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Now That I Found You

Part Five
Meant to Be

"You believe we're meant to be
Our chemistry will last forever
And through the years,
We've seen some fears..."
-O-Town, "Now That I Found You"

"It's nice that we can still hang out like this, Oswald," Kate said, sticking her hand inside the popcorn bowl sitting in between the two of them on Oswald's couch in his apartment.

"Well, since I'm not meeting Liv until tomorrow night, I figured it couldn't hurt to hang out with one of my best friends," Oswald said. "She's hanging out with Drew tonight."

"Yeah, Cher and Lewis are out again." Kate chewed thoughtfully on a piece of popcorn. "You're so sweet to watch When Harry Met Sally with me."

"I just like it for the kissing scenes," Oswald said.

"Oh, do not!" Kate punched him playfully.

"Want another Buzz Beer?" Drew offered Liv as she sat at the table of Drew's kitchen.

"Couldn't hurt. They always say beer is best for a broken heart." Liv sighed, stretching out across the table and leaning her head on her hands.

"Cheer up, Livvie. You and Oswald are going to be fine."

"He's with her tonight in his apartment!" Liv cried, accepting the second beer from Drew.

Drew sighed. "I wish I could be there."

Liv looked sideways at him. "What do you mean?"

" know how I've always had a thing for Kate?"

Liv nodded. "Ever since you two were kids. Oswald told me."

Drew twisted his bottle around on the table, leaving water rings in front of him. "Even though she's really come between you two...I think I'm still in love with her."

Liv jumped up, bouncing up and down, dragging Drew to his feet and putting her hands on his shoulders. "This is great!"

"What's so great?" Drew asked warily.

"If you tell Kate how you feel, she wouldn't ruin it for Oswald and me!"

"Whoa!" Drew jumped back. "I am not telling her how I feel."

Liv pouted. "Why not, Drewie? It's the perfect chance. She's vulnerable."

Drew shook his head. "No dice. Sorry, Liv." Drew turned back to the table and sat down, clearly ending the conversation.

But Liv wasn't about to give up on the idea. Giving up on Drew meant giving up Oswald, and she would never do that...would she?

Lewis pulled away, staring down into Cher's eyes. They were standing on Cher's doorstep, trying to say goodnight, but they were having trouble. The moonlight walk back from the restaurant had affected them both.

"Listen, Cherry, will you meet me somewhere tomorrow night?" Lewis said.

"Where do you want me to be?"

"Just outside the Warsaw. You know, on the steps?"

"Why there?" Cher asked.

"You'll see. Please, just meet me there." Lewis smiled down at her and touched her cheek with his finger gently. "Good night, Cherry."

"Good night, Lewis." Cher sighed and turned away, going inside her apartment.

"You believe we're meant to be
Our chemistry will last forever..."

Lewis could hear Kate and Oswald chewing quite noisily on their popcorn. He sighed, frustrated because he couldn't get the words just right. And they had to be perfect. Perfect enough for her.

"What does this song mean? My whole life, I dunno what this song means. Should old acquaitances be forgot? Does that mean we should forget old acquaintances. It doesn't mean that if we happen to forget them, we should remember them which is not possible 'cause we already forgot!"

"Maybe it means that we should remember we forgot them or something. Anyway, it's about old friends...."

Kate sighed. "It's about old friends," she said, stopping the VCR.

"Hey, what'd you stop it for?" Oswald demanded. "That part about the sauce on the side is the best part of the whole movie!"

Kate turned to Oswald. "Look, am I not being clear here?"

Oswald looked at her. "What do you mean?"

"I'm in love with you," Kate burst out. Oswald stood and paced around the room, biting his lip. Kate stood and watched him. "Did you hear me?"

"I...could you just leave?" Oswald asked.

"Oh...okay." Kate slowly gathered her things, pausing at the door to see Oswald pick up a picture of Liv he had on the top of the TV. She groaned.

Her plan hadn't quite worked. Kate dropped her purse, rushed over to Oswald, grabbed him and gently kissed him. She just couldn't help it; it had been an impulse.

Just then, Lewis had poked his head out his bedroom door to see if Kate had gone...just at the second when the two were entangled in their kiss. Lewis drew in a sharp breath and quietly closed the door.

Part Six (coming soon)

{the man} {the faces} {the appearances}
{the words} {the names} {the fan writings}
{the thank yous} {the links} {the objects of the moment}
{the guestbook} {the webmistress} {the official MS keepers list}
{the awards awarded to MS} {the award you can win}

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