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Now That I Found You

Part Three
Holding Nothing Back

"I see the heavens open
A heart that once was broken
Is holding nothing back
Now that I found you..."
-O-Town, "Now That I Found You"


"Liv!" Oswald cried, running to catch up to her. "Liv, come on--talk to me!"

Oswald caught her arm and turned her around. "I saw you with her," Liv cried.

"Livvie, she's just my friend. You are my girlfriend!" Oswald said desperately.

Liv bit her lip. "Then show me, Oswald." Liv tightly wrapped her arms around Oswald's neck and turned away. She continued running down the street.

Oswald lowered himself to the curb. "Show her," he repeated. Then he jumped up and went to his apartment.

"Why did I do this?" Kate asked miserably. "It's not something I'm proud of."

"It's a phase," Drew tried to console her. "Take it from someone who's had a lot of broken're insanely jealous."

Kate groaned and dropped her head to the table.

"Kate,'ve got to let him go. This isn't healthy," Cher said. "Someone better's going to come along."

"I know, but..."

Lewis glanced at Drew. He was studying her every move, listening to her every word...

"Don't you agree, Lewis?"

"Huh? What?" Lewis looked at Cher.

"Don't you think the right person coudl be right in front of Kate?" Cher said with a look that said Disagree and be miserable forever.

Lewis looked at Drew. "I think there's definitely some truth to that," he said.

"I can't believe I locked myself out of my own apartment," Kate said as she followed Drew through his front door.

"Oh, come purposely did that," Drew said, going to the kitchen.

"Yeah, maybe." Kate plopped down at the table.

"Do you want to get out of those clothes?"

"Is that a line, Mr. Carey?"

Yes. "No...I just thought maybe you wouldn't want to wear that anymore."

"Oh." Kate looked down at her outfit.

"I'll get you a shirt."

Drew went upstairs and dug through his drawer, retrieving an old shirt. Then he sighed.'s not the first time she's stayed at my house, wearing my clothes...

As he went downstairs, he thought, But it's the first time I've wanted to tell her I really love her.

Cher had this rule. It was something completely different than anyone Lewis had ever known...but then again, Cher showed Lewis things he'd always been overlooking in his life. That's what happens when you fall in love, she always said.

Cher wanted to wait until marriage.

At first, it bugged Lewis to no end to be returning to the apartment he shared with Oswald at 2 in the morning. As time went on, Cher wanted to be with him, so she'd let him sleep on the couch. Once he'd slept in a sleeping bag on the floor during an all-night movie marathon at her apartment.

Lewis knew that when Cher fell asleep beside him, it would be time to take the next step.

They had been sitting on Cher's bed. It had taken Lewis half an hour to calm Cher down over the predicaments of their friends. Then he had suggested a game of Yahtzee.

Lewis went into the bathroom around one and when he came out, Cher was sprawled across her bed, asleep.

Lewis smiled. He went over and lifted her leg back onto the bed, undoing the covers and tucking them around her. He turned around at the door to look back again...and knew he couldn't leave her that night.

So he crept back to her bed and slid onto the empty side. There he laid, watching her, until he drifted to sleep.


Drew moaned. "Oswald, it's 3 am."

"Where's Liv?"

"Liv? I don't know."

"I've been calling her all night...she's not there."

"I hope you didn't wake Kate!" Drew said, annoyed.


"She's here tonight."

"To hell with her."


"She broke my heart and now she's trying to break Liv's."

"There's a lot you don't know, buddy."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I'm in love with her, damn it!"

Drew slammed down the phone.

Part Four--coming soon

{the man} {the faces} {the appearances}
{the words} {the names} {the fan writings}
{the thank yous} {the links} {the objects of the moment}
{the guestbook} {the webmistress} {the official MS keepers list}
{the awards awarded to MS} {the award you can win}

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