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The Many Names...

*This page is always being updated!!!!*

"X Marks the Spot...what a dumb name for a horse!" ~Colin Mochrie, 90-Second Alphabet

You know what they say about bald guys....
The most interesting Canadian since the Maple Leaf...
What's up?
What a pal...
Do you have any Canadian in you?
He's being pulled for a right-hander...
The awkward middle child...
I know Colin Mochrie and you know Colin Mochrie...
Do the best you can...
For your eyes only....
From the wilder parts of the Canadian outback, the man the mounties didn't want to get...
The not particularly surprising return of the most famous Canadian to visit this country since Leonard Cohen's last visit...
Canada's answer to the king of comedy, fashion and rakish good looks...
He needs a tuneup...
A grown man who makes us all weep...

Has anyone ever told you that you look like...
The biggest thing in showbusiness besides Barnum and Bailey's tent pole...
Security, someone call security...
Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Peanuts, get your peanuts!
The red-headed stepkid...
Where's the beef?
I'll have the Doogie Howser...
The spy who loved me...
From somewhere near the ceiling, the monumentally talented...
The constant surprising combination of skills, talents and spare parts that make up...
The rugged talents of....
Direct from Hollywood on his way to Tricklewood....
From elsewhere in America, the magnificent...
Everybody's answer to who is Ryan Stiles...
He just blew a gasket...
An overgrown man who makes basketball players weep...

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