AUTHOR: Rhonda (


DISCLAIMER: The Characters are the property of Spelling Goldberg, Viacom, and Screen Gems. No copyright infringement intended. This is just for fun.

The constant driving rain, the low clouds and fog that were part of the rainy package along the coast were causing a damp chill to hang in the air. Mike shivered again and reached for his thermos of hot coffee that he always brought with him on shift. Or, it had been hot this morning. Now it was just warm. But, even so, it was better than nothing. He had been stuck well over an hour so far and was wondering what was taking the tow truck so long.

Sighing, he took another look around the car. He was going to have to start thinking about a couple of other problems common to the wooded coastal canyons during rain storms -- Flooding, flash flooding, and, probably more pertinent to his current situation, mud slides. He figured he was about a quarter mile from the road. Then after that, he wasn't sure how far the next sign of civilization was. Several miles in either direction he thought. The monotone bellow of the lighthouse reminded him that it was there. But it was automated now. Unmanned and probably locked. Yet, if he had to leave the car, it might be his best chance. "Man, I wonder how Jill's appointment went. She's gotta be wondering why I haven't called." He thought as he picked up the mic to try dispatch again.

* * * * *

Once Jill and Mary finished inventorying the exam rooms, Jill received permission from her supervisor to go on home. As she walked to the bus stop, she had this nagging feeling that she couldn't quite explain. It was well past lunch time, but Mike had never called to see what the doctor had said. That was very unlike him. She had called the precinct, but he had been out on patrol so she left a message. Yet he still hadn't returned her call. "They're probably just really busy with accidents and such with this rain." She rationalized as she walked along. "I'm surprised we weren't busier." Soon, she got off the bus at the stop near the apartment, and had just stepped up on the curve when a car sped a around the corner a little too fast, and for the second time that day, she got drenched with water and mud. "Perfect," she mumbled as she headed on up to the apartment, just a little irritated with the day, which looked like it was not going to get any better.

* * * * *

Ryker watched Webster and Gillis scurry out then suddenly stopped them. "Webster, Gillis, wait up. I'm going with you." They stopped in their tracks as Ryker headed into his office to retrieve his raingear.

"Wish he'd make up his mind," Willie muttered to Terri.

"No kidding."

Just as Ryker was about to join them, he was stopped by Henderson. "Lieutenant!" the Sergeant yelled. "I'm getting another garbled transmission. I think its Danko" They gathered around the radio receiver.

"This is.. ... low 7... ETA....tow truck... quarter mile.. trail off .. Old Canyon ...slide conditions ... may abandon..."Then there was nothing but static again.

The Sergeant keyed the mic. "Unit calling you are broken, please repeat.. Ludlow 7? repeat your position."

Ryker noticed a look of deep concentration on Terry's face during the transmissions. "What is it, Webster?"

"William, Lt.... if he comes back on, focus on the background."

A minute later, another transmission was heard. "Ludlow ...Cany..road... trail. Mud slide conditions" Then static again. The Sergeant was not able to raise him again.

"Did you hear it?" Terry said. "the horn sound in the background."

"Yeah." Willie said, triumphantly. "Its the fog horn.. from the lighthouse."

Ryker gave Willie a look of amused approval and walked back to the map. "Here's the lighthouse.. And there's a marked buggy trail leading into a small canyon just across Old Canyon Rd from it. Let's start there. Henderson, request a chopper. Tell them exactly what I said. They probably still won't send one. But tell them anyway. Also, start a unit at each end of Old Canyon Rd. We'll start from the middle which is about the lighthouse. Gillis, Webster. Let's go."

* * * * *

Mike could hear dispatch answering but the comms were very garbled, and he had a feeling they were receiving him just as poorly. He hoped they had made out enough to figure out where he was and what he was going to do, but he had his doubts. Conditions were getting more and more prevalent for a mud slide and he had decided to abandon the car prior to making the last transmission. Taking the keys to the patrol car with him, he headed back up the Dune buggy trail toward Old Canyon Rd.

The trail was muddy and wet and he slipped several times before he reached the highway. By the time he got to the lighthouse, he was covered with mud, and soaked to the bone despite his department issue raingear. Just as he figured, the lighthouse was locked up tight. He huddled just in inside the small entrance way to the door of the lighthouse, taking advantage of what little protection from the weather it offered. He heaved a heavy sigh and slid down the wall to sit on the stone floor. This was just beautiful. Now, Ryker was going to be madder than a wet hen, Jill was going to be madder than a wet hen, and, to boot, so were his parents. Yep, this day was getting better and better.

* * * * *

Jill let the hot water run over her as she showered. She had tried to call Mike again when she reached the apartment, but had again been told he was out on patrol and hey would take a message. She couldn't believe he wasn't calling her back, especially since he had said he would call to check on what the doctor said, and especially since he would want to know what his mother said about postponing dinner. But she saw Eddie Ryker around lunch time. He would have told her if something was wrong. So she guessed he was just out on patrol. "Why aren't you calling me back, Mike!" She said out loud, getting quite frustrated with him and with day in general.

* * * * *

With the curvy roads and bad weather, it took Ludlow 9er and the tow truck which was following, quite a bit longer than usual to get out to the coast, and down Old Canyon Road. Once they got to the intersection with the buggy trail and the lighthouse road, Ryker sent Webster with the tow truck driver up the dunebuggy trail. They didn't get very far. Terry got out of the tow truck and jumped back into the patrol car.

"We got about 100 yards up the trail, Lt. Its impassable. We did see the car though... There's been a slide. There's mud halfway up to the windows. No sign of Mike. Looks like he left it, probably wisely."

"He couldn't be too far. Not in this weather..." Willie added. "Unless he got to the road here and somebody picked him up."

"Anybody traveling this road in the last few hours without good reason would have to be crazy." Ryker said.

Terry nodded. "That leaves the lighthouse, or, a cave or rock outcropping somewhere."

"Let's hope for the lighthouse..."

"He's probably there..." Willie said hopefully.

"I hope so, Gillis." Ryker rolled down his window and yelled over to the tow truck driver. "Jackson...We're going to check the lighthouse for the officer.. if you'll do me a favor and hang out until then..."

Jackson shrugged. "Not sure why. No way we can get that car today, but hey, whatever you want."

"Thank you." Ryker replied with a small smile. "OK, Gillis.. Lets go down to the lighthouse."

Willie slowly drove the patrol car down the gravel road that lead to the lighthouse. They were almost all the way down to the building when Terry broke out in a huge grin. "William, Lt.. I do believe I see a muddy, yellow blob in the entranceway there."

About that time, Mike heard the car, and slowly got to his feet. His face was awash with relief as he saw his friends and the Lt. He trotted out to the car and got in. â "Boy, am I glad to see you guys."

"Well, we're glad to see you too, Danko." Ryker said with the sternest look he could muster. "Are you OK?"

"Nothing a warm cup of coffee, dry clothes, a heater, and a hot shower won't fix. Lt."

Terry and Willie grinned. Then, Terry reached over and turned the car's heater on high as Willie turned the patrol car back toward the highway. Soon they were back at the road and the tow truck.

"Webster, Gillis, you two ride back in the tow truck," Ryker ordered, giving them a look that meant it was not open for discussion.

Willie gave Mike a look of sympathy and in an effort to lighten the moment, teased, "What is this, Terry. He leaves his car in a mud pit and we have to ride in the tow truck?"

Terry just shook his head at Mike. "I don't know Man. I don't know. Don't seem right does it.," Mike gave them a slight smile.

As they climbed into the tow truck, Terry turned to Willie. "I don't think I'd like to be in that car right now."

"Me either..."

Ryker looked over at Mike. "Take everything off down to your T-shirt, except for your uniform pants and get in the front passengers seat. "Mike recognized Ryker's no nonsense tone and did as he was told. Meanwhile, the Lt. walked to the trunk, and got the blanket out, sticking it under his raingear to keep and dry and walked back to the driver's seat. "Here. Wrap this around you."

Mike took the blanket. " I'm sorry about the car, Lt."

"We'll talk about the car later. Right now, I'm going to take you home and on the way, we're going to talk about something else."

Mike looked at him puzzled. "OK.."

As Ryker turned the Patrol car back toward town, his voice took on a gentler, almost fatherly tone as he continued. " I went by the hospital around lunch time. I used the excuse of checking on one of my men that was admitted yesterday, but I really went to check on Jill and possibly take her to lunch."

Mike smiled slightly. He knew the Lt. had become quite fond of Jill, and that the feeling was mutual as well. "Did she buy it?" Mike asked, curious.

Ryker chuckled and gave an exaggerated shake of his head. "Not for a minute."

Mike smiled again, then his look changed to one of concern. "Was she OK?..I was supposed to call around lunch time to see what the doctor said, but I haven't exactly been able to get to a phone..."

Riker nodded. "I think you have a couple of messages to call her at the precinct too...She said the doctor said she'd be fine. But I think she was having a bad day."

"Yeah, it didn't start out really well for either of us.. And if her day has been like mine, it hasn't gotten any better."

"I don't think it did. Twice while I was talking to her, she almost burst into tears. I'm not sure what happened the first time. She was already to that point when I found her. The second time was when I suggested she needed a nice romantic evening with you, and she mentioned dinner at your parents."

Mike sighed and looked down at his hands, then over at the Lt. "Terry and Willie made that same suggestion this morning.. And you are all probably right, in fact I know you are, but Lt., I've been turning them down for a week now. Dad's already accused me of avoiding them. I don't think I can turn them down again. I'm not looking forward to it either, believe me."

Ryker smiled sympathetically. "I'm sure you're not. It doesn't sound like the easiest situations to resolve. Jill doesn't need to go right now, yet, you both do need to go or make some arrangements to get together with them soon."

Mike nodded, then was silent for a moment. He looked over at Ryker with utmost sincerity. "Lt., what would you do?"

"Honestly? I think I'd cancel dinner with my parents, but the decision needs to be yours."

Mike nodded, and sighed, then turned to look out the window deep in thought.

About 20 minutes later, they arrived at the apartment. Ryker parked the car and helped Mike, who still had the blanket around his shoulders, take his wet uniform and gear up.

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