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Love Letter?

Disclaimer: Copyright 2001, Jamie. All rights reserved. No part
of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted without written
permission from the author. Any resemblance to persons living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Dedicated to the closely knit online group of friends at the Ryan Stiles Giraffe Board!!!


Her eyes wandered around the backstage. She'd snuck back with one intent, and one intent only...she had to deliver the letter to him.

"Excuse me, fans aren't allowed backstage without permission," the security guard said from behind.

"Oh, I just wanted to give one of the cast a fan letter. I wanted to personally deliver it." She flashed a flirty grin at the guard.

"Listen, if you go back outside, I will see that the letter gets to the green room."

She panicked as the guard took her arm and started leading her away.

"No, you don't under..."

"Don't worry, the letter's in safe hands."

"That's a really special le..." she tried again.

The guard escorted her back outside to her group of friends. Paula studied the expectant faces of the group from the Ryan Stiles Message Board. There was Gail, the official Drew fan from the board, Ruth--whose fanfic series was admired by all--and Lauren, the founder of the board. The newbie, Cherie Lynn, stood beside her namesake, Cher, and the biggest Colin fan on the board, Jamie. Liv, the Diedrich fanatic, hung out behind them in line with Jessica, the Greg lover, Emma, Sandy and Sunshine. They had all specially planned the trip with the sweet smell of revenge.

"Well?" Gail finally asked, holding her hands out.

"The guard caught me."

"And...did you try that flirting thing I suggested?" Cher asked.

"He took the letter to specially deliver."

"Oh, so it'll get to him?" Emma asked.

"He didn't exactly ask who it was for," Paula said.

"That letter could cause trouble in the green room!" Jessica exclaimed.

"I know!" Paula moaned.

Just then, the doors opened behind them and seating began. Paula looked helplessly at the others.

"Nothing we can do now," Ruth said. "Come on, let's just go in."

Ryan Stiles wandered into the empty green room before the taping was set to begin. It was a special taping. Gail, Drew's official webmistress, had contacted Drew's agent and asked if a group of friends from Ryan's board could attend a taping together. Drew, having a soft spot for Gail, had fully agreed. Drew had even mentioned surprises for the group at the taping.

Ryan plopped into a chair, rubbing his back absent-mindedly. He and fellow cast member Brad Sherwood had been playing around before call time and his back had begun to ache. Ryan was still eager to go on. He'd never disappoint a fan.

"Excuse me, Mr. Stiles?"

Ryan turned around in his chair, withdrawing his hand from his back. "Oh, hi, Chuck. What's up?" he asked the security guard.

"Here." Chuck walked over and held out the letter. "Back bothering you?"

"Just a little."

"Well, let me know if there's anything at all I can do for you." Chuck smiled and headed out the door, closing it behind him.

Ryan went back to his chair and opened the letter. His eyes opened wider and wider with each carefully typed word.

"I've been watching you. I think you are extremely talented. I think I'm falling in love with you. You've always been right there for me. I would love to get with you and show you my talent...if you know what I mean. Kisses, your secret admirer."

Ryan slowly stood, reading the letter over again. "Oh my God," he murmured, shades of his DCS character, Lewis Kiniski, creeping into his voice. "Chuck's in love with me? Geez, I only kiss one man and I have no intention of kissing..."

Ryan heard the doorknob begin to turn and panicked. He couldn't let anyone see this letter!

Quickly, he searched the room and found a group of papers. He threw the note in the middle of them and went back to his chair as his friend of over 20 years, Colin Mochrie, entered.

"Hey, Ry," Colin's cheery voice said as he closed the door behind him.

"Hey. Listen, I'm going to get a drink...want anything?"

Colin looked amusedly at Ryan. "In case you're blind, there is a wide assortment of drinks here in the green room."

"Oh, I...I just want that special vending machine taste. I'll be right back." Ryan rushed out the door.

Colin cocked his head a little. "That was weird." He walked over to the coffee table in the middle of the room. "Here it the green room all along!" Colin knelt and began to gather the scattered pieces of his script for the Drew Carey Show.

"Wow, Gail, you really did it this time," Cherie Lynn remarked as she took her seat in the second row.

"Drew was nice to do this," Gail added.

"Too bad he doesn't know the real reason we're here!" Liv laughed. The rest of the girls giggled.

"Seriously, we aren't being nice. That letter could get someone in trouble," Jamie said as the laughter subsided.

"Being a goody two-shoes won't get you any closer to Colin," Cher teased.

Jamie pouted playfully as Paula said, "She's right..."

"Colin, you ready?" Drew Carey asked, entering the green room.

"Yeah." Colin stood, holding out his script. "Here."

"What's this?"

"It's my script for DCS. I made some major changes that I think will affect us both. Let me know what you think."

"All right, sure."

Colin went to find Ryan as Drew tossed the script on his stuff to take to his dressing room. A piece of paper fell onto the floor.

Drew bent and picked it up, skimming it quickly. His jaw dropped and he took his prop glasses off.

"Colin wants to show me his talent? Maybe only gay men can play gay men on TV!" Drew remarked, noting his closeness to Ryan.

"You look like you've seen a ghost, Drew," Greg Proops said, popping into the room for some water.

"Greg, here. You take this out of my hands. I've got to give it to someone!" Drew tossed the letter at Greg and ran.

Greg frowned and opened the letter. "Drew wants me?" Greg asked in amazement. "Can't be..."

"Guys, you will not believe this," a voice said. The group looked up to see Molly, Mary, Merry, Heather, Katy and Kimi standing in the aisle.

"Hey, you made it!" Gail said.

"Sorry we're late," Heather apologized. "Anyways, guess what we just saw?"

The group leaned forward to hear what she had to say.

"We peeked backstage and I saw Ryan. His face was as white as a sheet. Then I saw Drew run from the green room."

The girls all looked at each other.

"Uh-oh, I think the letter's in the green room," Sandy said.

"Hey, Proops...five minutes to show," Brad Sherwood said, sticking his head into the room.

"Oh, okay," Greg said, hiding the letter behind his back.

"What are you hiding?" Brad asked suspiciously.


"Come on, me!"

Brad went over and reached around Greg, grabbing the letter.

"You never saw me. I was never here, and that letter's just between you and me." Greg flashed his hand and bolted.

Brad looked at the letter. "Well, I know I'm hot...but not hot for Greg!" he said.

"Mr. Sherwood, it's time," Chuck said.

"Here....take this." Brad practically threw the letter at Chuck and ran.

When the cast took the stage, it was evident something was wrong. The group looked at each other as Colin, Ryan, Brad and Greg carefully sat, avoiding each other's eyes. Drew even looked unnerved. Something was amiss.

Once the taping started, the tension seemed to fade onstage a little, but still looks were exchanged and the four men kept space in-between each other.

It was when Drew picked on Gail and Paula to do Moving People that the group realized what had happened. The scene was the two men on a fishing excursion. Gail moved Colin's arm and rested it around Ryan's shoulders, and both girls felt the tremble in Ryan.

Molly was picked for Song Styles, and Brad had to sing to her in the style of Elton John. Brad's face went completely red.

During the song, Paula leaned over to Gail. "We need to get that letter."

Gail nodded. "We'll get back there after the taping. Drew had already cleared it."

Paula sighed and tried to relax enough to enjoy the taping.

Finally, the group of girls was padding down the hall behind Chuck the security guard. The group was so big that they were told the cast would see them in a conference room at the end of the hall.

Silently, they filtered in. No one felt like sitting. Chuck was standing in the doorway.

Sunshine happened to glance at Chuck as he withdrew a piece of paper. He was studying it intently. Sunshine's jaw dropped.

"Guys, guys...Chuck's got the letter!" Sunshine panicked.

Just then, Drew and Greg entered the room. Colin followed behind Brad and Ryan. Silence filled the air...everyone was keeping the secret everyone knew about.

Suddenly, Ryan stiffened. "Where did you get that?" he asked.

"I...uh...Brad gave it to me."

"Brad wrote it?" Ryan asked, bewildered.

"Like hell I did!" Brad snatched the letter from Chuck. "I grabbed it from Greg."

"Greg wrote it?" Ryan murmured, goosebumps bursting onto his arms.

The girls looked at one another.

"Did not! Drew threw it at me. He's in love with me!"

"Nu-uh! Colin's in love with me."

"I'm not in love with Drew!" Colin sputtered.

"That's right. He's in love with me," Ryan said.

Peals of laughter erupted from the group of girls. The cast turned to see the guests leaning on each other, turning red from laughter.

"!" Ruth laughed.

"This is better than I dreamed!" Paula screamed.

"What's going on?" Drew asked Gail.

Gail managed to stop laughing long enough to say," The girls from Ryan's Giraffe Board wrote that letter."

"So it was a joke," Brad clarified.

Sandy nodded. "We never expected it to cause such problems."

Drew's mouth began to twitch, and soon relieved laughter was echoing down the halls of Raleigh Studios.

"Love letter my ass!" Greg laughed.


{the man} {the faces} {the appearances}
{the words} {the names} {the fan writings}
{the thank yous} {the links} {the objects of the moment}
{the guestbook} {the webmistress} {the official MS keepers list}
{the awards awarded to MS} {the award you can win}

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