Welcome to Honestly Okay!
Hey everyone and a big, warm welcome from me to you :) You've arrived here, at the Jessica Alba Fanlisting. Jess is an actress whom most people recognize as feisty Max Guevara in "Dark Angel". She's wonderful, amazing and extremely colorful at this time. This is the second version already. I put the site online today (feb. 27th, 2002), but I was not at all satisfied with the layout. So this is the new one, I hope you like it ^.- Navigation: on your right, please... and updates: right down here. Have fun! Hugz, Kath [email] [www]
APR 11th 2002
FEB 28th 2002
*Yawns* Gawd, I'm tired. But at least we have a wonderful (IMO) new layout for this, which will go online friday, yep. Tomorrow. Maybe even today already. Who knows? Made a bunch of new codes, too. I hope you'll like 'em. The first ones were only suitable for a light background, now these are best for both light and dark backgrounds. Enjoy! 
FEB 27th 2002
Yeah so I got sick of that layout already. The pic got all deformed b/c something went wrong while saving it to a floppy disk and well, I thought: let's just start the hell over! And I'm glad I did. I love, LOVE, LOVE this layout! Okay... so that's great and good. LOL. Also have some new images for the gallery. Well, they're not exactly new, but they are new here. Hehe. A joinform will be set up as well, and I'm planning on making some better codes for you all to use as well. 

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