there is, the ballroom is up one level. Maybe I’ll take you there after if you wish.” “I would like that I love ballroom dancing.” “Really I didn’t know that?” Lucy flashed her eyes towards him in a dirty look. “There’s a lot about me you don’t know?” They both laughed, “I’m beginning to find that out.” The waiter came back to their table and placed the champagne and poured each of them a glass and placed the rest of the bottle on the table and then said, “Would the gentlemen and Lady like to order?” “ Could you please give us another 10 minutes,” Lucy said politely realising they haven’t even looked at the menu. “Of course Madam.” They opened there menu’s, “John what’s good there?” John looked up from his menu and said, “You are joking asking me what’s good in a 5 star restaurant.” “Arh, you mean everything is good!” John nodded. “Then I don’t know what I am going to eat. There is so many things I would like to try!” “Then why don’t we get a selection from the menu.” “You mean pig out on everything, each dish costs $30.” John placed his hand on her mouth, “Lucy you don’t have to worry about the price I have enough money if we wished to eat everything on the menu ten times” “Oh.” When the waiter came back they had decided what they were getting, “Are you ready to order?” “Yes, could we have one of everything on the menu please.” The waiter looked at John shocked of what he has just heard, “everything sir!” “Yes” the waiter, wrote down the order which didn’t take him long, he wrote ‘Big spender, everything on menu!’ Alright sir I’ll just place your order and the first dishes should be with you in about 20 minutes time.” “Thank you” and john handed the waiter a 20-dollar note, and the waiter left still a little shocked.

The waiter approached the floor manger of the restaurant and showed him order he had just taken from John and Lucy. “Sir, do I place the order?” The manger look up at the waiter, “Leave it with me okay. Which table did you take the order from? I think I just need to talk to the young gentlemen first.” “Table 12 sir” “Thank you.” He left towards John and Lucy’s table. “Good evening sir, I am he Winters the manger of the restaurant and I know what I’m about to say may sound insulting, but I have to ask.” “You want to know if I have enough tender to pay for what I ordered.” “Yes, Sir” “Don’t worry I understand you are only making sure you get your money for your services. Do you wish to look at my bank details or the money I’ll be paying the meal with tonight?” “If it’s not to much trouble I would like to see the tender you will be buying the meal with.” “Of course one minute.” John put his hand into the inside pocket of his jacket and pulled out his wallet, and he took out a clip of $100 bills and $50 bills and showed them to Mr. Winters. Mr. Winters smiled, “I’m sorry for the inconvenience of asking you sir, and enjoy your meal.” “Thank you and don’t worry I do understand!” Lucy just looked at the clips of money while John started to put them away, he noticed Lucy stare, “What is it Lucy?” Lucy lifted her shoulders, “Oh it’s just that I didn’t think anyone got paid that much in the hospital or did you get a rise without telling me?” John started laughing, “No Luce, I haven’t had a rise, I’ve been saving for a few years. Ever since I gave up my trust fund, I was saving it for something special, and I don’t see what’s more special then spending it on a night of a lifetime with you.” “Oh that’s is so sweet.” Lucy leaned over the table and kissed him lightly.

Half an hour later they had 15 starters, 20 main courses and a selection of salad’s on their table. “Oh my god, where to start,” Lucy said with a big grin on her face. Johns smiled at her and they started eating. An hour later they had tasted every dish on the menu and there was quite a lot of food left over, as they didn’t want to get to full before the desert came. “What are we going to do with the rest of the food?” “We could have it sent to the ER!” Lucy suggested to John, “That’s actually a good idea, can you image Jerry face when he see the delivery man from the Crystal Ballrooms walk though the doors with trays full of food!” They laughed together. “Yeah his eyes will start coming out of their sockets. Come on John lets do it no point on wasting good food. We just paid the restaurant a few hundred more for them to delivery it to the hospital, I’m sure they won’t mind, anyway there’s no harm in asking if we can!” John smiled and raised his arm to catch the attention of Mr. Winters. “Yes, Dr Carter can I help?” “Yes, its really just a request, would there be a possibility if we can send the remainder of the food to the country general ER Department. We would of course paid you for the inconvenience?” “Of course Dr Carter and its no Inconvenience would you like to write something down on a card to go with the food.” John and Lucy turned and looked at each other then back to Mr. Winters and they both answered at the same time. “Yes Thank you!” “Okay Dr Carter, Miss Knight, I will organise the drop off of the food then bring you two the card to write.” Mr. Winters move towards the kitchen and emerged with 4 large fancy food boxes with the Crystal Ballrooms restaurant printed on the side in gold letting. And out of the kitchen followed a waiter with a tray fall of deserts heading towards them. Mr. winter stopped the waiter and talked to him. Lucy and John couldn’t hear what they were saying, but the waiter kept on nodding. The waiter finally got to their table and placed the deserts tray on a table to the side of them and then took the food, which was on the table off onto a trolley nearby. “Mr winters told me to tell you the food will be sent in hour and a half and he be over in a minute with the card.” “Thank you,” they both said at the same time, then they looked at each other and started laughing again, “We are getting very good at saying things at the same time Luce.” “Yes we are! Oh I’m glad I didn’t stuff myself with the main courses as these deserts look define.” John nodded as he took a bit of some chocolate mouse. “God I never tasted a chocolate mouse taste so heavenly before…” John had a dirty thought as he was eating the heavenly desert. “You know what would make this taste more heavenly with?” “What?” Lucy said not looking up from the desert she was eating. “You!” Lucy looked up in a confused state, “Me, what ever could you mean?” John just looked at Lucy who obviously didn’t get the sexual hint in the conversion. John was still staring hoping she would get what he meant, and then she clicked on of what he meant. “John Carter heaven forbid naughty boy!” He started laughing, “You honestly didn’t know what I meant did you. Just like the carrot incident.” Lucy throws her napkin at him he ever forgot about that and hated him then he brought it up. “It’s not my thought I have a sweet and innocent mind!” John laughed again and leaned in towards Lucy and so did she so she could hear what he was saying. “You a sweet and innocent mind, now that’s laughable it wasn’t me who insisted to have whipped cream and strawberry’s when we had sex!” Her mouth fell open and she hit him on the arm, “Ouch” “Like that really hurt!” Mr. Winters came to their table, “Dr Carter, Miss Knight the card for you to sign.” “Thank you.” John took his fountain pen out of his jacket and signed the card as follows,

Crystal Ballrooms

We’re thinking of you all!!

So Enjoy!!

Love from John Carter and Lucy Knight

Crystal ballrooms, The pier. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.

He handed the card back to Mr. Winters, “Oh can you tell the delivery person to take note how they reacted as we would love to know!” “Of course Dr Carter, enjoy the rest of your meal.” “Thank you!”

Back at the ER,

“Your yoking I miss them kissing in front of everyone oh man!” Dave said only after hearing what the nurses were saying about Carter and Lucy. Dave looked towards the trauma doors and a delivery boy was coming though, “Someone order take out?” Dave said a little confused as it was from the Crystal Ballrooms. Everyone looked up, and was as confused. Jerry went over to the delivery boy, “sorry, mate I think you got the wrong place we didn’t order anything!” “I know, with compliments.” And the boy handed Jerry the card John had written. Jerry took the card out of the envelope it was in and read it out a loud. “We’re thinking of you!! So Enjoy!! Love John Carter and Lucy Knight.” “Oh my god you are joking?” randy shouted, as loud as she could. Then all the sudden 2 other people came out of the crystal Ballrooms van with 2 food boxes each in their hands. Everyone was so shocked you could hear a pin fall and hit the floor. “God how much did they spend,” someone said in the distance.

The delivery boy came back to the Ballrooms and told Mr. Winters their reactions in the ER. “Dr Carter, Miss Knight I have been told to tell you, ‘Thanks Carter obviously you have been holding out on us, from the ER.’” John and Lucy laughed, “I told you they would think you get more money then them.” “So you did, did the delivery person tell you how they reacted.” “Yes shocked he said he could tell as everyone went silent.” “Thank you!” and Mr. Winters left. “God, the ER silent well that’s something I would like to of seen.” “Yeah, John can we go dancing now.” “Sure” John got up and walked over to Lucy, and offered her his hand, “Miss knight shall we go!” “Thank you Dr Carter yes we shall.”

John and Lucy were dancing their tails off 5 dances in a row and Lucy knew how to dance to all of them, which surprised John. “How you learn to ballroom dance Lucy your great?” “Your not so bad yourself, my grandmother told me I had to learn. I didn’t like the idea at first, but I do love it she made me learn. I just love dancing.” Music started again and Lucy absolutely loved this dance, “This is my favourite dance come on.” John stopped Lucy before she could get to the dance floor. “Lucy, sorry but could we sit this one out I’m not feeling well.” “Of course,” she said becoming very concerned for John. “Lets sit down then.” “No how about going out onto the deck. I think I need some fresh air.” “Sounds great.”

Lucy leaned against the docks fence, “The bay looks so beautiful tonight, and full moon shinning on the water.” John wasn’t looking at what Lucy was, but at her. “You look beautiful.” Lucy turned to John, “Thank you.” They stared at each other for a while, and John then leaned into Lucy and kissed her. “I love you Lucy” “And I Love you John.” Lucy turned round and glanced at the bay again. John put his arms round Lucy, and she leaned into his embrace; both looking out at the beautiful nigh what had been wonderful from the start.

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