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Cars and Boats

Ethan Crane drives a black convertible with the license HRI 814

Sam's boat is named Amazing Grace

Ivy drives a blue convertible mustang

Sheridan drives a red 120 SLK Mercedes Benz convertible.

The Sea Breeze was the Harmony High Prom Boat, which Charity sank.

Miguel drives a motorcycle.

 Sam drives a red Ford Explorer.


Likes, Dislikes, Hobbies, Phoebes

Jean-Luc likes Italian sports cars.

Theresa likes provocative pink nail polish

Jessica is a vegetarian.

Theresa's favorite ice cream is chocolate swirl.

Reese is an avid bug collector

Theresa likes lavender and Satin.

Bewitched is Tabitha's favorite show.

Reese is allergic to lobster.

Faith collected crosses and angel figurines around her home to ward off evil.

Grace and Faith both love lobster

Grace loves Lobster Newburg

Blue is Charity and Miguel's favorite color, and they both love the sea and Jennifer Lopez

Sheridan Crane uses Estee Lauder face powder.

Sheridan wears "Forever Mine" perfume.

Charity wears a teddy bear charm on a necklace for good luck.

Theresa's and Gwen's favorite movie is Gone with the Wind.

Butter Crunch is Miguel's favorite ice cream

Jasmine is Ivy's favorite scent.

Martin Fitzgerald loved fishing.

Butter Crunch is Miguel's favorite ice cream flavor.

Secret Pleasure is Grace's favorite perfume.

Tabitha's favorite character on Bewitched is Endora.

Ethan likes to sleep on the right side of the bed and uses one pillow

Sam Bennett is allergic to mangoes

Luis and Sheridan enjoy eating ice cream in the winter. Luis likes chocolate sprinkles, whereas Sheridan prefers multi-colored sprinkles.

Chocolate Ice Cream is Charity's favorite

Sheridan collects miniature horses (the toy kind, not living ones)

Sheridan is terrified of Mice.

Eve drinks white wine.

Chocolate donuts are Charity's favorite.

Sheridan loves Cookie Dough Ice Cream.

Ethan and Sam both love baseball. As a senior, Ethan batted 470. Both Sam and Ethan throw right handed and used a left bat.

Ethan can impersonate Elvis.

Les Gross Canard was the name of Sheridan's favorite bistro in Paris.

Toledo is Sheridan's favorite place is Spain, possibly all of Europe.

Ethan loves Pilar's Arroz Con Polo

Daisy's are Sheridan's favorite flowers.

Chad wears Hanes underwear.

The Lopez-Fitzgerald's eat Tony's Frozen Pizza

Ivy's favorite perfume is "Tout Nue" which means completely naked in French.

Snakes scare Kay to death

Chocolate Mint is Luis' favorite Ice Cream..

new Hecuba hates pizza

new The Tin Man is Timmy's favorite Oz character.

new Grace loves daffodils.

Childhood Sweethearts

Gwen and Ethan have been in boarding school since they were children. Gwen and Ethan met at a boarding school mixer

Miguel used to date a girl named Jennifer.

Mandy Torrid was another one of Miguel's old girlfriends.

Luis and Beth Wallace were king and queen of the senior prom.

Theresa has never had a boyfriend because she's always loved Ethan. She did go on a fake date once with a guy named Chuck to fool Ethan and Gwen about her feelings for Ethan.

Ivy and Sam had their own private prom because they were unable to attend their school prom because of their secret relationship.

Charity and Miguel died on the Titanic in a previous life as Manvel Conclaves from Spain and Honora Fleming from Macon County Ireland.

Ethan gave Theresa a doll as a gift when they were children.

Miguel gave Charity his grandmas cross.

Ethan and Gwen have been dating since they were 12.

Julian gave Gwen his grandmother's pearls and diamond brooch as a wedding present

Ethan and Gwen shared their first kiss in the Hotchkiss garden, and Ethan carved their initials in a tree there.

Gwen and Ethan won the country club's sailing championship one year.

Gwen bought Ethan a watch inscribed with their birth dates and "Born to Be Together"

Ethan and Gwen's Alma Matter was the Jupiter

Misc Crime Facts

When she was arrested, Sheridan is prisoner 0024

Jack Gallegher is an alias of Hank Bennetts that turned up in some FBI files.

Important Dates

July 5, 1999 - Passions Premiers

January 27 is Witches night in Harmony, a night when the kids search the grave yard for witch graves.

Jobs and other Citizens

Miguel worked on a fishing boat one summer.

Ethan works as a lawyer for Gwen's family.

Theresa worked at the Burger Hut and the Cannery.

Whitney teaches kids tennis at the country club.

TC's dad, James Russell, worked at the country club.

Mayor Walter Dimeretz is the mayor of Harmony.

Dr. Samuels is the Crane's Doctor.

Eve Russell runs the Harmony Free Clinic

Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald is the director of the Harmony Youth Center.

Mrs. Eleanor Crump is the hardest English teacher at Harmony High

Beth Wallace runs the Book Cafe.

Fred Barns owns the lobster shack, but later it was changed to Fred Ferguson.

Charles is the Cranes chauffer.

Chief Burden is chief of Castleton's fire department.

Mrs. Haze is the school secretary at Harmony High.

Mrs. Ramsey is Harmony High School clerk.

Sam and Hank Bennett's dad was Chief of Police.

Howard Sanders was Chad's boss in LA who robbed him of his record producing credits.

Mrs. Jenkins is the biology teacher at Harmony High.

Mrs. Crump is the drama teacher at Harmony High.

Martin Fitzgerald once worked at the Harmony Auto Body Shop

George is the guard at the front gate at the Crane Mansion.

Mrs. Collette is the French designer who made Gwen's dress

Sheriff Trudeo is the sheriff at mountain/ski lodge.

Nate is the Harbormaster

Both Jessica and Whitney have worked as a Candy Stripers

Darla is the Hotchkiss maid

Terrance managed Chad's old building.

Ryan is the Crane Butler

Gill T. Gillian is the name of Harmony's Taxman.

A long time ago, Eve sang at a club called the "Blue Note" in Boston

 Abigail is Ivy's personal dressmaker.

 Jerry is the head of Crane security .

 Carol Ash is the grief counselor at hospital

 Father O'Hara is a priest at the church.


Tim Tim and Doll face are Tabitha's nickname for Timmy.

Tabby and Timmy's Sweet Princess are Timmy's nicknames for Tabitha.

T.C calls Sam, Sammy; and Ivy, Poison Ivy.

Surgarbear is TC's nickname for Simone

Hanky is Luis' nickname for Hank

Hank and Luis sometime refer to once another as "best bud"

Luis and Hank call Ethan "Choir Boy"

Officer Tina nicknamed Luis "Sex on a Stick"

Tabitha once called Charity "Pasty Face"

Tabitha refers to the angel girl as "Angel Brat"

Evil Charity referred to Timmy and Tabitha as "Doll Baby" and "Old Bat."

Gwen's sorority sisters call her Gweny.

Tabitha's nickname for Grace is "Gracie"

Pilar often calls Theresa "Theresita"

Princess is Rebecca's nickname for Gwen.

Theresa calls Whitney "Whit"

Evil Charity called the angel girl "Goldilocks."

Dim-Tim was an insulting name Tabitha once called Timmy.

Julian calls Ivy "The Ice Queen"

T.C calls Sam "Cowboy."

Julian's nickname for Rebecca is "Bec."

Julian's nickname for Suzanne is Crepe Suzanne. He has also called her Sexy Pants.

 Rebecca calls Julian Pokey.

 Rebecca called Theresa the Taco Queen.

Tabitha refers to Reese as "Ross" and geek boy.

 Tabitha calls Grace Gracie.

 Tabitha referred to Miguel, Kay, and Charity as the Von Trap Trio

 Reese calls Grace Mrs. B.

 Both Hecuba and Timmy refer to Father Lonigan as Padre.

 Timmy calls himself "Yours Truly" around Father Lonigan.

 Chad refers to Tabitha as the Nut job.

 Hecuba refers to Timmy as Elf man, Mini-Me, Toy Boy, Ken Doll, and Garden Gnome.

 Hecuba called Charity Miss Mystical and Cousin Pain in the Keaster.

 Tabitha calls Hecuba Mrs. Holier Than Thou and Hec.

 Tabitha calls Father Lonigan Father Buttinsky and Father Failure.

 Tabitha referred to Timmy as Drama Doll.

 Hecuba calls Julian and Rebecca Richie Rich and Flashy Flousie.

 Chad refers to Julian as Master of the Universe

 Julian calls Tabitha Old Woman and Timmy Gnome.

 Timmy refers to Hecuba as Heccy.

 Ivy calls Grace Saint Grace.

 Kay calls Evil Charity Demon Girl.

 Evil Charity refers to Miguel as Pretty Boy.

 Hecuba calls Father Lonigan Father Dreary Drawers, Heaven's Little Helper, and Father Bright Eyes.

 Luis once referred to Sheridan as Hot Lips.

 Tabitha called the angel girl God's Little Party Pooper.

 Whitney once referred to Chad as Reverend Chad.

 Tabitha called Norma Nasty Norma.

Pilar calls Theresa "Mi hija" which means daughter, and Miguel and Luis "Mi hijo" which means son.

Family/Character Histories

Ethan and Sheridan are more like brother and sister than aunt and nephew because they are only 2 years apart age wise.

Sheridan Crane and Princess Diana were good friends.

Tabitha is unnaturally old, Sam has known her his whole life and said she was old when he was a boy.

Luis wanted to study law.

T.C Russell and Sam Bennett went to school together at the local high school where T.C coaches.

Luis was a Don Juan at the local high school and is now a legend.

The Bennetts have been in Harmony for 100 of years, and their grandfather lost everything in the depression, to the Cranes.

Ivy has a mysterious old locket which Sam gave her.

Grace has two left moles on her shoulder, Faith does not.

Kay plays baseball for the high school team.

Gwen had a nanny Bridget.

Faith uses the nickname seeker on the internet.

On the school softball team, Kay is number 20, Miguel is number 5.

Kay's full name is Kathleen Elizabeth Bennett

Ivy has Louis XVI chairs which are family heirlooms

Mindy and Trevor are the school gossips.

Ivy and Sam and Grace's song is Billie Joel's "Just the Way You Are." Also, Grace heard it when she first saw Sam in Boston in an Italian restaurant.

Sheridan Crane went to college with Eleanor Goodwill, who was her sorority sister and now heads the Harmony Woman's League.

Hank became a pool shark while out of harmony.

Father Lonagin lost his eye sight saving the statue of the angel from a fire.

Whitney is the Tennis Team Captain

A fun fact about the Standish family. Since the Standish were fighting Tabitha back during the Salem Witch trials, it is obvious that they have been in this country in the early days of its formation. Interestingly enough, the captain of the Mayflower was Miles Standish!

Sam was voted the coolest guy in his school class.

Sheridan played Lacrosse in boarding school

Ivy has prize winning orchids

Star Avenger is the videogame Charity beat Miguel at.

Sam gave Grace a "mother ring" for Christmas which has a stone for each of their children.

Prudence Standish is Charity's ancestor who was cursed by Tabitha.

Chad's birthmark is on his butt and is oval/tear shaped and is strawberry in color.

Saint Michaels is the church in Boston where Sam and Grace married.

Pilar gave Martin an pocket knife with his initials inscribed on it.

Martin Fitzgerald had a scar behind his ear.

Ivy was a Winthrop before marrying Julian Crane.

Kay makes Pancake Omelet

TC's grandfather was an escaped slave

Alistair has a pet tarantula

Sheridan was a dart champ 2 years running at a pub outside of London.

Gwen keeps a picture of Ethan in her briefcase.

Charity and Miguel were voted best dressed and Prom King and Queen of Harmony High's 2000 Prom.

T.C and Eve, and Sam and Grace are the godparents of each others children.

5798 is the combination to Ivy's attaché case.

Edith Spurierer was the nurse who delivered Ethan.

Hank taught Kay and Jessica how to play poker.

Bailey, Gwen's original maid of honor, and Gwen have been friends since her first year of boarding school.

Alison Bradville is another friend of Gwen's.

Grace and Faith Standish were born at 11:11AM

In the Crane family, the father of the groom is always the best man at Crane weddings.

Gwen's is a Epsilon Gamma Pi and her sisters are Bunny, Buffy, Robin, Squeaky, Muffy, Shannon.

Princess Caroline gave Ethan and Gwen a vase for their wedding.

Rebecca was Ivy's Maid of Honor.

Theresa's flight to Australia was 101

Pilar gave Ethan and Theresa stuffed bears as children, and Ethan named his Raggs.

Ethan and Gwen went to school with Sharon and Robert.

Sam gave Grace a diamond cross for Christmas 2000.

 Julian hired the Boston Red Sox' batting and pitching coaches to help a young Ethan improve his game.

 Eve graduated from the University of Michigan.

 Miguel's basketball number is 05, and he played for the Rockin' Lobsters.

 Ethan pitched for his baseball team in 4th grade, was a rowing champ in college, and was Team Captain of his Lacross team.

 Hank always sings the song "Love the one your with"

 Jessica dressed up as as a balorinia for her first Halloween.

 Sheridan has a magic 8 ball that she's had since college

 Grace wanted to name her baby boy Jack.

 When Jessica was little she had a stuffed toy named Mr. Fuzz.

 Noah had a blue blanket he loved when he was younger.

 Whitney took second at the Juniors Tennis Competition in Orlando

 Pilars phrase for something is wrong and she wants to talk to one of her children is "The dishes need cleaning"

 Ethan Crane's Employee number at Crane Industries was - 145-634