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Postcards to Protest "Jump the Shark"

To copy these images, right-click and choose either "Save Picture as..." or "Save Image as..." depending on your browser.  You should also be able to print them that way as well.  I like 4x6 index cards--I just trim the edges off, add adresses and comments, slap a stamp on, and out they go.  You may need to reconfigure your printer for the odd-size paper... sorry, please check your documentation on that one.   (I'm not that good!  :^D)

"No Gunmen=No X-Files!"


No Gunmen=No X-Files!!!


How the "Brilliant Writers" at 10-13 Productions wrote "Jump the Shark"


No Gunmen, no DVDs, no merchandise, no reruns, no movie tickets--in short, nNO X-FILES!!!


After "Jump the Shark", I Jumped the Ship!  No Gunmen=No X-Files!


No Lone Gunmen=NO X-FILES!!!



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