AUTHOR: Bridget Frawley (


DISCLAIMER: The characters are the property of Viacom and Spelling/Goldberg Productions. No copyright infringement is intended. It is meant for enjoyment purposes. I retain the rights to the plot and not the characters.

Jill was at the hospital. The day had gone from bad to worse. The rain had made her bus late, which made her late to work. When she was crossing the street someone sped by her, splashing mud on her clean uniform. She barely had enough time to change into another one before she got to her doctor's appointment.

Afterwards the morning had been fairly quiet so she decided to do a spot inspection in the examining rooms. She opened the supply tray and frowned. She stalked outside, glanced around and spied a student nurse chatting with an intern in front of the stairway. "Mary, come here!" Jill called angrily.

Both of them darted a quick look in her direction. Mary hurried over while the intern bid a hasty retreat. "Yes, Mrs. Danko?" She ventured nervously.

"Did you, or did you not, tell me that you were going to check all of the examining rooms for supplies?"

"Yes, Mrs. Danko, I did, but -- "

"There are no buts!" Jill interrupted in an icy voice. "I know it's quiet now, but what do you think would happen if there were an emergency? A doctor would lose valuable time trying to find something because YOU were too busy trying to be picked up!"

"But -- " Mary tried again, staring at the ground.

"I want you to do a complete inventory in here right now, and then start on the rest of the rooms. If they're all not completely restocked by this afternoon you will find yourself suspended. Do you understand me?!" Jill stalked off in fury. After a few minutes she calmed down and sighed unhappily. She knew that she'd over-reacted but she couldn't help herself. The doctor had explained that it would take a while for her hormones to level off, but that didn't make things any easier.

She saw a young blond woman in the waiting area, wailing baby in her arms. The mother was pacing back and forth while keeping an anxious eye on the examining room door. She looked over and saw Jill. "Oh, nurse!"

Jill walked over to them and pasted a reassuring smile on her face, sensing the woman's distress. "Can I help you?"

"My name's Linda. Linda Watkins," she stammered, still trying to quiet the baby. "My son broke his arm. At least I think he broke it -- "

"Here," Jill offered, taking the baby from Linda and cradling it in her arms. The baby quieted down after a few seconds. Jill smiled down at it. "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Girl. Her name's Irene," Linda replied with a sigh, grateful for the peace and quiet.

"Hello, Irene," Jill whispered, rocking the baby back and forth gently. "You're a very pretty girl."

Dr. Atkins came out of the examining room and walked over to them. "Mrs. Jenkins?"

"Doctor, how's Timmy?" Linda asked anxiously, hurrying over to him.

"He'll be fine," he answered kindly, "but I'm afraid his arm's definitely broken."

"Will he be all right?"

"Yes, but he'll be in a cast for about four weeks." He looked over and saw Jill holding the baby contentedly. "I can see you've been in capable hands. Mrs. Danko's one of the best nurses we have. Why don't you go inside with Timmy while I finish the paperwork?"

"Thank you, doctor," Linda exclaimed gratefully, giving him a quick hug.

Dr. Atkins patted her arm and walked off.

"Thank you, too, Nurse Danko," Linda continued, taking Irene from a reluctant Jill. "You were a real godsend."

"It was my pleasure," Jill whispered, staring after them for a few seconds as Linda went into examining room two. Her heart broke and she closed her eyes tightly, trying very hard not to cry.

The elevator doors opened and Lt. Ryker walked out, whistling in contentment. "Hello, Mrs. Danko," he called cheerfully as he came up behind her.

She stood stock still, breathing heavily.

"Jill?" He asked, putting his hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong?"

She took a deep breath and opened her eyes. "It's -- I -- " To her dismay her eyes filled with tears.

Ryker glanced around, saw the nurses lounge and led her inside. He helped her sit on the sofa and sat beside her. "Is something wrong?" He asked in a concerned voice.

"No, the doctor said I'll be fine," she answered in a tremulous voice. She sniffled and wiped her eyes. "It's just been one of those days, you know?"

"I've had a few of those myself," he confessed in a relieved voice, patting her hand reassuringly.

"What are you doing here, anyway?"

"I was checking on one of my men who was admitted yesterday," he explained logically. The truth be told he was worried about the doctor's report. "I thought that since I was in the neighborhood I'd take you to lunch."

"I'm not very hungry. Thank you, anyway," she declined with a faint smile that didn't quite make it to her eyes, seeing right through him.

"I think I may know just what you need……a nice, romantic evening with that husband of yours," he suggested, trying to cheer her up.

"We're having dinner with Mike's parents tonight," Jill interrupted miserably, eyes filling with tears again. After a few minutes she wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry."

"It's all right," he said quickly, putting his arm around her shoulder.

"I think I'm just going to go home," she admitted.

"Come on, I'll drop you off."

"No, thanks. I have to do something first." She kissed him on the cheek, got to her feet and left.

Ryker went to the telephone and dialed. "Hello, yes, this is Lieutenant Ryker. I want Danko in my office in 90 minutes. -- I don't care where he is! I want him found and in my office in 90 minutes or else you'll be walking a beat for the next three weeks. Do you understand?! -- I thought so!"

* * * * *

Jill went into examining room one and found Mary diligently checking every cabinet, slamming the drawers with more force than necessary. Jill winced and went inside. "Mary?"

"I'm almost done in here," Mary answered tonelessly, not looking at her.

"I'd like to apologize. I haven't been myself lately but I shouldn't have taken it out on you."

Mary glanced up at her and saw how sincere Jill was. "Shoot, that's okay, Mrs. Danko. We all have bad days sometimes."

"Need some help in here?" Jill offered.

Mary brightened considerably. "Sure thing."

Jill took the clipboard from her and started checking off the supplies that were in the drawers.

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