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Disclaimer: Copyright 2001, Liv. All rights reserved. No part
of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted without written
permission from the author. Any resemblance to persons living or dead
is purely coincidental.

This is not my story!!! Talk to Liv for comments...or send them to me to forward to her if you're too lazy!

Part Two

"...and we're moving along to a game called Scene with an Audience Member." Drew said. He looked at his card. Then he got up from his chair, and went scouting through the audience.

'Oh. My. God. He's coming our way!' I thought.

"Oh. My. God. Drew's coming our way!" Gail squealed.

I looked at her and laughed. Everyone else repeated what I had done.

'He's not turning. Why is he not turning?' I thought. Drew stopped at where I was sitting. "No. Way." I muttered. I went off into hysteria world. I giggled.

"And what is your name, Miss?" Drew asked me.

"Liv." I said, still giggling of course.

"Colin's friend Liv?" Drew said to me. I nodded. "Well this is too cool to even happen. Come on down." I took Drew's outstretched hand.

I looked at Sandy, saying: "Crap!" I looked over to Gail, and she was mouthing 'Lucky' because I had a chance to hold Drew's hand.

"This is Ryan, and Colin." Drew said to me.

"I know." I blurted out. The audience uproared in laughter. I smiled weakly, blushing.

"Now what's going to happen is, when these 2 men prompt you, you are going to have to read a line from this card. So here is your microphone. The scene is, you are at a bar, and Ryan, the bartender has feelings for you. Colin, your fiance..." (I blush) "...spies you with him. So go."

I made a gesture like I was drinking a beer.

"Hey, baby. Would you like to go out with me?" Ryan asked.

I giggled and looked at the card. "Um... Maybe, but you have to work on your image." I read.

Ryan looked taken aback. Colin made a noise like he was opening and closing the door. "My sweet, what have you done to me?" Colin asked.

I blanked out for a minute. Then I read the card, giggling in embarrassment. "Take a good look without your glasses on." I read.

Colin bent down towards me and said. "Enough with the glasses thing."

I jumped a little bit, because his voice sounded tough. The audience howled.

Ryan hugged me. "See, you had to scare her! What the (*censor*)is your problem? Liv, tell him how you feel." Ryan said.

I read the card to myself before I said out loud. I laughed so hard that I could barely get the words out. "You...aren't...wearing...your...pants." I managed to say.

Drew buzzed at his buzzer, laughing. The camera did a shot up on Jeff who was laughing really hard. I shook hands with Ryan and Colin. I went back to my seat with Sandy, Ruth, Gail, NLC, and Cher. They were laughing also. The camera did a close up on me giggling. I put my hair behind my ear, crossed my arms, and had a satisfied smile on my face. Soon, the show was going to be over. But I was still going to be "partying" with everyone from the cast, and on the message board.

Part Three


{the man} {the faces} {the appearances}
{the words} {the names} {the fan writings}
{the thank yous} {the links} {the objects of the moment}
{the guestbook} {the webmistress} {the official MS keepers list}
{the awards awarded to MS} {the award you can win}

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