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Beautiful Dream by UA Girl

Always by UA Girl

 She never stopped loving him by UA Girl

Shiver by UA Girl

One upon a time by UA Girl

The Three Little Words by UA Girl

The Christmas Miracle by UA Girl

Unforgettable by UA Girl

Lights Camera Action by UA Girl

The Journey by UA Girl

Tell me WHY by UA Girl

Altered Live by Uzma

Katy: Daddy's Little Princess by Uzma

There You'll be by Janine

I will not wish for anything, but you by Uzma

Death of an Innocent by Janine

One year ago today by Janine

She misses him by Janine

Fighting her Ghost by Janine

The Princess Within by Janine

Spiritual Love by Janine

I could fall in Love by Janine

She misses him by Janine

Fighting her Ghost by Janine

The Princess Within by Janine

Spiritual Love by Janine

I don't have the heart by Janine

Wave to a broken Heart by Janine

If I know ME by Janine

Lets give them something to talk about by Janine

Learning to Love her by Janine

One more day by Janine

Forever Love by Janine