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US Season 2 Episode 164

Cast: Wayne Brady, Josie Lawrence, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, and Drew Carey

Let's Make a Date: Josie = contestant; Wayne = strict overbearing schoolmarm; Colin = uptight model on her first erotic model shoot; Ryan = frat boy showing off to friends in the audience
Wayne played a VERY good schoolmarm. I'm glad I never had her as teacher! Conjugate and masticate — that was a funny mix up there. Poor Colin on his first nude shoot. I can understand why Josie thought Colin was "on the casting couch". That was actually a very good guess because Colin didn't do anything that would specifically differentiate Josie's guess from his actual quirk. Of course, Josie's response to Drew — "It's just that I've never used Colin and porno in the same sentence before." I can't see Denny, Kathy, or Karen saying that. That's the sort of thing that only old friends would say to each other. I wonder how many in the audience knew that Colin and Josie had known each other for almost 10 years. Based on the audience's reaction to her comment, I'd guess that not many knew. Which is probably why, Josie went on with "Ah, shush. He knows I love him." Ryan as a frat boy. Hmmm. Since he never went to college, how did he know them so well????? Another one of the mysteries that is Ryan. Question: after the game, Drew started doing his version of a Cambridge frat boy. Josie started laughing at Drew. Then Ryan looked at his watch and said, "10 minutes into the game." Any guesses on what the heck, Ryan meant by that????? Drew teasing Josie??? Josie laughing??? Something else completely????

Film and Theater Styles: Colin and Josie can't keep their hands off each other as they check into a hotel run by sinister Ryan [styles: soap opera, kung fu, evangelist and Blair Witch Project]
Even though Josie was rusty, this game had its moments. I especially like the Blair Witch style and Colin's line, "Who's holding the camera?" Ryan makes a good televangelist, don't you think? And Josie still has that odd ability to do Oriental horror so well. I think, though, I would have had Ryan and Colin switch roles. And have Ryan and Josie play the couple. They have a stronger chemistry as lovers than Colin and Josie do.

Newsflash: Ryan and Josie anchor while Colin reports in front of snakes
Oooo, heeby-jeeby time here, gang. Me no like snakes. I've watched this game often enough that I'm beginning to pick up on the code words. Are you? For instance, if Ryan begins with "On a personal note........", you know that he's going to follow with a significant clue. Tonight's was about Colin losing his skin. A Very Big snake clue. I also like to try and figure out at what point the guesser knows what's behind him. Colin usually tries to let the anchors know when he thinks he knows. Tonight's Colin clue was something about moving his asp. Nice play on words, there too.

Weird Newscasters: Colin = anchor; Josie = characters from Shakespeare; Wayne = caught on treadmill going out of control; Ryan = baseball player who needs a home run in order to win the World Series
I was a bit disappointed in Josie's Shakespeare given that she's a Royal Shakespeare Company alumna. Maybe, it was the rusty improv, but I'd thought she'd be better than she was. Wayne — it's a good thing, he's a young man; otherwise, he'd have needed some Flex-All or Ben Gay that night after that performance! Although, Colin did a similar scene in a Sound Effects this year. And Colin is leeettle older than Wayne is. (After watching Wayne, my sister-in-law predicts Wayne will have arthritis when he's 60 because of that back torture.) Ryan was very good. I liked the way, he chewed tobacco and it affected his speech. I also liked the way he mixed the quirk in with doing the weather. (That's something Wayne needs to work on. Wayne seems to have trouble mixing his quirks into the sports commentary.) And I liked his slo-mo home run. No one does slo-mo like Ryan, I think. Every inch of his body down to his fingers plays a part in the quirk. Very nice, Ryan.

Interlude: Ryan's pants tenting
Wha?????? I'm not quite sure what was going through Ryan's mind there. (I'm not sure I WANT to know either.) I just know that it was funny and I'm glad the director / editor put it in the broadcast.

Duet: Josie and Wayne sing to Kenny the Machinist as punk rockers
Two comments here. (1) I'm a bit surprised that Josie got away with calling Kenny what she did. You don't normally here that phrase in the family viewing hour. (2) Ryan really seemed to get into the music. He was tapping and snapping and having a grand ole time back there!

Foreign Film Dub: Colin translates Josie; Ryan translates Drew doing the Vodka Express in Russian
One of Drew's better Foreign Film Dubs. I especially liked his dancing. For a man his size, Drew is very nimble. Colin did a good job translating Josie's first words after Drew's microphone fell off. "You're bugged!" Quick thinking, Colin! And Ryan and Colin's last translations: "Have you ever seen a better Riverdance?" "Have you seen my Judy Garland?" Good ending.

Credits: Wayne and Josie as two drunk girls discussing what the boys have said about them
Okay, I admit it. I stopped listening to what Wayne and Josie were saying when Ryan and Colin started slow dancing. And that's all I'm going to say about THAT! 'Cuz I've got a reputation that I'm pretending to maintain.

Best game:
A toughie; my vote is for Let's Make a Date.

Overall comments:
I think both Drew and Wayne have crushes on Josie. But then, so do a lot of male WLiiA fans. Josie got to play more games than any other woman performer has on the US version. But then, if you're going to bring a person in from England, you probably want to get your money's worth. And, oh yeah, she's a great performer too. ;) If you've never noticed that Ryan has a strong courteous streak in him, watch this episode and pay close attention to him. He puts Josie's chair away for her. Helps Drew with his coat. Quite the gentleman. Aww......

© LKK 09/18/00

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