Post-"Jump the Shark" Content
After the heartbreaking conclusion of the X-Files episode "Jump the Shark", outrage swept the Internet. Many of us loyal fans, who worked and slaved over postcards, phone calls, and websites, have found various ways to express our sense of loss, betrayal, and fury at the writers' "gesture" to those who've fought to save their work and Our Heroes. Here are my contributions...I had to make separate pages for them, since I'm coming up with way too much material for my poor lil' ol' home page to handle. :^D
First off, if you want to complain, here are the ways to do it, thanks to the swell gals at TVtoMe. Send your e-mails to: askthexfiles@fox.com. No matter how upset we are, I'd suggest remaining (somewhat) civil--we want them to take us seriously.
To send regular (snail) mail, use these addresses:
Ten Thirteen Productions
3/210-555 Brooksbank Avenue
North Vancouver, BC V7J 3S5
Ten Thirteen Productions
1122 South Robertson Blvd., Suite 15
Los Angeles, CA 90035
I'm not sure which is best. If you want to send postcards, I've prepared some (thanks to the person who suggested it--I'd give you credit, but I can't find your e-mail... :^D)
I also have some banners to use... feel free to post them on your sites. The more people show how upset they are, the more likely we may get them back... I hope I hope I hope!!!
An Open Letter... is my initial reaction to the episode, as posted to my page just hours after the episode aired. Here it is, in easily copyable or printable form...in case you want to add your own comments.
And I also wound up writing some fanfiction a few days afterward--my first, so please be kind--as a kind of therapy. Here they are, for your reading enjoyment:
I prefer my versions better... :^D
Two sites who have taken the cause to heart are TVtoMe and Revolution SF. Kara's Lone Gunmen Crusade also offers her opinion on the travesty that was "Jump the Shark." Go see them, they're really something! And if anyone wants to link to this protest page, go right ahead. I'd appreciate a heads-up e-mail (to CrusherJen@aol.com) so I can check it out, do a link back in return...
As for the future...
I intend to add some sort of postscript to my site, no matter how the finale goes, and then to preserve the site as long as possible as an archive. (I just can't bear to erase over a year's worth of work, no matter how useless it wound up being.) Hopefully, we'll get our Gunmen back, alive and well... If they can bring back Jeffrey Wimp-Boy Spender, for heavens' sake, they can save the Gunmen!!! If not... I'll be saving a lot of money NOT buying X-Files merchandise, DVDs, movie tickets, etc... It will be a lot harder for Chris Carter and Company to create the movie franchise they're dreaming of without ratings reruns and merchandise revenues. If enough of us boycott all 10-13 projects, it just might happen. Maybe then they will figure out how to respect their customers: the fans.
While not from THE LONE GUNMEN, this file, to me, says it all...
click on the triangle button to play!
Can't play the file? Here's the transcript:
Did you say over?
NOTHING is over until we decide it is!
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?...
Hell no! And it ain't over now.
'Cause when the going gets tough--the tough get going!"
"This case, I think we have to go all out.
I think this situation absolutely requires a really futile
and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part."
"And we're just the guys to do it."
"Who's with me?
Let's go! Come on--
And just in case you don't recognize those stirring, inspirational words, they come from the eternal classic, "National Lampoon's Animal House." :^D
Silly, true, but undeniably fitting...in so many ways.