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Accidents Do Happen

Disclaimer: Copyright 2001, Jamie. All rights reserved. No part
of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted without written
permission from the author. Any resemblance to persons living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Part Three
It's Showtime

"Lewis is probably getting some right now," Oswald mentioned, handing Drew and Kate beers.

"Oh, come on mature! Lewis is in love," Kate said, propping her feet up on the coffee table of Drew's house.

"Who made you Queen Mature?" Oswald asked.

" certainly haven't been acting like know, since you made my dog crap all over the floor of the brewery!" Drew said.

"Like giving me poop-flavored candy and almost getting me fired is mature!" Kate yelled back.

Drew and Kate exploded into angry words. Oswald sat back, listening and drinking his beer. The phone rang, but neither Kate or Drew heard over their yapping.

"Hello, Drew Carey's shack," Oswald said, answering the phone in the kitchen.

"Oswald?" someone whispered in a low tone.

"Satan?" Oswald answered.

"No, moron, it's Lewis!"

"Hey, buddy. We thought you'd be dancing naked by now."

"I've got a problem. Where's Kate?"

"Oh, she's in the living room, arguing with Drew over whose crap was more mature."


"Something wrong?"

"Well, I...Madison.."

"Do you want me to get Kate?"

"No, let her and Drew battle. It's probably the beer talking anyway. I'll call again in the morning."

Oswald heard the abrupt dial tone. He shrugged and went back to the living room to watch more of World War III.


"How is she now?" Kate asked.

"Still asleep. It's not a woman thing, is it?"

"She'd know it if it was."

"I'm scared, Kate. She won't let me take her to the hospital. She's fine for a few days and then she gets sick...right when you want to tell her something important...."

"If she's better tonight, bring her by the Warsaw." Kate got a bittersweet smile on her face. "Lewis, you want to help me with something?"


Oswald sat in-between Kate and Drew that night at their regular table at the Warsaw. Hurtful things had been said the night before, forcing the two best friends to stop speaking.

"Come on, guys....the silence is driving me crazy!" Oswald cried.

"Shut up, Mr. 'Queen Mature'," Kate retorted.

"Hey, don't talk to him that way!" Drew argued.

Just then, Kate spotted Madison and Lewis enter. She jumped up and went over.

Lewis looked faint. "Take this Kate...before we both keel over."

Kate, with a disgusted look on her face, accepted the covered tin pie plate. "How are you, Maddi?"

"Feeling better." Madison offered a smile.

"Come on, let's get seats for the show," Lewis said, sliding an arm around her waist and walking slowly with her to the table.

"Hi, Madison," Drew greeted her. "How are you feeling?"

"Well enough to go back to work tomorrow."

"Honey, are you sure?" Lewis asked, rubbing her back.

"I've got that space account to supervise. I'll come home afterwards."

"Where'd Kate go?" Oswald asked.

"I'm here," Kate said. She brought a chair over and sat right next to Drew. He gave her the evil eye.

"Drew, you and I have been best friends for so long. We've done so much together. We've watched stupid movies, called each other drunk at 2 in the morning....even done it on the floor of the bathroom here at the Warsaw! I don't want you to be mad at me."

Kate placed the pie plate on the table and uncovered it.

"Holy crap, Kate! What the hell is that?" Drew asked.

"This is to prove how sorry I am." Kate took a deep, disgusted breath and pushed her face straight into the pile of poop.

"Kate, geez! You're gonna suffocate!" Drew yelled. Kate lifted her face, looked at Drew and the two of them burst out laughing.

When everyone quieted, Drew said, "Come on, we'll go back to my house and clean you up. I can't accept an apology with your face like that."

Drew and Kate left. "Buddy, I'm taking Maddi home," Lewis said.

"Don't be late," Oswald said in a husky voice.

"Don't wait up," Lewis answered.

Part Four (Dangerous Game)

{the man} {the faces} {the appearances}
{the words} {the names} {the fan writings}
{the thank yous} {the links} {the objects of the moment}
{the guestbook} {the webmistress} {the official MS keepers list}
{the awards awarded to MS} {the award you can win}

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