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UK Season 8 Episode Summaries

Below is a list of episodes that I have reviewed for this season. I have used the numbering system from Dean Bedford's site for easy reference. And just in case you don't have his episode numbers memorized, I've also given a listing of the players and games for the episode. To read the full review, just click on the episode number.

Cast: Greg Proops, Rory Bremner, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, and Clive Anderson
Let's Make a Date: Greg = contestant; Rory = Prince Charles; Colin = in love with his own body; Ryan = former business partner ripped off by Greg
Secret: Noah's ark; secret = hidden in bottom of boat
Film Dub: One Day on the Street; Greg = cab driver; Ryan = woman wanting ride; Rory = man walking by
Sports Commentary: Ryan and Colin = showing off for a girl in a nightclub; Greg and Rory = commentators
World's Worst: outtakes from a news show or documentary (i.e. bloopers from news shows); all four
Home Shopping: Ryan and Colin sell a book with no pages, a banana peel, and an unflushable toilet
Dead Bodies: Ryan and Rory = cowboys rounding up the herd; Greg = Indian girl; Colin = moves bodies
Party Quirk: Greg = host; Rory = Clive Anderson; Colin = constantly dying and being reincarnated; Ryan = gazelle stalked by a lion
Hoe-down: being a Tory politician; all four
Credits: Rory = David Attenborough; Ryan, Colin, and Greg = animals in the background

Cast: Greg Proops, Niall Ashdown, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, and Clive Anderson
Superheroes: crisis = shortage of tea bags; Greg = Super Spud Man; Ryan = Double Take Boy; Colin = Extinct Animal Boy; Niall = Extremely Nervous, Compulsive Liar Boy
Secret: at the butchers; secret = hidden in the beef
Song Styles: Niall sings to Mark the bank manager in the style of a love song
Sports Commentators: Ryan and Colin = flatmates late for work and sharing the bathroom; Greg and Niall = commentators
Changing Emotions: in a log cabin; axe = angry; torch (flashlight) = touchy feely; Greg, Ryan, and Colin
Number of Words: a bank robbery; Greg = robber (1 word); Ryan = robber (2 words); Niall = bank teller (3 words); Colin = bank teller (5 words)
Director: scene from Star Wars; Colin = director; Ryan and Greg = actors [styles: extremely paranoid; emphasize every other word; constipated; constipated strippers who emphasize every other word]
Bartender: Niall = bartender; Greg = celebrating losing his virginity in Spain
Credits: Niall = many accents as possible

Cast: Niall Ashdown, Steve Frost, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, and Clive Anderson
Questions Only: in a Scout camp; all four
Film and Theater Styles: Colin discovers his goldfish are missing and suspects neighbor Ryan [styles: American sitcom, Addams family, X files, and runaway train]
Sound Effects: Colin = a cowboy
Number of Words: Ryan = surgeon (1 word); Niall = assistant (3 words); Steve = nurse (5 words); Colin = patient (2 words)
Song Styles: Niall sings a love song
Props: Steve and Niall = fisherman's net; Ryan and Colin = big foam hourglass shape
Film Dub: Ryan = chief of police dressing down members of the force; Steve = various members of the force
Mission Improbable: washing; Colin = voice on tape; Ryan, Steve, and Niall = spies
Party Quirks: Steve = host; Niall = on the dambusters raid; Colin = has 15 seconds to live; Ryan = having an orgasm
Hoe-down: women; all four
Credits: Steve, Colin, and Ryan = men in a urinal

Cast: Steve Frost, Josie Lawrence, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, and Clive Anderson
Questions Only: red alert on space station; all four
Film and Theater Styles: Josie tells Ryan that she's pregnant [styles: Muppets, James Bond, 1950s health movie]
Mission Improbable: cleaning the toilet; Steve = voice on tape; Ryan and Colin = spies
Props: Steve and Josie = 2 red heavy rubber bags similar to hot water bottle bags; Ryan and Colin = 2 large foam L shaped objects
Party Quirks: Steve = host; Josie = thinks Steve is a wild horse; Colin = lost the winning lottery ticket; Ryan = going through puberty in 15 seconds
Psychiatrist: Josie = psychiatrist; Steve = thinks he's a French peanut; Colin = scared of German psychiatrists; Ryan = in love with a Mexican nurse
Foreign Film Dub: Jack and the Cucumber in Spanish; Colin (Ryan translates) and Josie (Steve translates) act
Credits: Steve and Josie = bad actors; Ryan and Colin = script prompters

Cast: Greg Proops, Rory Bremner, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, and Clive Anderson
Questions Only: just before a prison breakout; all four
Film and Theater Styles: Ryan and Greg = high tech explorers on the edge of a volcano [styles: tourist information video; Dracula; Woody Allen; airline safety video]
News Report: The Princess and the Frog; Greg = anchor; Colin = expert; Rory = interviewer; Ryan = frog breeder and princess
Picture: all four
Props: Greg and Rory = 2 giant cardboard children-designed flowers; Ryan and Colin = 2 bumpy yellow swim caps
Newsflash: a penguin colony; Ryan and Colin = studio anchors; Greg = field reporter
Sit, Stand, Bend: wild west saloon; Ryan, Colin, and Greg
Superheroes: shortage of paint; Greg = Impotence Boy; Ryan = Huge Gesture Boy; Colin = Cramp Boy; Rory = Scottish Weatherman
Animals: trouble at home; Ryan = tomcat; Greg and Colin = female cats
Hats: dating agency video; all four
Credits: Ryan and Greg = super studs bragging about their conquests

Summary Tables: the number of episodes appearances and the number of games played by each performer this season.

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