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WLiiA Episode Reviews Season List

WLiiA ran for 15 seasons if you combine both the British and American episodes. Although no new episodes are being taped, fans still hope that ABC may run more of its backlog of unaired episodes someday. Reruns on various cable channels keep fans across the world happy and continue to generate new fans for the show. I didn't start reviewing WLiiA episodes until Comedy Central began broadcasting what some American fans call the "new" episodes. These are shows from the UK Seasons 8 through 10 that had never been broadcast in the US before. So my reviews have concentrated on those 3 UK seasons plus all the US seasons. Someday I'll go back and review the earlier UK seasons. Right about the time your great-great, great-great-great granddaughter is elected president of the United Earth Nations. Until then, click on a season number from this list to see a list of the episodes I have reviewed.

n US Seasons

Season 1 1998 - 1999

Season 2 1999 - 2000

Season 3 2000 - 2001

Season 4 2001 - 2002

Season 5 2002 - 2003

n UK Seasons (as broadcast on Comedy Central in the US)

Season 8 1996

Season 9 1997

Season 10 1998

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