The full of suprises! In the year 3000, crime is at a minimal. Most of th only crime that is done is from the mutants who feel looked down upon by humans, which shows even after a thousan years, people will still be prejudiced. Because of this, Time Force was created.
Time Force is a police organization comprised of humans, Xybrians, perhaps Aquations, and other races. If an emergency should happen, Time Force can utilize time travel through a time gate if necassary, hence the name Time Force.
Captain Logan is probably one in a long string of TF captains. He, though, is in command of the Time Force officers sent to 2001. After Alex's assumed death, he somehow outranked Captain Logan.
Each Time Force officer wears a white jumpsuit with a black undershirt shown above the collar, as seen below. If an officer is high enough in rank, he or she will wear a gold shirt instead of the black. Each officer has a Chrono Blaster by his or her side, in case of emergency. A captain's uniform is much like the officer's uniform, with the exception it is silver and has a collar with rank pips. An intraining officer wears a Time Force uniform with a black vest and helmet.
The Trans-Warp Megazord provides the only means of transportation through time by Time Force. Using its elongated fist, it smashes a vehicle through the Time Gate. Though almost anything can be sent through time, only a Time Ship or TF Eagle are safe to fly through time with. The Transwarp Megazord sends the Time Fliers, Time Shadow, Time Ships, and also the very small Strata Cycle. The only Zord known to have not been sent by the Transwarp Megazord is the Quantasaurus Rex, of which was sent at an earlier time.
Though these may be the only means of transporation through time by Time Force, time holes have been known to appear in odd places at od times for no reason at all (hence the time travel in "Legend of the Clocktower"). Some mutants are also able to open travelable time holes (like Commandocon). Ransik also used a different means of transportion through time, using a small core.
Many vehicles in 3000 have much resemblance to current vehicles with minor alterations. The Vector cycles are a common form of transportation by Time Force, also Alex's Time Force police car (no real name is given). A very big black automobile is used for transportation of very bad criminals like Ransik. Despite these, there are many "hovering" vehicles.
The Time Jet is used in transportation of the Rangers from the ground to their Zords. The Quantum Ranger is equipped with a Time Travel capable TF Eagle. The Strata Cycle seems to be an advanced Vector Cycle with flight capability.