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Without Her

Edited version complete on July 8, 2001

Disclaimer: Copyright 2001, Jamie. All rights reserved. No part
of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted without written
permission from the author. Any resemblance to persons living or dead
is purely coincidental.


She had said goodbye. Now all he wanted to do was sit around in his apartment, drowning away his sorrows in bottles of Buzz Beer. He didn't want to see anyone, go anywhere, do anything--because it all reminded him too much of her.

He had thought that she was the one--his soulmate. From the moment they met, there had been chemistry between them. He, who had been so lonesome for so long; he, who must've used every lame line in the book; he, who had watched his friends' happiness with a terrible aching in his heart--seemed to finally have found someone.

He waited a few weeks before proposing a date. She intrigued him with all her ideas paralleling his own. They finished each other's sentences, thought the same things, did the same things, even when they weren't together. He could've stared into her bright green eyes and ran a hand through her long curls forever. When he finally got the nerve, she accepted readily--and they did everything together.

Now he sat on the couch, staring at a blank TV screen, his cheeks damp with tears, reliving every word from the night before. It was like a movie he didn't want to see the ending to, but knew how it would end up anyway. Maybe he was torturing himself, but the pain was the only thing keeping him sitting instead of jumping off the roof of the Warsaw.

She had called him, and at the sound of his voice, burst into tears. He tried to comfort her, but she wouldn't let him. He heard the words between the tears--"too hard", "not emotionally ready", "a ton of stuff to figure out in my head", "not fair to let me have your heart when you can't have mine"...

"So, what are you saying? Are we breaking up?"

"I'm so sorry, Lewis...."

He memorized her words and her face, knowing he had to make them just a memory. He relived holding in her in his arms, kissing her beneath moonlight, knowing he would never have that again. He had loved her, and that was something that didn't come easily to him. He knew he'd never love again.

The phone rang. Lewis Kiniski picked it up, hoping it was her, full of regret. "Lewis," Kate's choked voice came over the line. "She's gone...she killed herself...jumped off the roof last night..."

Lewis slammed the phone down and collapsed into frustrated, but frightened, tears. If only he hadn't thought about suicide...then maybe she would still be alive! He had to find a way to go on--without her.

{the man} {the faces} {the appearances}
{the words} {the names} {the fan writings}
{the thank yous} {the links} {the objects of the moment}
{the guestbook} {the webmistress} {the official MS keepers list}
{the awards awarded to MS} {the award you can win}

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