Credit: ATWT Weekly

Never been so happy to see anybody - 7.10.01

Paul: All right, I'm ready. Let's go.
Driver: Excuse me, and you are?
Paul: Paul Ryan.
Driver: Oh, great. I just need to see some identification.
Paul: Look, I got plenty of I.D., Just not on me, okay?
Driver: What?
Paul: I had a hard time getting here so fast, and I lost my wallet somewhere between New York and Oakdale. So just get me to Memorial Hospital. We'll clear up everything there.
Driver: I'm sorry, sir, but I'm supposed to pick up Paul Ryan, and only Paul Ryan. Forgive me, but how am I supposed to know you're who you say you are? For all I know, you could be airport maintenance or something.
Paul: It was a rough trip. Hal Munson made the arrangements. He'll pick up the tab, okay?
Driver: Well, too bad he didn't come to pick you up.
Rose: Excuse me. I'm here to meet a guy named Simon Frasier. He came in on a rented plane. Is he gonna come out of that gate right there?
Attendant: I'm sorry, Miss, all charter planes arrive at gate B-15.
Rose: I'll don't have time for bingo. Okay, I need to find Simon Frasier. Could you just -
Attendant: I'd go to gate B-15.
Rose: Great. Oh, I have time to sit around the airport and wait for people.
Paul: Okay, look, I'll double your fee, triple it. Just please, my mother is in critical condition. Every moment counts. If something were to happen to her before I got there, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.
Driver: I wish I could help you, pal. I got a mother too, you know? But I also have a job. And if I start pickin' up the wrong passengers, I'm not gonna have it much longer. Do you see my point?
(Paul catches sight of Rose and assuming that she is Lily, he hugs her.)
Paul: Thank God you're here! I've never been so happy to see anybody in my life!
Paul: Lily, I'm in a real bind here. This guy won't budge. I've got to get to the hospital, and he won't budge without a credit card or cash -
Rose: Wait, hold on, hold on! Whoo, whoo! Slow down. I mean, that was one of the ten best hugs of my life, don't get me wrong, but you got the wrong Good Samaritan here. I'm Rose, not Lily. Rose.
Paul: Is there supposed to be a joke I'm supposed to get, because I -
Rose: I'm sorry. I know. I'm Lily's twin sister, Rose. Long story. I'd love to tell you all about it some time, but we're both short on time right now, obviously.
Paul: Lily has a twin?
Rose: Mm-hmm.
Paul: Wow, you certainly are identical.
Rose: I like to think I have a little more style than her, but yeah, we're identical.
Paul: Well, I'm sorry I bothered you, okay?
Rose: No, no, no, no, no. Not bothered. Not bothered at all. Love to help you out. Love to! But I got to wait to pick up somebody here for my boss.
Paul: Look, I don't want to keep you. I'll be fine. I'll figure something out.
Rose: No, no, no! See, 'cause it's a long walk to memorial. I kinda overheard what you just said.
Paul: Yeah, I spent the last of my cash convincing a gate agent to let me on the plane at Osaka, so this is it. This is all I've got.
Rose: Oh, it's all prime.
Paul: Sorry?
Rose: It's a crime. It is such a crime how people don't trust people anymore. You know, I may not be the sister with the pot of gold, but I got a couple of nickels to rub together. So this ought to get you where you're goin'.
Paul: Rose, look, I can't take your money.
Rose: You got to go see your mom.
Paul: Thank you, and I'll pay you back. I promise.
Rose: It's a couple of bucks. Don't sweat it, really.
Paul: I don't even know your last name.
Rose: D'Angelo. From Hoboken.
Paul: Well, Rose D'Angelo, it's nice to meet you. You might not have the pot of gold, but you have every bit of your sister's class.
Rose: Oh, yeah, that's me, a real deb. You go see your ma. 'Cause I know somethin' about that. Don't waste a second. And whatever happens, make this time count.
Paul: I will, and thanks. I'll pay you back. I promise.
Rose: Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah. Heard that before. Drop-dead gorgeous, a bod that won't quit, and totally broke. That's a song I can understand.

So you're Paul Ryan? - 7.13.01

Rose: Charming distraction? (Lucinda laughs) That's the "enormous favor"? You want me to be a charming distraction?
Lucinda: And I want you to listen and observe.
Rose: Charming distraction, what is that, like the person sitting next to you on the plane, the one you want there when the plane finally goes "whoo."
Lucinda: Rose, in Istanbul, businessmen take their daughters with them, and the daughter sits demurely and memorizes the conversation and then can give advice.
Rose: I can do that. Who am I distracting?
Lucinda: It's a business meeting, darling. It's Barbara Ryan's son his name is Paul Ryan. Now, he's gonna be with his guard down because he's in his deepest grief about his mother's condition, and what I want to know is whether or not we see eye-to-eye about things and whether bringing Craig Montgomery to his knees is his first priority.
Rose: How could it not be after what he did to this family?
Lucinda: I think so, but quien sabe? And of course, if it isn't, then Paul's a liability.
Rose: Why?
Lucinda: Well, I mean, as young as he is, he's been a fearsome competitor in the past.
Rose: Who came out on top with that one I wonder?
Lucinda: I did.
Rose: Of course!
Lucinda: I'm gonna call that guy in Malta. Why hasn't Lily called?
Rose: Send her my prayers all the way to Malta. (Knock at door) Hey! Look at that! It's my tourist in distress!
Paul: My Good Samaritan.
Rose: Oh, what are you doing here?
Paul: Wait, wait. Before I forget, here you go, $20.
Rose: The money I loaned you for the cab.
Paul: Mm-hmm. I promised you I never forget a loan. You're a lifesaver.
Rose: I'm impressed. You tracked me down. I guess that wasn't hard. You know, you know Lily and everything. You might actually -
Paul: Well, actually, the funny thing is I -
Rose: You know, I don't think it's such a good thing that you're here right now. Some fat cat with sharp fangs and a long memory is just about to walk in the door, and this is not the best place for you to be right now.
Lucinda: Paul, darling! Darling, how good to see you again.
Paul: Lucinda, you haven't changed.
Lucinda: Oh, and you - you're so fit. Well, I'm glad that you could drop by this afternoon. You two have met?
Paul: Yeah. We were just getting acquainted.
Rose: So you're the Paul Ryan?
Paul: Yeah.
Rose: Why didn't you tell me that you were Paul Ryan?
Paul: I thought I did, but I guess I was so bleary-eyed when I ran into you at the airport that I forgot to introduce myself.
Rose: Yeah.
Paul: Blame it on the time warp. One minute, I'm hiking the Himalayas, the next, I'm penniless in Oakdale.
Rose: And here I am at the airport desperately seeking Simon, and I hear this racket going on behind me.
Paul: Yeah, I'm trying to talk to the driver and overlooking the fact that I have no wallet, no I.D -
Rose: And I hear him talking about how he needs to see his mom in the hospital. Touched a soft spot in my heart, so I helped him out.
Lucinda: Darling, how is poor Barbara today?
Paul: Well, the doctors say that she's showing signs of improvement, so -
Lucinda: Good.
Paul: The best medicine for the rest of us is to make sure that the attacker ends up in prison.
Lucinda: Do they any idea who that might be?
Paul: One name comes up time after time.
Rose: And who might that be?
Paul: Craig Montgomery.
Rose: Yeah, that's him. Captain Smug. He's got my vote.
Lucinda: Well, you know, I wouldn't - sit. Let's sit down. Come on. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Craig caused the explosion. He's got a pattern of living off the hard labor of others, mostly women, and then, when they're no longer useful to him, he would have no compunction whatsoever. The things I know about Craig Montgomery. Well, for instance, I know where a substantial portion of your mother's funds ended up.
Rose: He's been using B.R.O. stocks, your mom's, to buy up all the Worldwide stock. He wasn't happy with just taking over one business. He wants to take Lucinda's business, too. You know what? He has issues with women.
Paul: Yeah, I saw the canceled checks. He got his hands on a lot of your stock.
Lucinda: Right, he did. I know, it's silly of me, but you know me. I want it all back.
Lucinda: Well Craig hooks up with these - he's in collusion with a couple of petty crooks who were drugging me with a whole smorgasbord of drugs.
Rose: What they were doing to her was horrible, horrible.
Lucinda: And when I was coming down from my last trip, Craig put out ugly rumors about me and tried to take over worldwide with a hostile takeover.
Rose: Right, right, right, the stock went down - and then Craig is buying it up at a cut rate, left and right, left and right.
Lucinda: He used your mother's money to buy it. Right? Well, of course, Worldwide stock went up. And he was counting on that, that he would have the profits to replace the money in your mother's company. I mean, talk about robbing Peter and Paul, that stuff, he's borrowing from Lucinda to pay Barbara.
Paul: I hear Craig's been a busy boy.
Rose: Oh, you don't know the half of it.
Lucinda: Well, look, I'll be frank. My plan is to make Craig - keep him busy, make him squirm. Now, I don't know if you were planning to bring charges - I mean, embezzlement, or any other misdemeanor. But if you do, he'll be forced to sell his Worldwide stock. Because, you know, the guy, he has living expenses and legal fees. He's absolutely broke!
Paul: You've given this a lot of thought.
Lucinda: Well - oh, darling, you know, I was just thinking - I was just - I hope that we can understand each other, and I hope that we can come to some sort of an agreement on all of this that is financially beneficial to both of us. I mean, we've got to think like this guy. We have to - if we're going to win, we have to think like the miscreant.
Paul: Well, Craig's not getting away with anything. My first order of business was to put the man behind bars. He's there now.
Rose: For what?!
Paul: Bail-jumping.
Rose: Oh! That's amazing, your first day in town. Whoa!
Paul: Stick around. There's more where that came from.
Lucinda: Okay. Good, great! Good! All right, we've slain the dragon for one day. What about tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow?
Rose: Yeah, I think Ms. Walsh is right. I mean, this guy, you cut off his head off, he grows another noggin overnight.
Lucinda: I hope that I can count on you. I mean, do you think we could cooperate?
Paul: My first concern is my mother's full recovery and making sure justice is served.
Lucinda: Oh, absolutely.
Paul: And after that, after she recovers, we'll take care of business then. Till then, I have to go to the police station. I have a meeting.
Lucinda: Oh, I didn't know you were - I thought - I mean, you just got here, darling.
Paul: Well, I'm sure we'll see each other soon. Rose?
Rose: Yeah.
Paul: It was a pleasure to see you again.
Rose: Pleasure's all mine. Bye-bye now. Mmm.

Girl who can make all your dreams come true - 7.13.01

Paul: Rose - you're not following me, are you?
Rose: Sorta.
Paul: Coffee? Question?
Rose: Comment, actually. I didn't peg you for one of those gorgeous-but-dumb types. I mean, your IQ might be in the millions, and you may be able to run a business with your eyes closed, but what good is all that knowledge if you can't tell your friends from your enemies?
Paul: All right, what did I do to deserve this?
Rose: You're not used to accepting help from people. I can see that about you already. Especially from a woman like Lucinda Walsh.
Paul: If she sent you here to encourage me to sell back the Worldwide stock -
Rose: No, no, no. Your business is your business. This woman only goes on missions for herself.
Paul: I'll make note of that.
Rose: Lucinda's offered to help you bring down Craig Montgomery. You're not gonna get a better one. I mean, between you and me and the lamppost, between you and Lucinda, you could do more damage to Craig Montgomery than a firing squad.
Paul: She's got a vendetta against him over a few thousand shares of stock?
Rose: Oh, no, it just comes across like that. No, it's not about stocks and shareholders. With Lucinda, it's about family, and her daughter Sierra and her grandchildren are as important to her as your mom is to you. Your problem's with Craig Montgomery, not Lucinda Walsh.
Paul: Detective, making much progress with the search warrant?
Jack: I've got some bad news.
Paul: I don't want to hear this.
Jack: It's a complicated situation.
Paul: "Complicated"? Interesting term. If that has anything to do with "highly irregular" or "questionable," I'd have to agree with you. All requests have to go through Margo Hughes.
Jack: She's in charge of the investigation.
Paul: Well, how the hell are you supposed to make a case when she's throwing up roadblocks in your face? How am I supposed to run my mother's company without the files that he stole from my office?
Jack: I don't know what I can tell you. I'll do my best.
Rose: And that, my friend, is what you're gonna get from the Oakdale PD. Now, if you're interested into getting into Craig's Lakeview suite, I am the girl who can make all your dreams come true.

You're Incredible - 7.16.01

Rose: You must have missed this living in Paris. Nothing finer than a burger from Al's - oh, except for my homemade pasta, of course. What? Aren't you gonna eat that?
Paul: No, I'm not hungry.
Rose: Oh, all right. Thanks.
Paul: Look, you said something down at the police station, something about being able to sneak into Montgomery's suite?
Rose: Yeah. Easy. Piece of cake. What? What are you looking at me like that? I got some - oh, my, I got somethin' in here, ketchup? No? Oh, you think you can't trust me.
Paul: No. I'm picturing you in one of those cat burglar suits with the - with the flashlight.
Rose: I'd look really cute in that. No, it's not illegal. It's - it might be a little illegal, I'm not -
Paul: Okay, so what's the plan?
Rose: Well, first, you got to tell me what you want to do here. Are we talking about files, something in the suite?
Paul: Yeah, files from the New York office, files that could prove how much he's been siphoning off from my mother's company.
Rose: Shouldn't the police department handle that?
Paul: Yeah, they should, but his sister's heading up the investigation. She's dragging her feet on the warrant.
Rose: I guess even Jack the Ripper had family that loved him.
Paul: Meanwhile, we don't have a lot of time, 'cause he could have an accomplice go in there and destroy all the evidence. Rose: Absolutely.
Paul: So, if you really do have a way to get in there -
Rose: Oh, okay. Hold your horses one second. Did you know that my twin sister Lily owns half the Lakeview?
Paul: Yeah, and Lily's out of the country.
Rose: Maybe I can bring her back.
Paul: I told you, we don't have a lot of time. We gotta -
Rose: Could you stop speaking for like a second, all right? Just let me do my little thing here, okay? Close your eyes. Would you humor me, please? Just for a second, close your eyes. All right, I'll tell you when to open them. (Imitating Lily) "Paul, it's so good to see you again. I understand you met my sister, Rose. Isn't she incredible?" All right, you can open 'em up now.
Paul: Your sister was right. You really are incredible.
Paul: That was amazing. You sound just like her.
Rose: Well, if anybody can get into Craig's suite, it's Lily.
Paul: Okay. Are you sure? I mean, you don't know me, and this could be really risky. You've already bailed me out once.
Rose: What are you talking about? I gave you $20 for cab fair. It's nothing. You know, I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it against Craig, 'cause he hurt my family, too.
Paul: You're really willing to break the law?
Rose: You're trying to save what's left of your mother's company, and you're also trying to nab the guy that tried to kill her. So in my book, that's way up there. If you need any help, I'm here for you.
Paul: Oh, wait, one last thing.
Rose: Oh, mustard?
Paul: Ketchup. I don't think that's something Lily would wear on her chin, do you?

Second favor - 7.16.01

Rose: (imitating Lily) Thank you so much, Kevin. I really appreciate you letting us in here.
Lakeview Manager: There's no telling how much longer Mr. Montgomery will be holding onto this suite, but if Mr. -
Paul: Dennehey.
Lakeview Manager: - Dennehey is interested in a penthouse apartment, this is the best we have.
Rose: (imitating Lily) You're right, absolutely right. Thank you so much. I will remember you at bonus time. Good-bye.
Paul: You should be on stage.
Rose: Hey! You have a very good eye. I have been, actually. I was on stage. I retired after a short but very brilliant career. So what are we looking for?
Paul: Anything with B.R.O. on it.
Rose: You know, I just want to let you know, I can't make a habit out of impersonating Lily. I mean, you may hear some things about me in the past, but I don't do that anymore. I don't - not anymore.
Paul: What do we have here? "Barbara Ryan Originals." It looks like we've just hit the Jackpot.
Paul: We've got to find something, something with Craig's name on it. Anything, a memo, bank transaction, anything that connects him to a large withdrawal of cash.
Rose: What about all those checks that he wrote before your mom got hurt?
Paul: No. He was too smart. He used mom's signature stamp. It's not traceable.
Rose: That's right.
Paul: So we've got to find something that directly relates him to the latest round of missing funds.
Rose: All right.
Paul: Nothing. Nothing. In this whole pile, nothing.
Rose: Well, maybe he hid the icky-sticky stuff somewhere else in the apartment.
Paul: What's this?
Rose: Oh, I found that by the door. It's probably the bill that he'll never pay, of course. Someone must have slipped it under the door.
Paul: "Craig, here are the designs you asked for. Do not try to reach me at home. I'll call you. Enjoy, Carly. PS - once again, you owe me big time." Do you know what these are?
Rose: Well, no.
Paul: These are new designs for B.R.O. That sneaky son of a - and Carly Tenney of all people.
Rose: Your mom - your mom caught him. He was trying to pass off those designs, Carly's designs -
Paul: I know all about Carly Tenney. I just didn't know stepdaddy was planning to replace my mother with his mistress.
Paul: It wasn't enough Craig tried to sneak Carly onto the payroll when my mother was healthy. Now, she's fighting for her life, and he pulls this.
Rose: Wait, you know, maybe we should just leave this to the police, the next part of this -
Paul: This is my battle. Just go. I don't want you to get caught up in this.
Rose: What if the manager comes back looking for Lily? Then I -
Paul: I'll chance it.
Rose: Could you just let me know how this all turns out?
Paul: And thanks, again.
Rose: No problem.

aug 01

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