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US Season 2 Episode 187

Cast: Wayne Brady, Denny Siegel, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, and Drew Carey

Let's Make a Date: Denny = contestant; Wayne = Jar Jar Binks; Colin = Disgruntled Postal Worker; Ryan = still hypnotized after last night's show
This was probably Wayne's first time at imitating Jar Jar because he's done the character better. But even still, his impersonation was good enough that Denny should have been able to guess it. Especially since she saw the movie and has him on a cup at home. I did like her "Are you dating Woody Allen?" That was funny. Colin did a very good disgruntled postal worker. I'm tellin' ya..... It's always the quiet ones. If we ever hear that Ryan's been murdered, go arrest Colin. He'll have done it. I don't blame Denny for not getting Ryan's quirk. Ryan seems to get these quirks where he's already in the middle of something happening to him. Like having swallowed an aphrodisiac or still hypnotized from last night. It must be really hard for the guesser to figure out what's happened when half the story happened before the game even began.

Sound Effects: Colin = a busy caveman
All right, so Colin began the game asleep again. But he made up for it quickly. Especially, with the dental floss and the Walkman. I love how Colin brings in things that simply do not belong in the scenario and acts as if they're perfectly normal. Let me count — how many creatures did Colin kill this time?????? ;)

Props: Colin and Wayne with 2 toothed semi-circles; Denny and Ryan with 2 attached tombstone thingies
In the original Star Trek series blooper reel, there is a sequence where Captain Kirk kisses every female guest star. One after the other. I'd like to see a blooper reel of Ryan's "Today we bury........" gags. One after the other. How many do you think he's done through the years? We could also do a sequence of "Blistex for Mr. Jagger" gags. You know the sad part about all this? Even though, I know the joke is coming; I still laugh. I gotta get a life.

Moving People: Lone Ranger (Colin) and Tonto (Ryan) surrounded by desperados
Have you ever wondered what would happened if an audience volunteer simply didn't move his performer? I have. But I would never have tried the experiment on Ryan. He's not quite as patient as Colin; to put it mildly. Even Colin was getting irritated at Joe there at the end. Yeah, it was funny — for us. But I'm sure the guys weren't pleased. I think if I was the volunteer, I'd do my level best to do whatever they asked so that they could concentrate on making a good sketch. In the end, I just like Moving People better when the volunteers and the guys work together instead of when they work at cross-purposes. (So, do you think Joe really WAS that dense?????)

Hoe-down: bad neighbor; all four
I don't remember Wayne's Hoe-down at all. Denny's Jeffrey Dahmer joke surprised me. Ryan loses points from me for another Drew insult. (I saw the Drew insult coming a mile away.) I know that Ryan made lots of Clive insults in the UK version. But Anderson and Clive seem to have more rhyme opportunities than Carey and Drew. So his Clive jokes were more varied. Since I saved Colin for last, you can guess who gets the points in this game. The only person Colin seems willing to insult in a Hoe-down is the President. But he always comes up with an original rhyme to do the insult with. So I never see it coming. Rhyming with White House this time. Nice.

Helping Hands: Ryan teaching Drew how to survive in the wild and live off the land
Ryan seemed unusually reluctant to get as messy as he used to in the UK version. I think he tired of this game years ago because the UK version dropped it after a while. I suspect Drew wanted it brought back. Now, I'm sure that Ryan didn't actually eat dirt. I don't know what it really was, but Ryan didn't seem to like it too much. Or maybe he had too much in his mouth. Because I don't think he was acting when he said that he really hoped there was water in the canteen! Although they don't play Helping Hands much anymore, Colin is still good at deciphering what Ryan wants "his" hands to do. I'll say that much. But did you notice at the end of the game after the buzzer that Ryan gave a head movement that Colin misinterpreted as saying "Put more paint on my face." As Colin reached up to paint Ryan again, Ryan jerks his head away just in time. Then Colin got the message to STOP and put his hands down. And was it just me, or did Ryan sound like he was calling Drew "Terry" a couple of times? Yea, it was probably just me. Or maybe the way the microphone was on Ryan's vest.

Credits: Colin and Wayne as drill sergeants
I have very little memories from this other than Colin and Wayne getting into a "sound off" rhythm at the end. So it must not have been very special. Or I'm getting forgetful in my old age. Either one is probably true. Actually, both are probably true.

Best Game:
That's hard; none of them were all that great. I guess I'll award Let's Make a Date. Although I almost said Sound Effects.

Overall Comment:
When Sound Effects almost wins as Best Game for an episode, you can guess what the overall quality was like. But I've said it before......... Even bad WLiiA is better than 90% of the rest of television

© LKK 09/18/00

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