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Colin Mochrie's Filmography: The Outer Limits

"Sometimes the best way to hide the truth is to keep it in plain sight." ~narrator

*all pictures captured by A Photo Tribute to Colin*

The Outer Limits (2000)

Colin appears in this one-hour long sci-fi show as Dale De La Rosa, a security guard in charge of security at a UFO convention. He stars alongside Mackenzie Phillips (So Weird on Disney Channel), Richard Side, David Kay and Don Thompson.

*Memorable Colin quotes--Colin's are bold*

"Probably around the same time you stop dressing up like one of the Jolly Green Giant's sex toys!"

"Ah, tell that to the cancerous lump growing on my spine, Rummy. I'm gonna ask you and the box to leave nicely. I ask again and we're gonna tussle."

"They'll kill ya. Dead. Hell, I knew a guy who knew a guy. That guy crossed the Feds just like you did. Ten years later, he's eatin' at the Jolly Troll Smorgasboard..."
"In Billings?"
"That's the one. Bang, goes facedown in his tater tots. Turns out a mother-humpin' heart attack just rocked his world. Coincidence? I think not."

"Are you high on the crack?! The Feds'll be on him like maggots on roadkill."

"A little info can get a guy killed. 'Nough said."

"Wake up and smell the cheese, honey!!"

"Well, when I get the fax you'll be the first to know...but only because I like ya."

"Thought I'd find you here. Have a drink. Looks like you need one."
"Sex on the Beach. How'd you know that was my drink?"
"Oh, you'd be amazed what you can find out about people if you do a little surfing. Do you mind if I, uh, sit here? You okay?"
"Oh, yeah, I'm great...considering this feels like the worst day of my life. I should've listened to you when you said how complicated things are."
"You wanted that fragment to be real in the worst way, huh?"
"I'd rather not talk about it."
"Funny thing is, I know how you feel. Boo, can you keep a secret?"
"Well, you know that, uh, story I tell about when the know..."
"My God, Dale...are you saying that actually happened??"
"Huh? No, no, no! I mean, it never happened. I made it up. See, you gotta believe me. I wanted it to happen. I mean, I wanted to see aliens. I still do. Just because you want something to be true..."
"Dale, I understand. Really, I do."
"I know there are aliens out there and all. I know how desperate that must sound. I just wanted to be accepted, you know. I mean, all the people here at convention...they're like my family. They accepted me when no one else would. It's all based on a lie. Can you ever forgive me?"
"Of course I can."
"Thank you."

"You didn't think it was wow, did ya?"

"But if I've learned anything in my experience in the security field, it's that nothing is ever as it seems. The man called you for a reason, Boo. We've gotta find out why."

"Look, when it comes to UFO's, the government's agenda never changes. Disavow, discredit...disinform. What you see is real but it's a little more complicated. A spaceship looks like a spaceship...hell, it may even be a damn spaceship, but it's not really a spaceship."

"You know, you're starting to sound like me...doubting everything."

"Obviously, it's no ordinary hunk of metal."
"Well, yeah....I mean, it floats!"

"...card-carrying member of the Fifth Column and the FB freakin' I!!!"

My thoughts: If you think Colin can't obviously haven't seen this episode. I was amazed at Colin's ability. He can do it all...comedy and drama both. This episode quietly shows his dramatic side. It also contains the infamous "towel scene" which features Colin practically naked. To see pictures of that, visit A Photo Tribute to Colin. I absolutely adore this episode and it gave me a greater respect of Colin.

*Colin's scene transcribed by me*

Go see more pictures from The Outer Limits (courtesy of APTTC)

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