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What is Love?

Part Six
Unspoken Expressions

"It's about time you called me," Jaymee exclaimed when she picked up the phone Monday afternoon.

"I am so sorry, Jaymee...I had the weirdest night."

"Really? Me too. You first."

"I've gotta tell you something about Colin..."

"Weird, I have to tell you something about Gayle..."

"I have to tell you in person."

"All right. Where have you been all day?"

"Wayne's house. We're doing a little something tonight at the party."

"Really? Cool." Jaymee glanced at her watch. "Ryan, I've gotta get to the studio. We really need to talk later."

"Definitely. See you there."

"Kay." Jaymee hung up. "Gayle, let's go!"

"Oh my gosh," Gayle murmured as Jaymee steered her car around the soundstage. "Look at the line!"

"Amazing. I didn't expect such a turnout," Jaymee realized as she pulled into her parking spot. "Let's go."

In high spirits, the two friends entered the building to see Greg and Ryan running down the hall to the green room. Colin was following.

"J, I'll see you afterwards, okay?" Gayle said, turning to go to the control room.

"Okay." Jaymee entered the green room. "Working off some nerves, guys?"

"No...Colin stole my sandwich," Greg pouted.

"Poor baby." Jaymee rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "Love the clothes, guys."

The cast studied each other. Greg was sporting a black suit with red shirt. "Looking good, Greg," Jaymee said, straightening his tie. "Mike working?"

"You betcha."

Jaymee moved to Wayne, who was dressed in a tight blue shirt and black pants. "Nervous?"

"A little...I just can't wait to get out there."

"You'll be awesome."

Jaymee looked at Colin, trying to read the unspoken expression in hsi eyes. "You ready, Col?"

Colin straightened his bright orange Hawaiian-looking shirt. "I'm ready."

Finally, Jaymee reached Ryan. He was dressed in a green long-sleeved top and khaki pants. "How are you feeling?"

"Ready to improv," Ryan smiled.

"Okay, guys...I've gotta go get to my director gig," Jaymee said. "Five minutes to show! Make me proud."

Jaymee exited the green room to see Gayle in the hallway with her headset and notes. "You can go in and say hi," Jaymee offered.

"I'd better not. Colin already hates me enough. I'll ruin the show."

Jaymee reluctantly nodded and walked down the hall, pausing to high-five Drew, and stopped near the set.

"And, here with instructions, is our director, Jaymee Lyberrt!" she heard.

She ran onstage to cheers from the audience. "Hello! Are you all ready for some improv?" The audience cheered loudly. Jaymee smiled and tucked a curl behind her ear. "All we ask is that you enjoy yourselves. There will be an intermission in the middle, and the cast will hang around here for those of you who are our VIP's today. Have fun!"

Jaymee waved and left the stage, going to the control room as Drew and his cast got into place. "Five, four, three, two, one...cue music," Jaymee instructed. "And...cue Drew!"

As Jaymee watched the show begin, she realized the expression that had been in both Colin and Ryan's eyes: helplessness.

Jaymee was waiting in the green room for the cast to finish signing autographs after the impressive series premiere taping. The cast had infinite energy and everything had gone perfectly.

Greg and Drew entered the room, talking excitedly. Wayne followed and then Colin and Ryan came in.

"Congratulations, guys...I think we've got something here!" Jaymee exclaimed.

"I don't think I've ever seen a more giving audience," Greg concluded, grabbing a bottle of water.

"Well, the fun's not over," Ryan spoke up.

"That's right. Take some time to change your clothes and head downtown...I'll see you there," Jaymee smiled.

"Jaymee!" Ryan called as Jaymee walked to the control room. She turned to him with a smile. "Congratulations, Ms. Director."

"Thank you." Jaymee stood on her toes and kissed Ryan. "See you soon. I've gotta get Gayle."

"Gayle....Jaymee, that's what we need to talk about!"

"Later. Get changed." Jaymee ran her hand against his cheek and turned away.

"This place looks great!" Gayle exclaimed.

"Sure does," Jaymee agreed.

Gayle fidgeted a little as she walked into the ballroom. Jaymee had assured her she looked fine, but she was worried about seeing Colin. She knew there would be dancing...and how she wanted to dance with him...

"Jaymee!" Ryan called, waving her over.

"Come on." Jaymee took a deep breath, her heart pounding as she looked at Ryan dressed in a tux.

"You look amazing," Ryan whispered when she stood beside him.

"Thanks," Jaymee blushed.

Beside her, Gayle and Colin were locked in a stare at each other. Ryan noticed and pulled Jaymee aside.

"J, we've got a problem."

"I know," Jaymee sighed.

"Colin is in love with Gayle..."

"She's in love with him..."

"Why else would they fight all the time?" Ryan continued, not hearing Jaymee.

"It makes perfect...what did you say?!"

"Colin is in love with Gayle," Ryan carefully repeated.

"Oh my God," Jaymee whispered, looking at the two. Before she could continue, the dj broken into the first slow song of the night.

"Perfect," Ryan groaned, recognizing the song as Elvis Presley's Can't Help Falling in Love With You.

"Ask Gayle to dance."

"What? I wanna dance with you."

"I've got a plan...just do it."

Jaymee pushed Ryan to Gayle, who was standing awkwardly by Colin. She breathed a sigh of relief when Gayle followed Ryan to the floor.

Jaymee tapped Colin on the shoulder. "You wanna dance?"

"Sure." Colin watched Gayle dance with Ryan as Jaymee led him into the crowd.

Slowly, Jaymee made Colin dance towards Ryan and Gayle. "Can I cut in?" Jaymee asked Gayle, releasing Colin.

Gayle stepped away and started off the dance floor. Ryan waved his hand to Colin, indicating what he should do, as Jaymee stepped into Ryan's embrace.

The two watched wordlessly as Colin and Gayle looked at each other. Then Colin reached out and put a hand around Gayle. Slowly, they began to dance.

Jaymee breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe this night will go better now.

Part Seven (Fall So Deep)

{the man} {the faces} {the appearances}
{the words} {the names} {the fan writings}
{the thank yous} {the links} {the objects of the moment}
{the guestbook} {the webmistress} {the official MS keepers list}
{the awards awarded to MS} {the award you can win}

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