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What is Love?

Part Two
Tears for Fears

"No, no...put the shot of Drew with the full mouth last," Jaymee instructed, pointing patiently.

"Something's still missing," Gayle spoke up, studying the computer screen. "I've got an idea...can I try?"

"You are the assistant editor," Jaymee said, running a hand through her curly hair.

"Not yet, but we'll see. Don't stress, Jaymee...remember, I'm a genius," Gayle joked, sitting down in front of the computer.

"How's it going, Jaymee?" Ryan asked, coming into the editing room.

"Almost done." Jaymee turned around in her chair. "Hey, Col, thanks for sneaking in and getting me with the last can of whipped cream. I think the entire crew in the control room screamed."

"Not as loudly as you screamed," the man with Ryan laughed.

"Okay, how's this?"

Jaymee looked back at the screen. Gayle had done a split, with Drew on the right with a mouth of dripping whipped cream, holding the bottle to the camera. On the left side was the slogan, the show's name and ABC's logo.

"That's perfect! Exactly what I wanted!" Jaymee gripped the sides of the keyboard excitedly, leaning toward the screen and replaying the promo.

"Well, I think I got the job," Gayle commented. Ryan laughed. Then Gayle noticed the man. "I...don't believe I know you. I'm Gayle." Remember your vow...

"Colin. Nice to meet you." Colin smiled at Gayle and extended his hand.

Gayle put her hand in his and looked up. Her voice caught in her throat and she felt locked in his gaze. Her previous thinking was in the back of her mind now.

Jaymee turned from the screen to see Gayle and Colin still shaking hands...although the motion had died moments ago. She looked up at Ryan, jerking her head to them questioningly.

"Uh,, are you going to take the job?" Jaymee asked.

"Definitely," Gayle said softly, still looking up at Colin. "I...I mean, yes, I will."

"It's late, Col. We'd better get back home," Ryan said.

"See you, Gayle." Colin smiled at her again.

"Bye, Jaymee. Still on for tomorrow, right?" Ryan asked.

"Of course. See you, Ryan." Ryan dropped a kiss on Jaymee's head and the two men disappeared.


"I saw you with Colin today," Jaymee remarked, entering the living room dressed in a powder blue bathrobe and running a comb through her curls that night.

"Nice guy," Gayle said briefly, flipping through a magazine.

"Gayle, I've had the feeling that something is wrong ever since I called you," Jaymee said. "Am I missing something?"

"No." Gayle forced herself to smile. "I'm just tired. I'm gonna head off to bed."

"Okay....well, Ryan and I have a lunch date tomorrow..."

"I'll eat here," Gayle said shortly. "Night."


"I think something's wrong with her. I mean, she was acting really weird."

"You did say her engagement just ended," Ryan reminded her, putting his spoon in his empty ice cream cup as they sat in Ryan's car across the street from Jaymee's apartment.

"I feel like there's something she's still not telling me."

"Did you see her with Colin yesterday?"

"Yeah, I did." Jaymee smiled at the memory. "They'd look cute together."

"They would. Don't we have rehearsal tomorrow?"

"No...TV Guide is coming for an interview and photo shoot with you, Drew and Colin for next week's series premiere."

Ryan was silent for a moment. "Hey, maybe Colin and I could come to your place tonight for dinner?"

"That sounds great. Tell Colin to bring his famous banana bread."

Ryan laughed. "Never can get enough of that, right?"

"I only wish he'd share the recipe!" Jaymee returned. "Well..."


"I had fun, Ryan."

"Me too."

"I'll see you tonight." Jaymee looked at Ryan again. "Walk me to the door?"

"Sure." Ryan got out and met Jaymee on the street. The two walked up to Jaymee's front porch.

"Okay, well...tonight then."

"Tonight," Ryan said. He leaned down and kissed her cheek.



"We've been dating for three weeks now, and you're leaving me with that?" Jaymee asked invitingly.

Ryan stepped back up on the porch. "Well, you are my boss," he said, stepping closer to her.

"Actually, the producer is above the director," Jaymee whispered. Ryan leaned down and kissed her gently. Jaymee's arms went around his neck while his hands found her face.

Meanwhile, Gayle was sitting in the living room. She had heard Jaymee's voice at the door and happened to glance out the window to see her and Ryan wrapped in an intimate kiss. Tears filled her eyes and she gasped back a sob. From underneath her book, Gayle withdrew Shawn's picture. The tears were soon rolling so hard, she couldn't focus on his face.

She heard the door open and quickly shoved the picture back inside the book.

"Wow, that was...I'm so..." Jaymee plopped down in a chair. "Gayle?"

"How could you do that to me?"

"Do what?"

"Do...that...on the doorstep."

"That's generally where people kiss each other goodbye."

"Don't do it again."

"Is something wrong?"

"Don't bring him here again."

"Hold on. Do you not like Ryan?" Jaymee asked defensively.

"Wake up and live in the real world, Jaymee. He's only dating you to say he's sleeping with the director. Guys are just like that!"

"That's not true. And this is my house. You can't tell me who not to bring!"

Jaymee turned on her heel, clearing saying the conversation was over. Gayle fell down on the couch. She withdrew the picture again. "Why did you hurt me so much?" she whispered. Then she burst into a fresh set of tears.


"Hi, Colin," Jaymee said, taking the loaf of warm bread from him and accepting a kiss on the cheek. "Where's Ryan?"

"Parking." Colin's eyes searched the room. "I can't help but notice this is only two-thirds of the dynamic duo."

"I'm afraid the dynamic duo is no more," Jaymee sighed.

"What happened?"

"I don't know."

"Jaymee, we've been friends for a year now. You can tell me anything." Jaymee looked up at the handsome, charismatic and shy Colin Mochrie. He had been the one to introduce her to Ryan, allowing her to stay in her apartment when she thought she would lose it from lack of money. She had a soft spot for him.

"I seriously don't know! She flipped out on me. She saw us kissing at the door."

"Finally, huh? I heard it was quite a kiss," Colin teased.

"It was." Jaymee blushed. "Listen, let Ryan in. I'm gonna go put this in the oven."

Colin nodded and wandered around towards the bedrooms. He had been intrigued by Gayle's easiness. It had been a character trait he'd always been lacking, and he'd been hoping to find out more about her. That's why he'd accepted the dinner invitation. Otherwise, he'd be spending another lonely night in his rented home.

Suddenly, Colin was on the floor. "I told you to le..." Gayle said angrily. She looked down to see Colin lying on the floor. "Oh my gosh, Colin...I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to run into you!"

"It's all right," Colin groaned, picking himself up off the floor.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came for dinner."

"I'm not going to dinner."

"Why not?"

"Not hungry."

"Jaymee's worried..." Colin tried to say.

"What does she know? She doesn't know me."

"We're all aware something's wrong..."

"You don't know me either, so stop acting like Mr. Nice Guy, okay?"

"At least I'm friendly."

Gayle frowned, and Colin knew he'd hit a nerve. She turned away and slammed the door in his face.

Colin sighed and went back to the kitchen. "I think it'll just be three tonight."

Part Three (Strange Outbursts)

{the man} {the faces} {the appearances}
{the words} {the names} {the fan writings}
{the thank yous} {the links} {the objects of the moment}
{the guestbook} {the webmistress} {the official MS keepers list}
{the awards awarded to MS} {the award you can win}

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