Title: The Next Morning
Author: CrusherJen
Rating: Generally G, with minor mention of nudity...but it's
all clean <g>
Category: Humor, Post-episode...AU?
Spoilers: Jump the Shark
Summary: A little what-if of what happened the morning after...
Archive: Yes! Just leave my name attached, and please let
me know where it winds up...
Date Written: Tuesday, 23 April 2002
Disclaimer: Remember that none of the characters belong to me...even if they should. Obviously their true owners, 10-13 Productions, FOX, Chris Carter & company, etc. have absolutely no idea how to treat them. And no profit is being made from this story, except whatever fragile mental health benefits I got from writing this, and I've got no money anyway, so don't bother to sue.
Scully awoke slowly, unwilling to come back to reality after the escape of sleep. The sun shone as brightly as a promise, but her limbs felt heavy, her eyelids leaden, swollen from crying so hard...after the funeral. There it was--the thought she'd been avoiding. Had it only been yesterday? It was still so hard to accept they were...her mind shied away from it again.
It had all seemed so unreal, standing there in Arlington, those three still coffins before them...faceless, anonymous, characterless. So hard to believe they could hold the bodies of the three most...colorful individuals she'd ever known. Too hard to believe their quiet, tireless support and friendship was truly gone forever. It had always been there *so* completely she hadn't really considered it, taking it for granted, until it was so suddenly and irrevocably gone... She hadn't cried at the funeral. It was too impossible to wrap her mind around, her heart too numb to contain it. Seeing the tears Lois--or Yves, as she preferred to be called--tried to conceal at their graveside had not moved her. Watching Skinner and Jimmy drink themselves into shared oblivion at the wake, trading reminiscences and grievances alike, hadn't moved her. Doggett and Reyes had been saddened, and even that *weasel* Morris Fletcher had been subdued...but it hadn't really touched her, hadn't really seemed real.
Until she had gotten home. Until she walked in and saw the table she and Frohike had sat at, years ago when they thought Mulder dead (the first time), where they'd talked and drank in mutual comfort until dawn. Until she turned away, eyes burning, and saw the computer science book Byers had loaned her, trying to bring her up to speed on some hacking sleight-of-hand they'd pulled to aid them in a case--hopelessly confusing to her, of course, but so typically kind of him. Until she dropped her gaze to the tapes and CDs Langly had given her on her last birthday (copied illegally off Napster, no doubt) lying dusty on a shelf, and her throat closed in grief. Until, stumbling away in useless flight, she saw the gifts they'd brought William, forlorn and lifeless... only then did she break down and sob like a lost child, crumpling to the floor and bawling her eyes out. Only the baby's cries of distress had brought her out of her heartbreak, just long enough for her to dazedly take care of its needs...wondering how she'd explain his three kooky "uncles" to him when he was older. How in the world was she going to tell *Mulder*? What would she do without the Lone Gunmen? With those thoughts--and bittersweet memories of them--chasing through her head, she'd finally cried herself to sleep.
Slowly she became aware of something else--a sudden muffled *thump* in another part of the house--and an unexpected noise in the background. What the hell--
First she grabbed her gun, then her robe. Scully eased quickly but noiselessly to William's crib, heart pounding--but the child was fine. More than fine--he'd been freshly, if clumsily diapered and tucked in. Who...had her mother come over without her hearing? She might have decided not to wake her daughter, knowing the tough time she'd had (again her mind danced away from that harsh reality)...but Mom would have been scandalized at leaving any grandchild of hers in that state. What else could it be, she wondered, almost welcoming the distraction from her pain and more than willing to take her grief out on--wait, that noise again...from the bathroom?!?
She silently crept closer and closer, sneaking up on whatever menace had snuck into her apartment. She slipped the safety off her Sig, braced herself--and rushed the door. She slammed through--straight into a blinding cloud of steam. She nearly choked on it, fighting to see the threat...until the steam cleared, and Scully finally saw the cause of all the sounds.
Her eyes widened.
Her jaw dropped.
Her gun clattered to the floor, forgotten.
"Oh my God..."
The steam had come from the running shower, and the noises from the three men inside it. Three naked men, slathering themselves in suds (how did they all fit in that one little shower stall?), shifting every so often for one or the other to rinse themselves...three wet, soapy, very naked (oh my God *indeed*, she thought), but oh-so-***ALIVE*** Lone Gunmen.
"Hey Langly, quit hogging the shampoo!"
"I'm not hogging it, Do-Hickey! And it's not like you need that much anyway."
"Why you little punk--"
"Watch those elbows, you two, and quiet down. Do you want to wake Scully?" Byers hissed.
"Maybe she'd want to join us," Frohike answered with a leer in his voice.
"Yeah, right, and then Mulder would kill us," Langly answered, only slightly garbled by the flow of water spraying over his face.
"But what a way to go," Frohike replied wistfully.
Amazement, relief, and a sure and sudden joy broke through the numbness and grief Scully had felt ever since she'd heard of their death--reports that were, it seemed, *extremely* exaggerated. She didn't care *how* they'd survived, or how they'd wound up inside her house (and her shower.) It didn't matter. They were alive--and safe. Unable to decide whether to laugh or cry, Scully gave in to the happy emotions rushing through her and did both.
******Yes, I know, very "Dallas" of me [the show, not the
Screen Name :^D ], but somebody had to do it. Be gentle, it's
also my very first completed fanfic. (Wow!) Shame it took
something like this to bring out the writer in me...******
Feedback: CrusherJen@aol.com