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Now That I Found You

Part Four
Just Ain't Enough

"You hold me like a prayer
You touch me everywhere
A lifetime just ain't enough to love you true
Now that I found you..."
-O-Town, "Now That I Found You"


"Lewis?" Someone was shaking him awake. He rolled over sleepily, throwing an arm beneath his pillow.

"Not now, Oswald," he mumbled.

"Silly, get up!"

Lewis opened his eyes to see Cher sitting up beside him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I...uh...was tucking you in and fell asleep?"

"Underneath the covers beside me?" Cher asked with a grin.

"All right. So I slept innocently beside you last night. Is that really so bad?"

", I guess not." Cher smiled and leaned over to kiss Lewis good morning.

"You guys seem to be getting serious," Liv smiled, digging her hand in again for more popcorn. The two girls were spending the day together in Cher's apartment. They took a day off work to calm their nerves.

"I suppose we are." Cher noticed the sad look on Liv's face. "Liv, it'll be all right."

"I feel like we're breaking up," Liv choked out.

"He loves you...not Kate."

"What do I have that Kate doesn't?" Liv looked up at Cher with tearful, blurry eyes.

"You love him more than Kate ever did."

"Kate, open up," Liv demanded, pounding on Kate's front door. They had been standing there for nearly five minutes already.

Finally, Kate came to the door. She saw Liv and Cher and immediately stiffened. "Come on in."

Cher pushed Liv forward into the living room of Kate's apartment. Liv bit her lip as she sat down on Kate's couch, trying to get her thoughts together.

"What can I do for you two?"

"Leave Oswald alone," Cher said.

"Oswald's a big boy. He's free to choose."

Cher couldn't believe Kate. She seemed so cold and vengeful. Over the few months they had known each other, Kate had been nothing but considerate...especially when it came to her friends. But now, Cher wasn't sure who Kate was. Or what she was capable of.

"How can you say that? This isn't a competition!" Liv exploded.

"Of course it isn't. It comes down to who Oswald cares for more."

"Well, stop undermining me. I love Oswald."

"So do I."

"You're just possessive!"

"Am not," Kate huffed.

"You had your chance with him and you let him go." Liv looked at Cher angrily, pleading with her eyes for help.

Lewis could still smell her perfume hanging in the apartment. He'd almost tripped over her teddy bear when he walked in. Slowly, he made his way to his room.

He drew out the notebook again and hurriedly scribbled, "A lifetime just isn't enough to love you."

Lewis jumped as the phone rang. His pen ran a line down the side of the paper, breaking his concentration.

"Damn!" he mumbled.

He rushed out to the kitchen to grab the phone. "Hello?"

"Lewis, is Oswald there?"

"Lemme check."

Lewis put the phone down and peeked into Oswald's room. "Hey, phone for you."

"Who is it?"

Lewis shrugged and went to grab a beer.

A few minutes later, Oswald emerged, beaming. "What's up, buddy?"

"That was Liv. She wants to get together Friday night at the Warsaw. I...I think we're gonna work it out!"

"That's great, Oswald." Lewis took another swig and was setting the bottle down...

"Hey, Oswald, could you help me with something?" he asked, eyeing the beer bottle.

"It's the pig. He finally decided to show up for work."

Drew set his stuff on his desk and turned to see Mimi Bobek smiling at him from her desk.

"Don't have a clown...I called Mr. Wick and told him I would be late."

Mimi scowled as Mr. Wick emerged from his office. "Ah, Carey, you're here. Good. I need you to file these while I go play my favorite game."

"Who are you firing today?"

"Thomas in accessories. Someone found him wearing a bit too much jewelry this morning...if you know what I mean."

"Too clearly." Drew sighed and sat down, trying to clear his mind enough to get to work.

But the scene kept playing through his head. His car had broken down and as he was walking to a pay phone to call his boss, Drew had seen Kate's apartment door fly open and had heard fierce screaming from inside.

Worried, he stopped and watched as Cher came through the door, tugging on Liv's arm and dragging her out the door. Kate slammed the door and Liv broke away from Cher.

Cher had caught Drew's gaze. He knew something was wrong, and more likely, Kate had started it. Jealousy could drive someone mad.

And through all that, Drew still couldn't believe he loved Kate.

Part Five--coming soon

{the man} {the faces} {the appearances}
{the words} {the names} {the fan writings}
{the thank yous} {the links} {the objects of the moment}
{the guestbook} {the webmistress} {the official MS keepers list}
{the awards awarded to MS} {the award you can win}

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