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What is Love?

Part Five
Friendly Discussions

"Thanks for coming, Ryan. The house was way too quiet," Colin said as he opened the door and let his friend in.

"No problem. Nothing ever happens on a Sunday night anyway." Ryan laughed, going into the living room.

"Beer?" Colin offered.

"Nope...gotta drive home." Ryan studied Colin as he paced back and forth across the floor. Something was bothering him. "I know you didn't call me over to watch you pace. What's up?"

"Promise you won't say a word?"

"You know me, Colin...we've been friends for over 20 years. I wouldn't rat on you."

"It's Gayle." Colin sat in a chair, playing with his hands. "I think I'm falling for her. I know it makes no sense. She's only been here a week, but you know when you get that unexplainable feeling? I've got it. She hates my guts, and I don't know what to do."

Ryan took a deep breath. "Well, are you willing to risk everything to find out?"

"Yes," Colin said. "You know I haven't dated since..." His voice trailed off.

"Since Jaymee," Ryan finished in a quiet tone.

"Help me, Ryan. I'm in such a mess...."

"Wow," Gayle murmured. "I think this is the one."

"You think?" Jaymee paused in front of the full-length mirror.

"It's perfect," Gayle said, admiring the royal blue, simple cut floor length dress hugging Jaymee's thin frame. "Ryan will love it."

Jaymee smiled. "Okay, you sold me. I'll get out of it and we can catch dinner."

Gayle nodded as she sat down outside the dressing room. She cast a glance to her own dress lying on the chair beside elegant black cocktail dress with matching shoes and bag. The girls had spent their Sunday afternoon shopping for the following night.

All day, Gayle's thoughts had been on Colin. She couldn't help picturing herself standing beside him, smiling up at him and feeling his gentle hold on her hand. But then she would remember her vow from the taxi ride and she felt guilty. She could never...and should never...give her heart away to anyone else again.

Gayle wasn't aware she was staring off into oblivion until Jaymee snapped her fingers in front of her. "Earth to Gayle...come back to the planet please!"

"Oh, sorry." Gayle stood and picked up her dress.

"What were you thinking about?"


"I mean, what is love anyway? What is it? Maybe it's a thing people made up to believe in so they can feel like there's something to reach for in life," Colin ranted, putting his arms behind his head as he laid on the couch. "Life isn't easy. Maybe people believe in love to think there's something easy out there!"

"Colin, love's not easy! It's really hard work," Ryan said. "Don't be so cynical. Love can come twice."

"I was in love once and I got hurt. I can't do it again."

"But what if this time, love is more precious...more spellbinding...more breathtaking than before?"

"Now you're sounding like Greg doing Film Trailer," Colin said dryly.

"It didn't work out last time because something better was supposed to come along. Something that would last. Don't you get it, Colin? If you believe your second chance...your last with Gayle, nothing should hold you back..."

"There's something I have to tell you," Jaymee said, picking up another breadstick. "I've felt so guilty for not saying anything before."

"Well, what is it?"

"It's about Colin..."

Gayle took a deep breath.

"...and me."

Gayle swallowed her soda abruptly and went into a fit of coughing. Colin and Jaymee? What does she mean?

"You okay?" Jaymee asked with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You just startled me. What's up with you and him?"

"Well, when I first moved here, I had no money, no job, no stability...and my apartment, given to me as a graduation gift from my parents. I was supposed to continue paying the rent and the first deadline was nearing. I went to a bar one night in a panic, not wanting to drink. I just went to watch other people live the life I should've been living."

"I understand. Go on."

"Colin approached me because I was alone. At first, I thought he was drunk and was going to hit on me, so before he gave me a line, I told him I wasn't interested. It turns out he wasn't drunk and had no intention of picking me up, so we had a laugh and it broke the ice. We started to date soon after that. He was so attractive, so gentle and sweet with me despite the stuff I'd seen him do on Whose Line? But I didn't"

Gayle swallowed. "It?"

"You know, the connection. The spark. The romance. We dated for six months with me feeling like that every day. When he kissed me, it was like I was kissing a friend and then I realized that was all he was to me. During this time, Colin proudly introduced me to Ryan, and I began to have feelings for him."

"Oh, wow," Gayle breathed.

"Our breakup was messy. He wouldn't speak to me, couldn't be around me. Ryan and I dated in secret. I knew I'd hurt Colin...and I loved him like my best friend. I missed him. So when Ryan said they were hiring me on Whose Line?, I made him promise me they'd hire Colin too. 'He's a damn good improviser,' I told Ryan. I started sending Colin hints. I sent him British chocolate, pictures from British magazines, tapes of him on Whose Line?. He forgave me when he was hired not only because we'd be working together but because his pain was too great and the only way to deal with it was to forgive me. Now we're really close."

Jaymee leaned closer. "I see the way he looks at you when you pretend not to be watching. He used to look at me that way. Now that you know how hurt he's been, maybe you'll rethink throwing it all away."

Gayle was silent before she said, "What is love anyway?"

Part Six (Unspoken Expressions--coming soon)

{the man} {the faces} {the appearances}
{the words} {the names} {the fan writings}
{the thank yous} {the links} {the objects of the moment}
{the guestbook} {the webmistress} {the official MS keepers list}
{the awards awarded to MS} {the award you can win}

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