Despite everything that had happened, during their senior year the two discovered that they still had deep feelings for one another.  Upon this discovery, they shared many stolen kisses, as well as a game of footsie.
Unfortunately, at the time they were each dating other people.  When their respective partners discovered what was going on, they refused to have anything to do with the friends.  At this point, Willow made a choice.  Because she wanted boyfriend Oz back, she would have to distance herself even more from her best friend.  She went so far as to tell Xander that they were no longer allowed to touch digits.  The friendship began to deteriorate.
Later that year, two more important events occurred.  On the night of an apocalypse, Willow ran into Xander while on an errand to the magic shop.  Worried that she might never see him again, she threw her arms around his neck and told him that she loved him.
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Afterwards, things between the two soulmates were pretty strained.  They were clearly not the inseparable friends they used to be.  It didn't help matters that, at the end of their junior year, Xander realized he was in love with Willow.  Of course, he announced the news while she was in a coma.  The comatose redhead immediately woke up, but the first word she spoke was "Oz."  Apparently, she had mistaken Xander's voice for that of her werewolf boyfriend's.  Moreover, Oz chose that moment to arrive at her hospital room.  Consequently, he was the first person she saw when she woke up.  Xander made a hasty getaway, and Willow never learned the truth.