AUTHOR:  Leslie (


DISCLAIMER: All characters, and other rights are the property of Viacom and Spelling/Goldberg. This is just for fun and amusement no infringement intended.

"What do you mean nobody knows where he is?!" Lieutenant Ryker roared, as Terry and Willie entered. "Where is he supposed to be?"

"You sent him to the beach, sir," the dispatcher replied, cringing. "But, the last transmission was garbled."

"Did you try to raise him, Henderson?" Ryker asked, glaring at the younger man.

"Uh, Lieutenant," Willie said, hesitantly as he and Terry exchanged glances.

Ryker turned to his two rookies and snapped, "What is it, Gillis? Do you have something to contribute?"

"That depends, sir. Who are we looking for?"

"’We’ are not looking for anyone. ‘I’ am looking for Danko. I have been looking for Danko since I spoke with his wife earlier. Have you two seen him?"

"Not since roll call," Terry said. "Sir, remember when you sent us to the beach last month?"

"What about it, Webster? And do you really want to remind me about that right at this moment?"

"If you want help in finding Mike or why he hasn’t called in, yeah," Terry said, bravely.

Ryker sighed. "In my office. Both of you. Now."

Terry and Willie followed Ryker into his inner sanctum and stood waiting for their watch commander to calm down.

"Well, are you two going to stand there or are you going to tell me what’s on your mind?"

"Sir, when you sent us out there, the reception," Willie said, "wasn’t exactly the best. Maybe that’s the problem with Mike. It’s just possible he…"

"That he did to his patrol car what you two did to yours? Is that what you’re telling me, Gillis?"

"Well no, sir," Willie said.

Mike can’t be that dumb, Terry thought to himself as he remembered Ryker’s attitude to the whole incident. His ears were ringing for a week after his superior’s tirade.

"Lieutenant," Terry said, "I think what Willie’s trying to say is, because of the rain and such, no matter where you go, the transmission isn’t going to come through all that well. It’s quite possible that he didn’t hear you anymore than the dispatcher heard him."

"All right, Webster, I agree. Let’s go see where at the beach Danko would have been calling from," Ryker said, as he led the way back out of his office.

"Do you have a clue where Danko was calling from?" Ryker asked the dispatcher, calmly.

"He said he needed wants and warrants on a sports car he was chasing out on Old Canyon Road. His second transmission was the one garbled."

"Did you catch any part of the message?" Ryker demanded.

The dispatcher looked from Terry and Willie. He had a feeling he was about to be sent to the boondocks very soon.

"Something about a tow truck and buggy trail. I tried to raise him to clarify, but…"

Ryker slowly took off his glasses. "What about a tow truck?"

"I think he said he needed one, sir. I couldn’t hear where he was exactly."

"He mentioned Old Canyon Road?" Terry asked.

"Yes. Then it just died."

Terry mentally tried to remember what was on Old Canyon Road. All he could think of…Oh no, he thought to himself, trying very hard not to burst out laughing. Ryker wouldn’t find it the least bit amusing. Neither would Mike, Terry added to himself.

Looking at Willie, who could read his partner like a book, Terry realized he was on his own. "Ah, sir," Terry said, "I’ll bet my next year’s pay check, as small as it will be, that he’s out in mud. Somewhere. I mean, with all the rain we’ve had so far…"

"Danko went chasing after a sports car on the beach?" Ryker said. "Is that what you’re saying?"

"Not exactly, sir."

"Sir," Willie added, "Old Canyon Road, it’s a long stretch. He probably…"

"He’s in the damn woods. Is that what you’re telling me? Danko’s stuck somewhere in the damn woods?"

"Yes, sir," Terry said, looking straight ahead. "That’s what we’re saying."

"Where’s that map of Old Canyon Road?" Ryker demanded.

The dispatcher pointed to the wall behind him. Ryker and his two officers walked over to the map and stared at it as if it could tell them exactly where Mike could be found.

Ryker looked at Terry and Willie. "You two have got to be kidding me."

"No, sir," Willie said. "We’re not."

"There is a good thing about this, Lieutenant," Terry said.

"There is, Webster? And, what pray tell, would that be?"

Terry and Willie exchanged glances. "A sports car couldn’t possibly go through the dry wash."

"You two did it! What makes you think Danko and some idiot in a sports car wouldn’t do the same thing?"

"Because Mike isn’t as stupid as we are?" Willie asked, innocently.

"I want you two to go down there and try to find him. I’m going to send a chopper up and see…"

"Uh, sir," the dispatcher said, "there’s no way anyone is going to send a chopper…"

"They are going to send a chopper up there if I have to fly it myself! Do you understand me?"

"Yes, sir. Should I send any other units out with Webster and Gillis?"

"What do you think, Officer Henderson? God, where is Older when I need him?"

"Out sick, sir," Henderson said.

"That was a rhetorical question, Henderson. Get some units down there. Now!"

"Yes, sir."

"What are you two still doing here?"

"We were just leaving, sir," Terry said, as the two cops fled the office.

Go back to Part Two          Continue to Part Four